So. Last night - or the other night, Effie - who always is playing "someone", like Minnie, or a Fraggle, said "Mom - lets play Red Fraggle. She's going to a party." So we start to play, and have a party, and have cake, then Effie says "Time fa Dinna!" and I say "what's for dinner?" and she says "Poy-Sun!".
That was weird. I didn't know she knew about poison, but it must have something to do with Snow White's apple. And she is convinced Snow White is gonna sit next to her when we go to the El Capitan to see it next month.
Tonight we went to see the movie "Ponyo" with Becky. It was good. And after we were talking about the movie "Up", and I asked her - "Did you like the movie Up?", and then Effie said - "I like da mooby Down".
That was funny.
And the reason I wanted to write about Poison today, was because I had a little chat with Poison Control.
So, you know I have a zillion things to do, that I don't always get done, like the stupid dishes that seem to pile up to the sky by the late afternoon, or the laundry that crowds my house - and I had ALL the laundry done, so I decided to wash the blankets and sheets, and pillow cases yadda yadda yadda, and so Alex dried them, and put em in a basket and left that basket on the bed. While the girls were playing Justice League in the bathtub, I decided to put on the fresh sheets. I picked up the laundry basket and had my hands grabbing onto the sides of the basket. Not where the handles are, but in the crevices on the sides. Anyhow, I feel something with my right ring finger, thinking its a piece of fussy lint that had accumulated, but wondered why it felt a little moist.
I didn't move my finger, but as I moved the basket, I decided to put it down, and throw away the little piece of dusty, moist, lint that was on my finger, so I kinda use my finger to scoop it up, then I take a look.
So, I screamed like a lunatic and said " A F@#$(*&$@$%N BLACK WIDOW!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"
Considering how many we see outside, and sometimes near the doors and windows, it was bound to happen to someone around here. I did a good spray a few months ago that made them either go away, die, or hide better, so I hadn't seen one in awhile. Anyhow, the one I killed and its babies made a little home under the sides of the laundry basket and must have gotten there the night I accidentally left the backdoor wide open and the empty laundry basket next to the door, or something stupid like that.
Anyway - I flicked that little sucker into the air, and ran to the bathroom to rinse off the venom I thought was going to kill me right then and there, then I had to recount what happened about 4 times to Alex who was trying to make sense of it, and my hand and finger hurt real bad, and I know it was psycho-somatic, and I didn't want to over-react, so we did a little online research and read that a black widow bite can go un-noticed - so I called poison control and realized I would live. To make this particular long and lame story short, I was fine, it didn't bite me, and I'm proof that you can kill a black widow with your bare hand without a care in the world. But don't go and try it ok?
It just happened to be the grossest thing that ever happened to me next to getting stung by a stupid bee on my eyelid and looking like Quasimoto for 2 days during Summer Camp 1987. Yuk. Yuk. Yuk. I hate poy-sun.
And the summer is not quite over for us. I hope to see some of you soon. Be good. Take care, and check your laundry baskets.
im glad none of the spider poy-sun got into you / i wish i could of seen the jumping and yelling / now why dont you film that stuff / glad you are ok and glad about everything you and the other q's do / bring some kids around and you can check for spiders around the house without getting all cited / glad the spider juice was not poy-sun
oh this made me laugh again, the spider part, I really did LOL, HAH HAH (Don't make me laugh. - Think of Danny Zucco)
beware spiders!
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