Today after swim class with Effie, Alex found a wrapped, brand new, yet slightly wrinkled poster with Gorbachev wearing a pink happy face pin on his jacket, and on the bottom it says in funny fake russian letters "Dun't Vurri, Be Hapski". It's in the dining room and every time I pass it on the way to the kitchen, it warms my heart.
Speaking of the kitchen, I @(%*#%(*% Freakin HATE the dishes sometimes, but after they are done, all that anger seems to get mushed down the garbage disposal. My hatred of the dishes though led to another - flies. I just have to say today THAT I HATE FLIES. They ruined a perfectly lovely stir fried rice I made with shrimp, (that took me a very long time to peel, wash, and clean with my own hands), asparagus, broccoli, tofu, spices, love, onions, garlic, bbq pork spare ribs, and chicken! I put the leftovers (a lot) into a nice tupperware, and as usual I could not find the lid, so I covered it with foil... then an hour later, I was hungry for my wholesome masterpiece, and as I uncovered it, there were (#*$&(@#*$&@(#$*@$(*@$ LIKE 5 Mother Freakin Stupid UGLY DARK BLACK FLIES hanging out on it! They wouldn't even leave! They were stuck to the food! I was SO mad!!!!!! Where the HELL did they come from!!! ok ok, I know there was 1 @(#$*@(#$*& fly in the house before we went to the library, but when I came back they were having a party in my tupperware. I hate them. I hate the dumb ass fly who's life I spared before leaving my house, because he betrayed me and invited Larry, Joe, Moe, Dan, and Buster over for stir fry. The little bastards.
Ok, enough of that. The reason I decided to write - after washing dishes at almost 2am, was because I think it is important to share my philosophy. Here it is:
If you haven't eaten it in a week, and it's perishable - throw it away.
If you haven't used it or cared about it in a year, and it's not valuable - get rid of it.
With that said, tomorrow I will embark upon the task of getting rid of some things I hate seeing around my house. Like collections of plastic pencil sharpeners. Who needs 7? I'm getting antsy. And I really want my car washed. It's a hell hole. Note: If you have kids, your car will look like a trash can. (unless you forbid food, books, shoes, clothes, extra socks, strollers, yo-yo's, straws, pillows, markers, crayons, little hair monitos, cd's and cassette tapes from the car).
I know, I know, enough is enough. I'm gonna go to bed now, and wish Gorbey a Hapski good night.