It's way too early in the morning, and way to late in the night.
Since I haven't done the dishes yet tonight, I have no idea what to blog about. Dishwashing is the only quiet activity I take part in on any given day, and while I stand there, washing, wondering, and whimpering, I tend to come up with an idea about what to write about.
I try to think up something that you might be interested in. According to comments (not posted on the blog), Nala and Simba (Celia's imaginary friends) were a little boring. I guess you are right. But doing dishes, and not knowing what to say can be even more boring.
All the things that interest me are not up for discussion. It would end up being gossip about my family or neighbors or friends, and then they'd read it and get mad at me or something.
Ok then. I just thought of something boring to write about. Here:
Yesterday we went again to the Observatory. We go to say hi to Hershel, the astronomer who stands outside along with Galileo and walk around. While we were walking, we saw a lizard. I was just messing around when tried to catch the little thing, and he didn't run away. So, I picked up this baby lizard and walked around with him. Celia named him "Celia". So, we took him home. The whole car ride, he just sat on my finger and didn't go anywhere. He didn't even look like he was dying. He was a little, baby, happy, lizard, who would look at me and wink. I'm serious!
So we got home and made him a home out of a pyrex bowl, put saran wrap on the top, poked holes in it, and gave him some plants, dirt, a caterpillar, a small bug, and a nice window view. For a few hours I would walk back to his new little home, and check up on "Celia". When I'd see him, he was either walking around, or licking the caterpillar. Well, after about the 6th time that I went to see him, he was gone. Effie had poked her finger through one of the airholes, making a big air hole, thus allowing Celia to escape. So... if you are at my house keep your eye open. I miss the little guy.