Sorry this has taken me so long, and either way I am in no position to write. There are way too many other things I should be doing right now at 11:36pm, I have no real funny stories that I can think of, and I have no idea what portraits I have not posted.
Anyway, either way, I am going to write and see what the heck comes through these fingers with freshly cut nails.
Well, we got snail mail today from Alyssa. That was cool. Of course the regular letters come from "ME" (mr. h) which are always well received as well. The girls love our mailman "Arsenio", and I can't help but want to bark "Hoo Hoo Hoo" while swaying my punching fist every time he brings the Penny Saver.
And these past few weeks have been overly busy, and moments of clarity have sprinkled through my life as the summer has become more pronounced. I love summer. Especially summer nights, and I'm so glad they are here, but wish I could enjoy them a little bit more.
On a side note- we threw some of our caterpillars in a jar a few weeks ago, and metamorphisis ....well.... actually happened without killing the poor creatures. Last year the girls were a little obsessed with naming each caterpillar and taking it on a walk with us, and this year - they like giving them away to people in jars with some extra leaves to eat. If you wanna see some - there are about 15 of them on display or already in a cocoon at the Glendale Central library children's department.
So, the computer is going back in the house - so I may actually write more. Walking out in the cold, or dodging skunks and raccoons, or rain, or lightning, or black widows has not made it easy for me to blog. Now that I'll have a computer within reach - you just may be hearing from me a bit more often.
I had to mention a few things.
1. I love Michael Jackson.
2. Vicky and I used to listen to "BAD" without end in my 1992 4-toned Ford Escort, and even busted my speakers listening to "Liberian Girl" way too loud down Ventura Blvd. You can just imagine the amounts of men drooling over 2 strange girls blasting Michael Jackson as if it were 1985 in 1997.
3. I think hearing of the death of MJ was harder on me than finding out Captain EO was pulled outta Disneyland.
4. Mary has the MJ lifesize cut out. Enjoy him forever.
5. I still have 5 MJ t-shirts.
6. It's a shame, but MJ dying has meant almost non-stop MJ music on the radio. I used to say that any day I heard an MJ song on the radio would be a good one, so I can tell it'll be a good summer. (just too bad he had to die for this to happen. Ugk.)
7. If you are ever in a sad, bad, mood Michael can help. I promise. Just listen, or watch.
8. Yeah, I think I'm a little too obsessed, but please let me know if you are coming with me to the funeral. I'm going. For sure.
9. If it weren't for MJ, I wouldn't be the Sara I am today. No way. LIstening to the Jackson 5 in high school forever changed my music taste. Little MJ is my hero. (and Celia's too these days)
10. Dang. Liberian Girl is SUCH a good song.
Thank you Michael Jackson, for making my life so happy. You really really really did make a difference to me.
(Do you think he will read my blog from heaven? hmmm. I wonder.)
And on to other things:
I'm teaching A LOT more - music that is, and by the end of the summer I'll be teaching 5 days a week. (Not full time obviously) So, if you are interested in knowing more about what I'm doing - just email me - and you can join a class or refer someone.
And- we found out the fate of our little almost 5 year old. She'll be going to Kindergarten in September and not at her home school, but South of us a ways, as she'll be in a Spanish Immersion program. Kindergarten will be 90% in Spanish - so let's see how that goes! We're excited for her.
Ok, This will have to stay brief, cuz I have to go. Again, the new computer location will change everything. Talk to you later.