Monday, May 17, 2010

Aye Caramba!

Aye indeed. I just finished using a fancy chop-stick to stir my lovely ice coffee with a little extra sugar tonight. Alex and I both get a sweet tooth in the night-time - and it stinks when you have no sweets in your house whatsoever to calm those cravings. I think he opened up a bag of chocolate chips to toss a few in his mouth - and I opted for.... extra sugar in the ice coffee that usually just has milk. So there.

And it's Monday. Monday. Almost time to think about Tuesday Tuesday. Monday for me... well.... hmmm... wasn't the greatest Monday of all time, nor was it the worst. I thought Celia had a dentist appointment today. But she didn't. I got to spend 3 hours in a music studio this morning - which was FUN. And I had no kids with me! MORE FUN! Not that my kids aren't fun, but when you are with them all the time, and the youngest always tugs on your shirt at all times or your leg, or butt, or whatever, it's nice to be free of anyone either on my back, being held in my arms, or doing that tugging stuff.

We stayed home all afternoon. The weather made me feel not so guilty about doing so. We .... ate grapes. Watched 2 episodes of Pee-Wee's Playhouse .... ate more grapes. Played "cook fake food and pretend you don't know how to eat so Effie can use a miniature spoon to put grapes in your mouth so you can pretend she's giving you purple medicine". We played - "let's fight for covers on the bed and kick eachother" (Oh, maybe that's what they played that I had to stop) Then they did homework. Effie gets homework too now. I have no idea why. Then Celia made a map. It said something like "Estamos en el cuarto. Estamos en una foto en una foto" I have no idea why. There were three boxes on the map. One with an "osito" then a "manzana" then a big "osito". Just thought I'd let you know. Fascinating or what? Then the girls took their one hour ducky (bath) so I could fold laundry. Oh yeah - and as I posted on Facebook today, I thought I was all bad-ass and this amazing cook, and remembered eating homemade pizza from my mom's old Italian buddies. Yeah - they are in their 90's and cook these super good meals all the time supposedly, and so I wanted to be just like them, so I rolled out some dough from a recipe I got (which totally totally sucked - excuse my french) - and topped it with a layer of hot bacon grease from the bacon I had been cooking, sauce, cheese, feta cheese, garlic, jalapenos, fresh tomato and mushrooms, and baked it at 425 degrees until it looked like the most amazing pizza creation ever to set foot in my kitchen. And I ate it and it was.... not very good. I'm not going to go into detail about my disappointment - or disenchantment of making my own amazing pizza. I will just say the crust tasted like I should have cut it off and mixed it with apples for a nice "pie" type dessert with vanilla ice cream. ???

And... or course the weekend was very fun. Much thanks to Rebeca Patricia for getting a Masters degree and providing some lovely festivities. Did I mention I broke the pinata?? Well, there I was sitting around chatting Skot's ear off when Becky yelled "Sara's turn!" and I grabbed that stick, and wacked the patooty out of the Chilindrina until her body broke off from her neck, and BAM! I did it! Apparently, not many people had the chance to hit that thing, and our new family member Joel said that he didn't get a chance to hit it, and now he knows not to ever make me mad. Apparently I kicked the crap outta that thing? Maybe I'm exaggerating. I'm just trying to entertain you.

Yeah - and Saturday. I can't even remember what we did! OH! Drum circle again! (FUN!) Join us if you want - email me for detailssss.... and we have a new Saturday morning tradition. Pack lunches. Go to drum circle. Drive through the boonies. Get to Sun Thrift shop in the boonies. Buy toys. Eat packed lunches. Effie nap. Go home. Play wedding. Play quinceaneara. Go home. Cook. Visit someone. Go to target. Go to store. Go to bed. Sound fun? Yeah... it is. No rest for the... non-resters.

Yeah - and Sunday! Are you ready for this! Another party? Alex and I had fun DJ'ing and I have no idea if anyone even listened to all the hits we were turning out for the Q's. Either way - it was fun. Somehow we ended up in San Pedro. For some reason, in Burbank it was sunny. Then we got on the 110 freeway and at about the 105 it got cloudy. And it was gloomy. Then we made it to San Pedro. The Korean Friendship bell had closed so we hit up that perty park that overlooks the ocean. Have you ever been there? It's nice. They have this stage where the girls played an hour long game of presenting which meant that all four of us had to do a choreographed danced to a song called "Got the world by the tail" about 8 times because Effie told us to. Wouldn't you have liked to been there watching us? Well... there were a few people in the park, none of which seemed interested in watching these people dance on a stage with their kids. Effie would send us out to the audience and then demand us back on stage immediately. She's strange. It had been awhile since we played "presenting". Effie would stand up at the edge of this stage, and fold her arms and say "Hi ebewyone. I'm Effie. Tank you audience. Dis is my mom. Dis is my dad. Dis is my sistew. Wes awe goins to sing a song fo yous. Tank you" Then she'd scramble to get us in our places. We did this whole little show after they played at the playground and some little punk ass two year old with a stinky diaper threw an acorn at Celia's face giving her a small welt on the side of her eye while his parents were making out on a blanket about 100 feet away. Yes. I talked to them and was mad. Whatever.

So, there you go. My life story as of last Friday. I hope the rest of the week is as wonderful as the last. I hope you guys are all happy and doing something interesting, so that when we talk, I can hear what you have been up to since you already know everything I do practically. Have a superb week. Don't forget to go to Celia's school for World Fest on May 22nd. Be there at 1:45 - her class sings at 2pm. Peace out.

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