There's a good amount of personal and mental stability and satisfaction that accompanies an at least partially mexican wife and mother's ability to wash every item of clothing in a household and have every dish washed and put away. Did that make sense? If not, let me just say, I feel good.
Tonight I finished watching (after 3 nights) South Pacific. Hahahahahahahahaha. What a freaking funny movie that was. I could NOT STAND the song about "talky talky happy happy", I did not get why the love of "Lutelant Cable" did not speak (the dvd skipped at a few parts), I loved Popeye's dad, (Billis), and if it were not for the ending that made me shed tears (I know, what a lameo I am), I might not have liked it so much. Have you seen it? If not, go rent the Sound of Music.
Something happened today that made me want to start posting pictures. Maybe I should. Well, I got 2 new pairs of shoes. I think (in all honesty) it's been about 2-3 years since I got a new pair of kicks, and I really needed them. I walked into Sportie LA on Melrose, while Alex drove around the block maybe 8 times, and in that time, I got a new pair of black on black Saucony's, and black and white Nike Cortez. I always wanted a pair, but in high school you'd get your ass kicked if you wore them and you didn't belong to Toonerville Locos, or some other gang. So, now, that I'm a mommy, and know karate, I'm not worried. Oh wait, I don't know karate, but I just may as well know it cuz I was Daniel Laruso last halloween.
If you know me, you know I'm kinda poor and cheap, so I begged the lady for a student or mommy discount, (cuz nice kicks ain't cheap) and she said no. Then I took off my very well worn and tattered checkered Vans and put them on the counter. I said "look at these. I haven't gotten a new pair of shoes in years, and I've been going to work and walking around in public with these babies on. Can you please hook up a little break for a busy mom?" She immediately took 30 bucks of the total. Hahahahahaha. (some people in this occasion may chose to use "LOL", but I still like "hahahahahaha")
What a day.