I do have a feeling that people read this, so I'll write something for goodness sake. And considering... yes the dishes are done, (I know) I just may as well say a few things or two.
Let's begin with the last conversation I had with the husband.
It all revolved around me telling him I was decrepit. I had a pretty insane muscle spasm in my back on Friday that left me a jacked up. That's one thing.
The next was that my TMJ is really insane and the chiropractor twisted my neck around a few times to help it out. It did help. My jaw still pops, but my neck is in place, and he gave me tips on helping it not pop so much. Either way, it adds to be being decrepit.
Then.. today my knee popped real nasty. I mean it made this gross sound and it hurt. I didn't tell Alex about it until a little while ago when I told him I was his decrepit wife.
Then he said "Don't forget your small teeth and your blind eyes". Ha ha ha.
I don't know why this made me laugh so much, but it did. What a man.
Ok. So that wasn't that funny huh? Well, I already told Becky but the other day when we were sitting at the table it was the usual dinner table insanity, like Celia trying to put on make up, while Effie put all of Celia's make up brushes in a bowl of fideos and corn, while Effie dropped or spit food all over the kitchen, while Celia yelled about Effie taking the brushes, and Effie sat on the table while Celia was doing a pee pee dance in the chair and so on.
Then Alex says: Do you know what our life is like?
I say - What?
He says - It's just like that movie.
Which one?
Indecent Proposal. You're Demi Moore, and I'm Michael Douglas.
Then I said - I don't think Michael Douglas was in that movie.
Well, this may not be funny to you. But it sure was hilarious to me.
Speaking of things that are hilarious to me and not to other people - I wear this Phantom of the Opera sweatshirt a lot lately cuz it fits me pretty good, is warm, and above all glows in the dark, but I'm really actually quite embarrassed about it, cuz I've
1- never seen Phantom of the Opera
2 - don't want any one to think I like musicals - even though I do
3 - am afraid one day someone will say something to me about it, just like they do when I wear Raiders t-shirts and sweatshirts even though I've never seen a Raider game in my life.
And to continue with the comedy here - I had a dream the other night that I was taking a walk and I ran up to the mail man in his truck cuz I forgot to put some mail out. When I got up to the truck I noticed that the mailman was an old Dan Akroyd. I told Mr. Akroyd that it was because of him that I wanted to be a comedian when I grew up cuz I was a big fan of Ghostbusters 2 and Saturday Night Live. What the hell is wrong with me?
And for any of you who are into being happy, and want to pretend there is no economic turmoil - just go to the Americana in Glendale. It's just like Disneyland. Artificial Snow, Trolleys, Dixieland style entertainment, and big Christmas decorations. (But people dress much nicer here at the Armenian Grove than Disneyland) There are no signs of a recession at the Americana at Brand.
Well, have a great week. I will. I hope.
back aches are the worst!!! i sometimes feel decrepit when my back goes out.... ouch!!! are you takin any calcium supplements to strengthen ur bonez... alrite, c u wedenesday... p.s. i haven't seen phantom of the opera either...
I do take calcium. Do you? Stop being so anonymous!
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