Some kids have an imaginary friend. Celia has 2. In fact they are not really imaginary in a way - they are her left and right hands. Nala used to be her right foot and Simba was her left, but she has transfered the friends into their new bodies, being her hands.
Whenever she's doing anything she talks to her friends, invites them to lunch, and makes sure they are scrubbed well when she washes before a meal. Nala and Simba actually have friends of their own, with names like Channy, and China. China came with us to the park today and didn't want to wake the magical wizard, so she had to go home.
This is all a bit strange to me, cuz I never had an imaginary friend. Maybe they are reserved for breastfed children. Who knows? I remember seeing shows about kids with made up amigos, and for awhile I recall wanting one so I'd have someone to talk to, but I just couldn't get the hang of it. I guess that's ok now, cuz I actually find myself talking to Celia's pals. It shows just how ridiculous I have become yet how social she really is, cuz she can't deal with only having "1" of these friends.
Today I took out Cathie's nail polish for Effie and she chose a cute little pink for her tiny little fingers. Celia took out Silver for SImba and Red for Nala. HAHAHA. What a weirdo she is.
On another note ( and by the way - the dishes are done, in case you were curious ) but Effie now has added about 10 more words to her vocabulary, and one of the words has 2 syllables. (Turtle) I'm very proud of her. Are you? She does this really funny thing now, where when she's in her car seat, I ask her questions and she turns her head and acts all shy, then she slowly moves only her eyeballs to look at me and gives a little sneaky smile. It's too funny.
It's 11:49pm and Monday is quickly approaching. For you suckas who are at work or working, have a great week and go outside and take a nice break. I'll be thinking of you.