Tuesday, April 6, 2010


So it's 12:16 am, and I have been chatting on Facebook with my cousin about all these strange apocalyptic things he gets neurotic over for way too long, and I don't want to go to bed without at least writing a blog. Not that chatting on facebook is a complete waste of time - it's just... well, chatting about how to survive two different types of nuclear explosions is not really that interesting to me. I told the guy I'd rather chat about what he ate for dinner - but he wasn't impressed. Well, seriously, on a daily basis - I think A LOT about, well, what I'm gonna make for dinner - or what my kids will eat, or how I'll get the - yes - yes - dishes done - or if there's toilet paper in the house, or if the lint dispenser was cleaned out, or if the lights in the backyard are turned off, or if I can make sure that the dead markers in the marker bin are appropriately disposed of. I do not have time to think about nuclear explosions. Plus, I don't really care. If I die in a nuclear explosion - that just could make my life that much easier right? Well, really, I am not a worry wart at all, and I'm glad my cousin is, because if he weren't then I would have never even written the word Nuclear in my blog, ever, never, never.

And this past MONTH - the longest month ever - which was the month of MARCH was so so so long. Which is good. Things dragging out to me are a blessing especially when I do not have recollections anymore of changing diapers or walking around the house at 2am with two kids in my arms trying to calm them down. Nope, I just don't remember. Boring to me - is a blessing - but a blessing I am rarely blessed with because ... well, I'm never bored. But if I WERE bored, even for a moment, I'd happily, sit and fold clothes, or read something other than ingredients on a food label, or a flyer that asks me what movie I'd like to see at the PTA family night. Not that I don't like reading those things, but reading a book - a real real book - not a baby book, not a nutrition book, not a giving birth the natural way book, not a breastfeeding book, not a children's health book, not a baby/mommy/parent/or even teaching related book - I mean a REAL book with fake characters who are not animals and who are over the age of 5 in it - would be so nice. Any recommendations? Anyone? I mean - there IS a chance that in the next few years I might HAVE the time to read one of those kinds of books. (I hope)

But I meant to say - March was crazy. My sister was gone - and for some reason her life adventures play a large roll in my life. Well, she was gone as my mom prepped her soul and body for surgery. And she's doing VERY well, I must say. (Hi mom - I'm so glad you're better.) And that was a little crazy ... but not as crazy as I thought it could be. Plus, my sister had birthday adventures. Plus I watched the movie Urban Cowboy - which was so so fun - because I was SO into John Travolta - and hated him for beating up his wife - but couldn't believe how I kind of - kind of felt forgiveness in my heart for him by the end of the movie... but that's lame - anyway - what else... March... March.... March.... well, whatever happened in March is OVER.... and that's good - because we are another month closer to summer vacation when I can spend every day with my little little ones, and I can hope that Effie never learns to pronounce the letter "G" because everything is that much cuter when your kid says "dass" instead of "grass", and "dapes" instead of "grapes" and "deen" instead of "green", and when she can't say "C's" because "dat's toot" is better than "that's cute".

There really, really, seems to be so so much going on - and the year is flying by again... but I'll try to keep you posted on what April brings our way. And let me just say, that I have the most amazing, beautiful, cute, funny, and wonderful little kids on this planet (I think), and I'm so so so so lucky. I just hope they stay toot forever.

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