Wow. Post number 100! That's almost as cool as Celia gettin all excited about the 100th day of school!
How are you my friends? I can't help but have to say how amazing and wonderful and funny my kids are. Yesterday Effie was in the bathroom after Celia forgot to flush - and she slightly closed one eye, looked at it, and pointed and said - "Is dat Celia's pee?" She looked at me, pointed, looked at the toilet, then looked at me, then said "Ok. I'll go on top if it's Celia's pee".
Tonight I said "I love you Effie". Then she said "Are you in lub wit me?" Of course I said yes. Effie replied - "no - you're in lub with Dada and I'm in lub with Celia". She's so cute I want to shrink her. Everyday I tell her I'm gonna put her in a shrinking machine to keep her tiny forever. She gets even more amazing by the day.
Our big one is still digging the school thing. She got a bigger part in her Yellow Submarine play, and has been glued to the ipod player in the kitchen. She listens to the same songs over and over and has interesting taste. It's the cutest thing to watch her crowd over the smallest little ipod player, and hold it in her arms, and constantly bungle around trying to replay a song, or maneuver the thing. She's even worse at trying to figure that thing out than I am.
So, yes - I saw Pee Wee and it was so so so so so so so so so so so so so so and so much fun. I just wish my girls could have gone because it was so amazing. Cathie can tell you about it here
I won't go on into too much detail, but it was a great night and so much fun to hang with Monica and finally get a night out with her!! (We even hit up the Pantry for chicken fried steak) hehehehe.
And I'm back to subbin' for awhile - in fact I have to get up super early and it's almost 1am, but wanted to post these pics and check in. We've had such a wonderful year so far... and I hope you have too. I lub u guys.