I kinda thought that with a new little lapy-topy I'd have more time to write blogs. Not the case.
It's too late - 1:51 - finished the craigslist listing and I am giving myself 10 minutes exactly to write something. So my fingers must type. My mom always had incredible typing speed. I'd love to see her rock a laptop keyboard... but I think she may have done best on a big fat typewriter with heavy keys.
We are almost 2 weeks in to summer vacation. I have to admit I feel a bit defeated by the whole situation. I have not put my kids in swim classes, ballet classes, or any classes. I have not been able to take them swimming regularly (too cold)
I have not been able to cook them decent meals. I have not been able to take them anywhere new and exciting ... yet. And I have not been able to teach Celia to read better, or how to ride a bike, or Effie how to hula hoop.
On the other hand - I have been able to:
Sleep in till 8:30am everyday. IT'S AWESOME!!!!!!
Cook half way decent meals.
Teach Celia quite a few piano pieces that I couldn't play until 2nd grade.
Clean my house more than usual.
Let my children watch more TV than they usually do.
Watch movies with Alex on Netflix via the Wii. I'm very very happy with this - and this alone makes it feel like vacation is here.
Keep my houseplants alive.
Have guests over for bbq's.
Visit my homegirls.
Get Celia her 2nd filling at the dentist.
Get a new pet caterpillar.
Get rid of the cardboard house. May he R.I.P
Stephanie's baby shower
Get Extra babysitting from Mr. and Mrs. H
Go to 4 different libraries - so far.
yes. My list of things I have been able to do is very not interesting at all. I can not wait to go on a camping trip so I can write about something better and more interesting and out of the ordinary.
Seriously - my child Celia barely even wants to leave the house. It's like pulling teeth to get her to go anywhere. She was happy to leave the house today for donuts and a trip to Monterey Park but it seems like since school has been out - all she wants to do it either sit in a chair, on her bed, or on the couch, and stare at comic books or picture books, or watch a movie. She is extremely lazy, and I wonder if it's a whole "school's out" thing for her. I don't know. But as long as she's happy, I'm cool with it.
Little rosey cheeks however - is in movie mode. All she wants to do is watch a movie and she'll say "pretty please with love on top". They are watching more than usual - but not more than an hour and a half or so a day. It gets broken up into a Popeye episode, then a bit a Scooby Doo, Fraggles, or some wierd show on Netflix - and this blog is boring me to pieces and 10 minutes have already passed. Let me just say that I am thankful for the non-eventfullness for the most part. The boring tv stuff, the daily ice cream in the afternoon, the sleeping in, the fact that we can take walks again, is all good to me.
I remember reading in Catch-22 - one of the characters talked about boredom - and how great it was because time passed by so slowly when you are bored - and when you have this great time doing something adventurous, time passes too fast. Well, for that reason (even though I am far far far from bored) I am grateful for not having a million things to do. At the current time it only feels like i have 100 things to do.
8 more weeks of summer vacation. I hope that the next time I get a chance to write something - it will be better than this. I'm going to post a bunch of pics from the past couple weeks to make this a better post.