Celia made it through her first day of Kindergarten with absolutely no instruction in English.
It was a little uneventful in that she was supposed to start Monday, but due to the fires school was then canceled on Tuesday, and then on Wednesday.... so by the time Thursday rolled around - we just got her up, gave her some milk and toast by request, put a special note with a drawing of Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl in her Tinkerbell Lunch Bag, and sent her off. She got a picture with her new buddy Hudson before school, gave me a hug, hugged her teacher Senorita Carbajal, then sat on the rug. That was it.
At home, Effie wanted to be with her sister, but decided to play Super Friends with mom and dad. She told me she wanted her friends to play in the "haladustis". (The Hall of Justice) Too cute. Too cute. Oh Effie.
We picked up Celia who was wearing her new Kindergarten hat that said "Bravo! Mi Primer Dia De Kinder!" Too cute. She didn't say much except that she liked Senorita "Carnaval" instead of "Carbajal", and that Hudson could still see without his glasses.
First thing I did was check her lunch, and as suspected - it was all there. It took about 2 hours before she confessed to having a "hot dog on a stick". I still don't get why she forgot her lunch bag in the room. She said she was too shy to take it, so all I can imagine is some lunch person feeling sorry for my kid with no food and giving her a lunch tray in the cafeteria. I only wish I could have been there to watch. She said she ate the whole thing, while she ate her leftover grapes, carrots, and crackers in the car.
Just thought I'd give you all the update. In fact, I want it on record, because I believe the internet may exist in 20 years so Celia and Effie can go back and read it for themselves. I promise to report more soon. Can't wait to play Super Friends again with Rosey Cakes, and see what Celia comes up with tomorrow.