Can't find my glasses, but I'll write anyway. It's a new year - haven't written much - not even when I've wanted too. I'm kickin myself in the butt for not writing down the many "effie-isms" that have been said lately. I mean, she's way too funny for her own good.
I'll just briefly explain - in list form some new things:
1. My bed is covered in many new pillows. They are very cozy.
2. The bed is also covered with 8 stuffed animals, a ton of change from someone emptying out a piggy bank, and clothes.
3. I'm writing in bed - on my laptop. Probably the first sara the sub blog to ever be written under covers.
4. I've been extremely lazy about doing anything. (probably cuz I'm pregnant)
5. My dishes are done - although the rest of the house looks like a tornado went through it. And to tell you the truth, at this moment, a blog entry and sleep are more important than a mess that I"ll just have to clean and re-clean for the rest of my life.
6. I'm getting bigger by the second. I can feel it.
7. I'm hungry for a full meal about every 2 hours.
8. Still doin the sub thing.
9. Still doin the music thing.
10. I'm so extra dumb busy that it's annoying but my life is so good, I'm gonna say I'd rather it not be any different.
So finally - I got a camera. That to me - besides being pregnant - has been the most exciting thing to happen to me in the last couple of weeks. I forgot the life I used to live behind a viewfinder - and it was always a life with a bit more curiosity, wit, and braver. I have gotten that feeling back. The one you get when you see a picture you want to take, but maybe you're too embarrassed to take it, cuz you don't want anyone to think you're crazy, then you think to yourself "hey, the worst thing that can happen is that they will tell you don't", and so you go on, and just point the camera and do not make eye contact and play dumb. But this doesn't happen often because my subjects are not commonly strangers - but my kids. And the girls never hesitate to pose or smile. And that's awesome.
We've been doing the same old things. Cooking. Driving. Eating. Sleeping. Cleaning. Cooking. Taking to school. Practicing. Homeworking. Not walking. Music classing. And all those things over and over again.
My girls are huge. So big. And so beautiful. They are the most beautiful beautiful little creatures on earth - and they are so excited that a little baby inside my tummy will soon meet them. They can't wait to teach the kid to talk, dance, and have fun. And the baby has been a good incentive for them to be good. As soon as they start to bicker I say. "is that what you wanna show the baby? The baby can hear you - so you better make a good example so the baby won't learn to argue". And they kind of listen, walk up to my belly, rub it, and say "hi baby", and go back to playing.
Celia's waiting for her 2nd tooth to come out. And Effie likes a lot of hair gel to keep her bangs outta her face. They are both so amazing that each time I take a good look at them, I know exactly why I was put on this earth, and I know exactly why I always felt I was destined to do something amazing in this world - and it's because of them. Making those two little girls was EXACTLY what I was born to do. And I'm sure I'll feel the same about "baby #3". He or she is going to be just as wonderful and amazing, and let's all send up the good vibes, prayers, and love that "baby #3" stays safe and gets out of that womb ok, and hopefully not bigger than Effie's whopping 9.8 lbs. Geeeeezzz.
I'll be seeing you readers around as I continue to grow and grow. Bug me and I'll write another blog before another month passes ok.