There are a few things I've been noticing lately.
One is that I don't close things or put things away - (thanks a lot Dad). I definitely inherited this trait. I think. And likely to a worse degree than Mr. H. But I never close drawers or cabinets. It's starting to get on my nerves. I also like to leave things wherever I am when I finish using them - like the phone on top of Celia and Effie's cardboard box home - (don't worry - they don't sleep in it outside or anything - it's in their room) or leaving hair barrettes above the chimney. I'm workin on it though.
And you know what? You should have seen the mound of dishes this morning. I mean - yesterday we were so busy all day and I cooked an extravagant meal - and blah blah blah, but I woke up to the dirty work and it really was dirty work. I think it took me over 53 minutes to deal with it in its entirety and when I was done I felt like a new super human. The girls watched this stupid movie about Barbie the entire time. So that's what I get for leaving them (the dishes) till morning - kids who are starting to love Barbie. (No offense to Barbie lovers) Oh heavens. And when I was about 90% done, Alex walked in, and I said to myself "he better not complain about the girls watching too much tv, cuz this is a job that can not wait", and you know what he said, "have you ever heard of that saying that mothers are saints? Well, now I can see why they say that." - yes he was referring to my domestic duties and the mighty job of dishwashing, and I told him - no - I had not heard that saying - but I know I have a long ways to go to reach sainthood - well... maybe not too long - but I'm workin on it. (at least it runs in the family - thanks Mom)
Does this make any sense?
Well, whatever - I finished, then asked Alex how much I would have had to pay him to do the job, and he said 10 bucks. He said won't do anything for under 10. Hmm. I should have considered that, but I didn't have 10 bucks on me.
And you would have thought that in all that time - during all those 53 minutes I would have thought of something more interesting to write huh? Well - not really. Even though my mind is constantly stirring with new ideas, new thoughts, etc. etc. etc - I just can't seem to figure out how to organize them into a blog post.
Ok - what you just read was written 4 days ago. It was Friday, and it's now Monday - so I'll start over.
The watching movies - doing back exercises - and having late night snacks has continued - which gives me more time to do things that take me away from the things I should be doing - like cleaning the bathroom mirror, writing a blog entry, trimming Effie's finger and toenails, or really scrubbing the stove. ugg. Please - someone send me a magical housecleaner from the sky that's free. And mom - if you're reading this - don't get any ideas - you know me - in the end I take care of business.
This is starting to get a little jumbled, and you don't know how bad I wish I could write every entry about Alex. I mean, he does the funniest things - you would think he were a comedian. You have to live with him to get it, but I would embarrass him too much if I did - so I won't - at least not now.
But I said in the headline - Thanks for Babysitting mom - cuz tonight we were able to drive and have a conversation - (yes - a conversation between me and Alex that wasn't interrupted by the screams of Celia talking to her hands and feet. Forget Nala and Simba - her hands, she has names now for individual fingers, or Effie freaking out cuz she always drops some kind of food under her butt and can't reach it), eat food in peace and quiet without any of that food falling onto my clothes, on the floor, or having to get a different fork 3 times, or a different plate, or having to warm up 2 different things after serving my kids already and then I realize they aren't gonna eat it, or getting up to get juice again, or another cup cuz the girls won't share, and more than that we were able to take a walk - a walk in which we didn't have to play Cruella De Ville - (which we now have to play every time we take a walk) where Alex is Cruella, and I become Horace and Jasper, and we have to chase the girls, and of course Celia is Anita or Perdita, and Effie is Sargent Tubbs the Cat, or whatever - cuz it gets tiring, and thanks cuz we actually took a hike and watched the sunset - which as cheesy as it sounds is so nice, so with that being said - please know how much I appreciate it. And to all the other babysitters - you KNOW who you are - muchas gracias! Take my kids ANYTIME!
(This sounds so mean doesn't it? Well, mind you I DO really miss them when they are gone - I do - I swear - you don't believe me? Come on - I said I promise)
Ok OK. I'll just say goodbye already, and say things are good. Things are actually better than good. Maybe next time I'll write about all the dejavu's I've been having. Maybe not. Ok enough already. See ya laters.