Someone once told me a story about someone else telling him not to "think twice" about a decision, but to "think 3 times". I tend to think about it when I talk to people about having kids.
And here's my second disclaimer since starting a blog:
I in no way or form regret having kids.
With that said: I am saying Think Three Times about having children if you like to go places in a timely manner.
Today was a normal summer Tuesday, in which plans were made to visit people, take my viejo to work, eat, go somewhere, etc, and 10am rolled around with very little progress being made to leave the household.
This may give you an idea of how freaggin crazy, stupid, or difficult things may be at times.
Woke up at 7:30
Played with Effie
Took her to the grocery store
Came back
Put away groceries while Effie sat in the car.
(well, not the entire time) (and don't worry, I left the windows down)
Brought Effie in.
Woke up her sister.
Let them watch a movie.
Made bacon, potatoes, eggs.
Called the clan to eat.
Everyone was busy.
I ate alone.
Celia freaked out about a shoe not being tight enough.
Effie wanted me to carry her throughout Celia's entire fiasco.
Alex ate his breakfast.
Begged the children to eat.
Brought Effie to the table.
She ate potatoes.
Meanwhile Celia was screaming on the toilet about something.
I fixed the shoe.
Everyone was happy.
We drew fairies.
While they drew I shoved food in Effie and Celia's mouth.
They realized it was a delicious, fattening breakfast.
They devoured bacon by the mouthfulls.
Effie decided to eat yogurt.
Effie decided to put her fists in the yogurt.
Effie then mixed yogurt with her water.
Effie dumped the mixture onto the table and floor.
Alex said "lets go already on a walk".
I said " I have to bathe. I have'nt in days and Effie has yogurt in her ears"
Celia needed to draw fancy jewlery on her fairy with green marker.
They left the table.
We all managed to get in the shower.
Effie kept falling out because the door opens to easily.
Celia put soap in her eyes - as usual.
Effie put soap in her mouth and eyes - as usual.
I managed to wash my hair with baby soap.
We made it out of the shower.
Appropriate Diego and Dora towels were distributed.
Wet babies jumped on the bed and ran around the house.
Alex gave up on the idea of going anywhere before having to report to the dungeon.
Tooth brushing.
We made it to the bathroom to brush teeth.
Celia wanted to floss first.
Effie needed Celia's toothbrush.
Celia took it back.
Effie wanted to eat toothpaste as usual.
Celia brushed by herself.
Effie fell off the little bench by the sink. As usual.
Time to put on shoes again, cuz pre-shower everyone was wearing different outfits.
Oh yeah, and Effie did manage to pee on the potty in the morning.
Then pee on the bathroom floor before her shower.
So came the counting threats.
-"OK ok - I"ll take the RED POLKA DOT ONE!"
Not too bad. Got the dress on.
Effie put on a dress.
She decided to then eat cherries.
She put cherrie spit all over her dress while ejecting the pits.
I put her in the car. With no shoes.
Celia came to the car wearing tap shoes 4 sizes too big.
Alex packed the snacks, drinks, got keys, wallets, purses, took out trash.
We made it to the car by 12:15pm.
See what a freaggin morning is like with children? And mind you - I probably left out 114 other big details. Think 3 times.
That's all I can say.