Hi. How are you. My name is Sara. I live in Glendale and do not drive a Black Mercedes.
I have to shop at 4 different stores to get what I want to eat, and I do not shop at Costco. (by force, not by choice)
I drive a car with leather seats (which I have blogged about before) yet I'd prefer vinyl seats and no air conditioning if I could just drive a 1982 Toyota Corolla Wagon.
I have to go to Chatsworth soon to get a fix it ticket signed.
I have a stack of bills to pay.
My dishes are waiting for me. Some to wash, some to put away. They are calling my name from across the house, and I yell back to them. I say ... "paaleeze.... give me a second."
I went to Disneyland, and paid for it by myself. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahha... ooohhhahhahahahah. You think that's funny too? Well, you should.
There was a day this week in which my children were abducted for over 6 hours.
Within 2 of those 6 hours, my man and I went to 6 different places. (This is something that is IMPOSSIBLE WITH 2 BABIES IN THE CAR)
Today, we went to 5 places within 2 hours in the car, and it was hell. Who knew that every freakin library in the city of Los Angeles is either closed or doesn't open till 1pm on Sundays. Damn Budget.
I went to see that movie... the Dark Knight and left 20 minutes before it ended. jajajajajajajajaja. In the comments section, please feel free to let me know what happened. (I've heard a little already)
My tawin sista has decided to include her sister into the club, but she can only be a triplet, not a tawin.
I've been a mom for almost 4 years now, (almost 5 if you count having a child in the womb) and I still can't figure out how to feed 3 proper meals to 4 different people a day regularly without ignoring my kids for at least 2 hours total so I can cook all those meals.
I'm never going to let my kids talk me into getting a dog. (please remind me that I put this in writing if I ever forget)
I got a new t-shirt from Al. (Janet Jackson - rhythm nation) oh, so nice.
My sister has new lodgings, and I can't wait to visit her.
Summer is just about over, and I think it's time to deflate the baby pool.
Our xmas tree was outside by the curb for 2 weeks. The trash guys refused to pick it up. My dad smashed it into the green bin. It's sticking out - and is firey red. Do you think they will again refuse to throw it away? Will I live with the tree forever?
On many occasions, while it was out on the curb, I saw people actually stop their car to look. How "barrasing".
My kids are addicted to make-up. This is becoming a problem with my little mute child. She pokes her lips all day, motioning the application of lipstick. She would rather chew on Lip Smakers than eat pizza. Poor girl.
Enough. I know. Have a great week, and I'm sure by next Sunday, something interesting just may happen, and it just may be worth writing about. Peace.