Is "eyyyyy" how you would pronounce what the Fonz says? Well, I really wish I were the Fonz.... but I don't want to be a guy. How could I be a girl version of the Fonz....?? I wanna be the Fonz cuz he always wears the same thing and it looks so cozy. I told my students today I was likely meant for sisterhood - or to be a nun, cuz I like wearing the same thing everyday... even though I never do. If I had a cozy white t-shirt, and cozy jeans- and shoes - I would like about 7 pairs of each to wear every day. Don't get me wrong. I like fancy clothes and know I'd be good at sporting them. But I also like simplicity. I went to St. Vincents on Sunday and bought a bunch of new blouses (well, new to me) and sweaters.. and I dug em all, but while I was looking at the clothes I realized why I don't have decent outfits. I'm too lazy to shop! I was tearing through the isles, and looking and looking... and all the while I wanted to do something else. Maybe it's in my blood. Shopping just ain't my thing. That's why I appreciate all you (most of you who read this) who clothe me. Thank you for your old shirts, tank tops, shoes, etc, cuz you are much better at shopping than I and I appreciate your help. Ok. Seriously.. I have some of the same shirts that I've been wearing for years, if not decades now, and it's embarrassing. Enough said.
And this past week was buusssyyy. My mama's been feeling not-so-hot so say your prayers for her - (are you better now mom?) Work has been nuts.. but FUN! Teaching Spanish is always... interesting. I mean, teaching anything to high schoolers is perty cool. They are more interesting than babies in that they laugh at my jokes rather than my silly faces. Well, they laugh at the silly faces too. You can scare them in a way you can't scare little children. You can say bigger words to them. But they are less interesting in that they are not as cute. Plus, they are pubescent. And that in itself should be considered a disease. A disease worth being quarantined for. I mean, just think about it. Well, to speak for myself, I think I should have been isolated or sent to a deserted island from 14-about 17. And I wasn't even really bad. Either way... I'm with 13-16 year olds for 4 hours a day, 3 days a week, and it's... well.... it.... uhhh.... sometimes makes me fear my future with my own children.... or .... sometimes makes me happy that some kids are actually... or can be... wonderful - even during puberty.
And Effie is so cute. Haven't I said that before. I love how she says "yours". She always says things like.
"I want to sit on yours lap"
"Alex is yours husband?"
"Can I see yours mahka?" (marker)
"I loves yours face".
And Celia has enjoyed school so much this week that not once has she asked to sleep in! I think that's a good sign right?
She has more detailed accounts these days of playing "Littlest Pet Shop" every day at lunch, where she is a character named "Poof Poof", and the game they play entails one boy who has to chase all the Littlest Pet Shop Girl Dogs around. Every time I ask her what her favorite part of the school day was, she either says "Avery" (her buddy), "Cafeteria", (lunch time), or "Leer Cuentos". (story time) So, it's going well. Today she said she loved Kindergarten " A super super bunch" with a thumbs up. Ok. So I won't take her out to home school her just yet. hahahaha.
And don't leave your kid in a car seat with a marker. In the 6 minutes it took me to pick Celia up from school Effie painted striped tights on her legs.
We put pumpkin lights around the front door today, and red streamers hanging from the front window. The girls said it was hanging fire going up... whatever that means. It's a Halloween decoration.
Ok kids. Enough said again. Have a great week. I better sleep now, cuz I've spent too much time writing this, when I should actually be doing work. Oh well.
1 comment:
as usual you lit up my day reading the life and times of sara the sub / i likes yours stories / i like yours kids / i like the way you share things / yea for blogging / yea for sara the sub
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