Well, I've missed you too. How are you my friends?
It's been awhile hasn't it?
It seems that for the past few months the party of the year was looming over my head. But it's over now, and if you didn't go - too bad for you - cuz it was really freakin great. (note to self: "Sara, if you are ever rich, hire a live band for EVERY party - EVERY month!")
For the past few months there has been a party to go to every Saturday. I think we went to a get together or party for 8 consecutive weeks, then there was a week off, and now we're back again. This is all thanks to the Q's! This family keeps us busy!
Everytime September rolls around it seems like the new year has begun. Maybe it's cuz my while life I've either been in school or worked at a school, but now that fall has arrived it seems like everything gets started.
I've cleaned out my kids drawers and closets - so I'm on track to a new beginning.
And dishes - are only 50% done, so that's another story.
But I regress. October is approaching. There will definitely be a party on our part - then another Q party, then a Halloween partay, then November comes, then it's my bday - and I'll be 30 and who knows what I'll be doing - (but as Cathie informed me - The Last Dragon is playing at midnight) hehehehehee.. (if you don't know Leroy Green please Netflix immediately)
And as for partying... I'm exhausted just thinking about the upcoming months - and Christmas for goodness sake - then New Years, then a slight rest - then summer will roll around again, then before I know it I'll be 40. Geez.
And again - Alex decided to read another blog of mine. If you talk to him will you remind him that this is not intended for his eyes! What a critic! The critic of them all! He said my blog sounded like writings of an 80 year old woman reminiscing on old times and exaggerating the truth all the while. Well, mind you mr. hubby... I don't lie in my blogs. I only enhance dialog every once in awhile.
And since I'm on the tip of chastising my husband let me tell you what was on his grocery list - just to give you a laugh.
(You don't know how much I love this guy)
1. Boboli
2. Coffee creamer - caramel
3. Brownie Mix
4. Cake Mix
5. Sprinkles
6. Fruit
7. Chex Mix
8. Sour Cream (the largest container possible)
9. Sausage patties
10. English Muffins
11. Bread
12. Bottled Coke - (mexican not American)
13. Ice Cream - with no HFCS
HAHHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAA. What a life I live! Talk about a sweet tooth huh? I fed the poor guy soup for dinner with Chicken, Rice, Asparagus, Broccoli, and mushrooms - and 2 hours later I get that list. Yahahahaha!
I think I'm gonna go to the dishes now, make a list for the bday party, and have some Ice Cream.