There's one person who doesn't read my blogs, and that's Alex, and that's ok, cuz he knows everything about me. Everything I think, eat, do, etc. We think sometimes that we are actually the same person, because we eat the same meals and breathe the same air all day long, and considering your cells and skin are completely new and regenerated after 7 years or so, now we must be made of the same material. Well, whateva, I ain't no scientist. As Vicky would say: "Barev-a". (slang for "whatever") - and my cousin Benito would say "Guat-eberd". (Mexican for "whatever")
And today my point is to write why I am blogging in the first place.
I don't post youtube clips (yet) of funny ass things I like, or every 80's cartoon and tv show I loved as a kid (even though I'd like to), I don't review movies cuz I never watch any. The main reason I believe to be writing is because I don't get to talk to many people much, and writing a blog is kind of like writing an e-mail blast. People who know you will read it, and unlike an e-mail blast, it won't go into your spam folder. Since I've been a mommy, I haven't had too too much time to just call up friends to tell them all the funny stories, or invite everyone around as much as I'd like, cuz really, getting older makes you busier, and for the most part, people just don't get around to seeing each other as much. Se la vie. And so, this is just a way to let people know what goes on every once in awhile. Mr. H asked me today when I'd blog again, so now I can call him in the morning and let him know I did.
And so it's Sunday, and for me Sunday's are lazy. It is strange that even when I don't work on Mondays, I feel like resting on Sunday. It could be a Horlick thing, or possibly something instinctual or in my DNA perhaps, but something happens on Sunday, and I kind of shut down.
All I want to do on Sundays is take a nap and eat. Sounds good right? Yeah, it would be if you could do it. And today I did get to eat, but didn't nap. Did you? For as long as I can remember I've always wanted to take naps on Sundays but not in the afternoon. Naps on Sundays are best at about 10am, given you've woken up before 8am.
Since I don't have anything particularly funny or interesting to say to any of you today, besides the fact that I watched some of Pete's Dragon and realized that the lady in it (Nora) never even sees the dragon until the last 5 minutes, I better go and try to do some of the things I avoided all day today because it was... Sunday.