There are a million things I'd be better off doing but I won't - for your sake.
But I can't help but want to procrastinate so I can mention a few things that I should not share but I will.
1. I never ever ever put the house phone back on the charger.
2. Every time I walk in the kitchen I notice that there are cabinet doors open. It erks me to pieces.
(I'm the one who doesn't close them)
3. There are various children's shoes all over the house.
4. I never seem to be able to fold laundry straight outta the dryer. Ever.
5. The dishes are NOT done. Because they are NEVER done!
6. There is a chair on my front porch that belongs to Effie that I was supposed to bring in the house 2 weeks ago, and there it is. Along with Giraffe boots.
7. We have a green and hot pink carousel horse mounted in rocks on the front lawn. We must be the most interesting people on the block.
8. It would be nice to be organized. So nice. It's my dream. The dream of the future. Pray that I will make this a reality.
9. There are legos next to the gas pedal of my car. They have been there for 2 weeks as well. Why are they still there?
10. I hate dust. I think it is my worst enemy. That and dishes.
11. You know what stinks? When you make a fancy meal for your kids and they don't touch it. Hmff. All that time working while the kids veg out on tv for nothin.
12. My zucchini plant don't look so hot. hmf.
13. I had a new pair of Gold LA gear jazz shoes that I wore to death for 4 whole days and they are already dead. I'm so mad.
14. My flip flops are dead too.
15. I lost my other slip on shoes.
16. Now I have to spend wasteful time tying shoes. What ever happened to velcro? I need me some nice velcro kicks. Or new flip flops. Or Flojos. Anyone have some?
17. Celia cut Effie's hair in a big way today. I mean, half of the length on the right side of her head is gone. Now she's extra rock and roll.
18. Celia always seems "too tired". I think it runs in the family.
19. When I finally get time to do things... I like to sit and think about what it is I should be doing when I already know what to do.
20. This list of "whatevers" has 20 things, so I better stop now.
No! Never! More lists! I like lists! They make me feel organized! So let me now list some lovely things.
1. Effie drew a lovely drawing on our easel in Orange Permanent marker.
2. Celia then said - "Oh no. She used 'permative' marker mom."
3. Summer is lovely. Summer is lazy. Summer is swimmy.
4. Celia really likes to write letters. Send her a letter with her name on the envelope and she'll write you back. I promise.
5. We planted new flowers.
6. We like going to the magical gardens. Care to join us? (Descanso Gardens)
7. Got tickets to Mexico. I'm So so so so so so so so so excited. I won't have to do MY dishes at least. Other peoples dishes are never as bad!
8. We've discovered coloring pages printed online. When all else fails, print out a minnie coloring sheet from the internet.
9. Play-dough really does make children happy.
10. I've been able to live without napkins in my house for 2 months. (Lucena may understand - because she too grew up with the communal toallita) (translation - little towel)
Ok kids. Time to get to work. Just thought I'd distract myself for a moment. I love summer, and hate that it goes by so quickly. There's so much to do, and I can't seem to get any of it done, but I try. Please distract me, and come over, and help me clean the girls room if you're bored, or lets have a picnic, or steal my children whenever you'd like. Have a great day. I love you.