It's 9:55pm and I just woke up after having put the girls to bed about an hour ago. I can't see anything cuz I need glasses real bad, and I have to squint so hard to make anything clear. But having just woken up makes it worse cuz my eyes feel all googley and tired. I just talked to my sister. She knows i'm tired.
Wow. Over a week passed without me writing any adventures, and it feels like it's been years. And on the other hand I feel like nothing has happened. I've been trying to figure out what to do for the birthday, check things off of my list of things to do, and keep up with all the people I know who are either getting hitched, getting pregnant, having drama, being sick, or whatever. So much going on. And to top it all off, the freaggin season is here. Hmmff. Or do I say Hooray? I don't know.
So my lovely, quiet, 12 hour a night sleeper, who I may or may not continue to call Destructor got some speech therapy today, and it looks like it'll continue. Two people who have seen the kid agree she's a smarty pants, but a quiet one. I'm excited about her talking. Maybe I shouldn't be though considering what Celia said this week. She called her sister a loser, and told her to shut up for the first time ever. It was so rude, but the only reason she did it, is cuz she saw a kid she looks up to doing it to her little sister, so she was trying to be cool. Oh geez. Here we go. Santa threats come in handy during these situations. All I have to say it "Hmm.. Santa doesn't bring presents to kids who are mean to their sisters", and it works.
Speaking of manipulating your children, I can't get over the power Alex has with reverse psychology. The other day (when Celia's legs were still bandaged from the cuts) I spent 20 minutes trying to get the kid into the bathtub with no luck at all. I called Alex over and said:
Hey - do that thing you do to get her to take a ducky (a bath).
Then Alex says real loud and obnoxiously:
"WHoooooo Loooveess being all fuchy! I do I do!"
You should have seen Celia. She didn't even give him time to say anything else. She didn't even twitch. She just RAN to the bath and turned on the water herself. Effie followed quickly.
Tonight I made the mistake of playing that song "Lollipop" to my kids. Yeah, it's a good song, and we all loved the Stand By Me soundtrack and used to listen to it ourselves, but I heard it about a zillion times today, and I when it was not on, I heard Celia singing, "Lollipop, lollipop, oh lali lai ali, lollipop, lollipop, oh lali ali alil, lollipop, lollipop, oh lali lali ali lollipop... ba boom um um" FOR LITERALLY NO LESS THAN 90 MINUTES STRAIGHT!!!!! She did not stop. And each time she kept going, I thought it'd be the end, then it wasn't again and again. At least Effie can say it now. Maybe I should consider it speech therapy for her sister. Hmm.
Then, later, Alex said:
"What if one day Celia wants to sing that in a talent show?"
And I said
"What if?" "So she will, who cares"
Then he said:
"Well, if she does, I'm not going".
Yaa ha ha ha. Too funny.
dad didn't go to many performance things...but then again he did because he went to video tape 'em all...so, celia is trying to be a tough big sister? beware the peer pressure...and yea for Santa Claus!...ok, the end
as a former bad big sister i second what cathie says. mean names are a tough one to break. i stopped when someone made me embarrassed in a kind way for the way that i was acting. i'm glad effie is holding her own, she's a tough cookie!
Wow. You guys are good. Checking my blog within minutes of me writing it. He He. Yeah, We'll see what we can do about the bully. Santa can't always work, but I'll try to be inventive to keep the peace.
how about starting by quoting mr.t? something like, "i pity the fool who (insert here)...." it's worth trying...
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