I'm more than tired and I just can't get it. Every day I say - "tomorrow I"ll feed them more fruit and veggies" - or "tomorrow I'll do that", and "tomorrow I"ll keep on top of the dishes", or "tomorrow I'll make sure they brush better", and "tomorrow they'll bathe", and "tomorrow I"ll make sure they run around outside", but some things just don't happen.
It's late, and as USUAL, clothes need to be folded, dishes need to be put away, and others washed, then put away, I need to clean up everything, vaccume the kid's room, sweep some floors, water some lawns, water other plants, pay some bills, write some emails, make some calls, prepare some food for tomorrow, and yadda yadda yadda yadda. More money in these circumstances could be nice right?
So if you wanna be a mom, and actually hang out with your kids - good luck on getting anything done.
But here are some things we HAVE done in the last week:
1. THE ZOO! (we had a great adventure in which the mighty sea eagle sent out a message to all the animals about wicked queens stealing animal coats that needed to be delivered by Celia. Fun!)
2. Griffith park Carousel - and thanks to Julio we get to ride - for free and stay on at least 3 times... (dizzy) Plus - we went 3 times this last week..
3. The library - at the central library Lida (our fav. librarian) got a new ant farm, and wants to add our caterpillars to the collection to see what happens! We've also been there at least 3 times this week, and got to go back to the Central Library DOWNtown LA in which the dvd selection is preeeettty nice, and NO ONE is ever there in the kids section so my kids get to run rampant.
4. Observatory! - I'm so glad I tricked Alex into going there last month cuz we've been back 4 times and we all LOVE it. The food there now is excellente for my babies, and the ice from the ice machines is exceptionally crunchy and delicious.
PLUS - the Trails cafe down the road and hiking area is superb. The playground stinks but my kids love it, and you can find a very chill ice cream man smoking in his truck playing some very o.g. ice cream truck music his homey recorded for him.
5. PARKS! oh yeah - griffith park - playground. Celia and Effie have a see-saw addiction, and just to note - one side of the seesaw is now missing a foot rest - so watch out.
6. my Homies took me and the kids on an adventure to "THE Americana", and we DID enjoy the 24 second Trolley ride. (that's about it) Have you gone? Isn't it teeeeny??
these have been the places we've been able to manage having sick kids - and once they are better, it'll be back to the pools, other parks, and friends houses - so maybe we'll see you around. AND NOWWWWWWWWW, I will go to the kitchen to have some domestic fun.