So. I got a laptop and have not had enough time to use it. But since the husband is on the other computer, and I can’t seem to borrow internet right now from my neighbor across the street, even with the window open and no cars parked in front of our houses, I’ll just write this as a document and cut and paste. Presto.
My little snookums of a Celia is done with kindergarten this Friday. I guess no big deal but big deal. I’m glad they are not doing a Graduation thing because I think Kindergarten graduations are lame even though I had one. They are having a pot luck. Pot lucks are better than graduations anyhow. Wait a minute. Celia graduated from preschool. That was cool. Oh whateva.
And Effie is big. But not too big, and not mature yet that’s for sure. She’s funny. Becky knows exactly what I’m talking about. A few others do too I’m sure. She has this thing to her. She rolls her eyes back and puckers her lips while smiling when she talks. There is something so strange and hilarious about her demeanor that makes me want to just sit in front of her all day long and watch her.
Today she flipped because she wanted a German Simpson’s comic book in her hands while eating spaghetti and meatballs. Alex didn’t want her to have comics at the table. We’ve never been good at enforcing those types or rules – like no toys while eating, no jumping on chairs while eating, no showing off your butt while eating, no playing with play-doh while eating, no reading German Simpson’s while eating, etc. So in the end the only way she’d eat the food is if she could read, so she won, yes bad bad me. But afterwards I had a little chat with her and her dad told her it was important to understand that we had to say “no” sometimes and that it would be best if when we said “no” she’d respond with “ok Mom” or “ok Dad”. We told her she was a big girl and had to understand that it was for her own good when we said no. Her response was “I pwomise I’ll undustan when I’m a gawon up”. At least she’ll get it sooner or later. Or much later.
We’ve been super busy. Not too many outings. But some manageable walks around the neighborhood. We are trying to teach the girls to sing do-wop songs while they sit in the stroller and have them sing backgrounds for us. They are not too good at it yet. They do like holding an ipod in the stroller and its cute to see both of them listening as they each hold a speaker to their ear and sing. They did that song Voulez-vou by Abba and they say “Voulez-vou….. A HA! Baby Celia!!” The real song doesn’t say that. Maybe you have to hear them sing it for it to be funny.
I got that trader joe’s vanilla cake mix today and mixed in banana and walnuts and topped it with a homemade frosting made of milk, melted butter and chocolate chips, and powdered sugar all whipped and it was so good. There’s the recipe. Go try it. It’s da bomb.
Since I’m on a random writing thing. Guess what? I know over 20 people who are pregnant. I’m not one of them.
My parents came back after abandoning us to visit friends in Texas. I’m super excited to hear about it. Once while looking at our globe I told Celia about the entire world and all the people I knew around the world, and how we could visit any one of them someday. You name it – Australia, Ireland, Italy, Argentina, Mexico, Hawaii, El Salvador. After we finished talking about all the places I asked her where she wanted to go most. She answered a very quick “Texas”.
Speaking of Texas. Aren’t people in Texas more patriotic than people in California? Well, maybe Effie should move there too. Effie had an American flag that an old teacher of mine gave me, because she said how much kids love waving flags. True that. Little Effie held it out the car window from Glendale to Eagle Rock and back, and for some reason it was the funniest thing to me. Here we are in Glendale, and to see an Armenian Flag, or a Laker’s flag riding high out a car window or on an antenna would be normal, but to see a little teeny arm holding out a big American Flag out the back seat is not. I’m surprised she held on so tight that it didn’t even fly out of her hands on the freeway. I told you she was strange.
Ok. Have a wonderful day. If I find an internet connection I’ll post this right now. Even if I have to go out on the sidewalk.