Hey everyone. It's so early I don't know what to do with my time. The girls were asleep before 8am. Kindergarten has done something to my first born that I wasn't anticipating. It gave her an appetite. I mean, she used to eat well, but now she wants to eat all the time. My little babies were always like little birdies, just picking away at food (but I hear birds actually eat a lot, so that it's not really a good analogy) - and now, Celia wants a full meal when she gets home from school, snacks, another full meal, then another snack, and then she sleeps. I'm cool with this though. I feel that her wanting to eat makes me a better mom, cuz now all the things I give her actually go into her stomach instead of laying on a plate that I look at with angst. It actually boggles my mind how much a 5 year old can actually consume. Good thing she's not into flaming hots yet, I can't afford that kind of habit around here.
Effie is still wearing that Minnie bathing suit - at least 5 times a week. Bath time is really the only way to get it off her. I honestly prefer it though to the Minnie costume. The kid sleeps right next to me, and sleeping next to a big sweaty baby in a big itchy Minnie costume is not necessarily annoying, but .... well... silly.
The new routine of school makes for a more human bedtime for me. By 8pm they were asleep. I feel bad cuz I broke a promise though. Last night we crashed in MP after Disneyland, and Celia and Effie were left to sleep by their lonesomes (like most normal children do), and Celia came to my old room to get me around 3am I think. So tonight she said to me:
"Mom. When I sleep in Cathie's old bed I like to sleep on her cozy pillows. But when we're at home in your bed, I like to sleep on your tummy. So tonight, promise me that you'll go to sleep when I go to sleep, and you won't wake up until I wake up ok? You can't leave, or get up until I do ok?" Well, I wanted the kid to sleep peacefully so I said ok. Look at me. A dishonest mother. Geez. But I'll creep back into our California King Sized - turned horizontally - bed in a few minutes cuz my eyes are starting to droop anyway. And yeah, the dishes are done, I mopped the kitchen, I put away about 18 pairs of little shoes, I picked up little scraps of paper from all over the floor where the girls had a scissors party, I finished my lesson plan for tomorrow, I watered the lawn, I put away the dishes, I did some laundry... and it's 11:55 and the only thing I still have to do besides brush and floss is.... put away the last of the clean dishes, move the laundry, make Celia's lunch, pack the music class stuff, print out all the music class stuff, and get back into bed between Minnie Mouse and the other one who won't know that I broke my promise.
its the wake up that counts / if celia didnt there is no problem / another busy day by you for the family / yea / and yea again
We have a California King sized bed turned sideways too - and for that same reason, for the girls who like to lay in bed with us. Though Chloe is old enough now that she sleeps in her bed unless she has a bad dream. And LaRue used to make her way to our bed every morning around 3am, but now since she has been in kindergarten, she stays in her bed all night unless she has a bad dream.
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