Mainly cuz it's just a good story. There's no anonymity here. You probably know me, and if you know me you know my family, and if you know my family you know the Q's, and if you know the Q's you know Becky, and if you know Becky, you're lucky, cuz she's one hellova gal. So, before I continue, let me write a disclaimer. I do love Becky, and I'm not mad about what you did to my daughter ok?! Great, now let's continue.
Wednesday: Becky and Alayna took Celia and Effie out around town and to the zoo on one of those unbearably hot days.
Thursday: Mama Lety babysat my kids as usual, cuz it was Thursday night, and I went to a Lachsa Alumni Gala, etc, etc....
Friday: Didn't do much, but it was hot. I think we went swimming somewhere, or to the observatory.
Saturday AM: Monica came over after her AIDS marathon training, and while we were in the living room chatting while the girls watched the Bearenstien Bears (or however you spell it) I noticed that Effie's rat-tail was gone. OMG. jajajaja (that's spanish for LOL)
Monica and I both looked at eachother and asked -"Effie! Where the hell is your rat-tail?" Now I could have sworn Effie's hair was really long, cuz I brush it sometimes, and in the bath I always comment on how lovely her little rat-tail (that she's had since birth mind you) was so sweet, and long, and so very rock n roll. Monica had just made fun of me weeks before for having a kid with a tail. Now my sister and I said if we ever had sons - they would have a tail, and now that I had my Effie, I didn't need a son, because I had a child born with a tail. Jajajaja.
So first thing - (in my mind) I thought "hmmm, someone cut my kids hair! but who??
I asked Celia.
"did you cut Effie's hair?"
She said "No."
"Are you sure?" I asked.
So I called Mama Lety.
"I'm calling because I'm trying to solve the mystery of Effie's haircut."
"I have no idea, it wasn't me. In fact, I noticed her hair was uneven. Did you ask Celia?"
"Yes", I said. "But I'll ask her again".
So, I asked her again, and she answered me.
"Yes. I cut her hair, but just a little on the top."
"With what?" I asked her -
"With my blue Scissors."
"Ahh ha!"
But Monica and I were still a little confused. We found no hair on the bedroom floor where Celia said she did the chopping. Aaaand... Effie's hair was cut so straight!
Hmmmm.. Becky I thought. But since Celia had already confessed to the crime, I believed her. She rarely lies to me ( I think ), so I just thought she did it. Besides, I find her all the time sneaking scissors to her room to cut her dolls' hair and her own...
Later that evening I get a call from Becky.
"It was me! Effie got gum in her hair, and I forgot about it, and I thought you'd be mad cuz I gave her gum, and I didn't know if she was allowed to have gum, and when I saw you I totally forgot".
"Yes, Effie is allowed to have gum with supervision, but not haircuts!"
Ok, so I didn't say that exactly, but that's what I meant.
To make this long story short, Becky could've been scott-free (BTW what does Scott free mean? I'll go ask my friend Skot), but she just had to confess, and in the end I found out that she didn't like the rat tail, and that she felt bad for my little kidling for having such a disgrace of a hairstyle. jajajajaja.
All is said and done, and I still love Becky. It's ok, but a lesson has been learned. If you REALLY like your kids rat-tails, be sure to tell everyone how much you like it or someone someday may just chop it off.
And one more thing - just for Becky - you did do a great job. It looks pro. But next time - throw in a trim of them bangs - the poor girl can barely see!