Saturday, July 31, 2010

Some-a Some-a

I’m sitting in a choir loft, behind the organ whose pedals I’m not very good at playing.
A good chuch organ has pedals. Bass pedals that you play with your feet. Considering I tap danced for more than a decade of my life you would think I could coordinate my feet to move in the right direction to hit a right note but it’s not so simple. If only I could – the music would sound better. Maybe I should look up a “how to” video on youtube on how to play church organ pedals correctly.

Oh. Wait a minute. I just forgot. I don’t usually write about those things – and I digress.

Well, I mentioned that because here I am. Sitting alone. Waiting for the right queue so I can sing the “lord have mercy” in about 45 seconds. And as I sit here, I keep kicking myself in the butt for not keeping a small notepad with me at all times to share with you the things that Effie says on an hourly basis that crack me up.

I do remember that this morning Celia and Effie were playing with their new “Polly Pocket Superheros” thanks to my sister and dad who were not afraid to take them outta the box. For some reason, Wonder Woman (Effie) said the wrong thing to mini-Supergirl (Celia), and mini-Supergirl told mini polly pocket Wonder Woman to “take it back” “Take back the words you said Wonder Woman!” Effie had no idea what to do – so I told her to say “I take it back”. So, in Effie language she said “I tate it bat”. Then she told Supergirl “I didn’t know dat wuds tat a bat” – Which translated means “I didn’t know words take a bath”. If you don’t get it – or if it’s not funny to you, no biggy. It’s funny to me.

By the way, I finished playing the “lord have mercy” – and the “Alleluia” already.
The bride- who is celebrating her 25th anniversary right now is named Celia. It’s kind of weird to be typing and hearing the name Celia repeatedly.

I still digress.

Summer is passing quickly. I feel like the time I’ve been spending with my immediate family has been so wonderful. Celia, Effie, Alex and I share 3 meals a day together, bedtime together, and playtime together, and I guess it pays off. Celia does miss school a tad, but says she is not bored. But at least one time a day she reminds me that what she loves most in the world is her “family”. I’m fine with that. Must mean I’m doing my job right. Hopefully.

Strange how cool it’s been this summer. And although it’s fine – to not be sweating my brains off all day, I do miss swimming everyday. Well, I think we are swimming almost everyday – but it’s more fun to me when it’s refreshing and not cold. Whatever.

Speaking of swimming. Celia learned how to swim. Thanks to her cousin Sasha, (who can swim now) and her little friends who are twins – who all know how to swim – she busted out her Virgo perfection-ness and was determined to learn on her own. She’s been like that with bike riding – hula hoping – dribbling a ball – and skipping. Once she wants to learn – she works very hard to do so – and she does.

I’m definitely not like that.

This has also been the summer of facepainting. Every day the girls have been painted. Alex tends to do strange designs. Effie was a pink space spider today, and Celia was Lydia from the Beetlejuice cartoon. Yesterday Effie was a pink space mouse, and Celia was a butterfly. The day before yesterday, Effie was some kind of pink thing with a unicorn, and Celia was a vampire demon. It’s all rather normal to me – but when you are walking around the streets pushing a double jogger with two kids who look like gothic babies or alien children – other people don’t usually look at them as if they are normal. What’s funny too is that those little kids like wearing “one and one”. Meaning – each of them will wear say a blue sock and a red sock. Instead of fighting over pairs of socks, they work it out amongst themselves to just share. So cute.

Well, the bride and groom are renewing their vows now. Which means I better jump back on the organ bench and get ready for the next song. Have a great week. I personally am looking forward to more organizing – more selling on craigslist – more giving on freecylcle, more swimming, more face painting, more cooking, more walking, and more fun with my little chookie kids. I lub dem so much.