Hey everyone... uhh.. how are you?
I've been pretty bad at finding time to write. I think once I get on the computer I just start staring at Facebook, and then an hour passes and all I have done is read things that don't even interest me that much, or comment on things I shouldn't even talk about, or whatever. No biggy, but I'd like to be a bit more productive - so maybe this is productive. Or maybe it's not. Who cares!
So, this month - has been wonderful so far. We made it to the beach last week, and it was cold. We haven't gone to Disneyland. I finished teaching es-spanish - and now I'm in an in-between state of sorts. It feels weird to me when I don't have a hundred things to do. I don't have lessons to plan this weekend - except to try to figure out how to teach music in Italian for half an hour on Tuesday even though I don't speak Italian.
And as usual - my kids get funnier by the day. I'll have to start uploading videos - because in all honesty, I really - haven't met anyone as funny as Effie. I used to babysit - I've taught quite a few children in my days - and no one has matched the comedy that is Effie Rose. She is sooooooo funny. I really will just have to carry a notepad tomorrow and report back, because I should just write down everything she says. Do you think it's because she's my kid that I think so highly of her? Well, that is likely - but I have a feeling that even if she weren't mine - I'd still think she's funny.
To summarize some of the events that I can actually remember from this month - let me list:
- Alex and I had a double date last week - just so you all know and it's on the record.
- I rollerskated - thanks to Lucena last week for 2 hours straight. It was rad-i-cal. More than anything because I rollerskated solo to some fancy Soul Jams as my kids and husband were asleep. I should do that more often.
- We saw Betty White at the zoo which caused a big commotion among a school group that made 3 big black girls get down as they danced and sang to the theme song of the Golden Girls as they screamed how much they loved "Rose". It was really pretty awesome, because at first I thought these girls were just randomly singing "Thank you for Being a Friend", and I was like "Wow, how awesome, these girls are so amazing - just randomly shaking their butts to the theme song of one of my favorite TV shows", then Alex pointed to Betty White....(did that make any sense?)
- Stephanie and Dan and Eillen came over, and Dan told some funny ass stories about a drunk named Kenny who talks in the third person and hangs outside a liquor store in Pac-Town (Pacoima) and calls 911 a few times a week so he can just go to Olive View hospital for fun.
- We had two dogs in our house.
- We saw a rabbit this morning - and Effie freaked out - and said "it must be Spring!"
- Then we saw an orange and white cat - and Effie freaked out and said "it must be Spring!"
- Plants are taking over the house.
- We ate at King Torta twice.
- Went on my first field trip with Celia. She came home singing "Who Let The Dogs Out" ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL DAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY and ALLLLLLLLLLLLL NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGHT - and she was able to sound just like the guy who sings it, and ignored every person in her path so she could focus on those "hoo - hoo -hoo - hoo- hoos".
- Celia learned how to use the ipod - I know kinda late - I'm sure a million 2 year olds can use them already, but she is able to navigate through it, which means we have listened to the Los Lobos cover of Grim Grinning Ghosts from the haunted mansion about 148 times today alone. You people may think I'm joking - but I do not exaggerate when I speak of these things. Come on - this is the same girl who chewed on my arm out of terror during "UP". She takes things seriously.
- Ok - I'm feeling boring - and Yeaahhh... I have to do the DISHES - and my dishes partner fell asleep - so I have to do them on the solo tip.... oh well. So good night peeps.
Until next time.
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