Before I forget all the funny things I was thinking about I should write them down. Well, I probably won't remember too many funny things - but I may remember one or two.
And after that - I'll mention Celia's graduation by request of Gina ok?
Well, tonight it was really late when we were hitting the bed, and had just come back from my moms, and neither kid was asleep on the way home cuz they were taking turns listening to their favorite disney songs, from an old disney cassette tape; so this is how it was:
"My turn! My turn next! I want to hear Mr. Piano Man (an Annette song) and Ducktales!"
Then Effie would say
"Mie Toorn! DIsneywand Song Furst!" (so she'd hear tiki room, then small world, then we'd hear Ducktales over and over, then we'd skip the Tale Spin song, cuz they for some reason don't like it as much, and because of this no one was asleep, but they had peed and brushed, I grabbed the gummi vitamins and told them to march right into bed, and they did so - so I turned off the light, and was able to skip the reading books part of the night by telling them I had a surprise.
So the lights were off, we were in the bed, Celia sleeps on my stomach, Effie, under my right arm always, and Celia says:
"What's the surpize! What's the surprise!???"
"Well". I say... "I wanted to tell you how happy I was that you were in my life, and I'm so happy I had you guys cuz you are the most wonderful children. That was my surprise."
There was a bit of a long pause..... and I thought Celia might say "Aww mom, thank you so much!"
But she said:
"Hmm... I was hoping that the surprise was going to be glow in the dark".
Then as the night time bed time stories progressed she begged for stories of the wuzzles. Do you know who the Wuzzles are? Well, it was an 80's Disney cartoon about split personality animals, anyway, Celia and Effie are in love with it, and beg to watch youtube episodes, and Right when Celia was almost asleep she says:
"I'm so excited to have the Wuzzles Collection DVD".
I don't know where she's gonna get it. It's only in the UK.
Anyhow, about 2 minutes later she says " I have to pee"
And Effie says "Poo Poo"
So I take em both to the potty. They go, they wipe, they flush.
Then back in bed, I say I'll tell you one more story then you gotta go to bed.
Celia says:
"What kinda story are you gonna tell us?!"
I"ll tell you a story about your mom and dad and how we met.
"Mom, I don't want a story about you and Dad in the human world. I want a real STORY about when you and Dad traveled to the land of Wuz."
So I told them that story, which I won't recount, and they fell asleep, and so did I, but Alex woke me up and here I am.
And so Celia's graduation:
Effie and I -my folks, in-laws, and Becky and Louie were among the select few to watch this elaborate ceremony, and I really may actually try to post the video - but ... I was expecting a small thing, pass out a paper, have a paper hat on, say good bye and eat some chips.
Nope. It was the real deal.
Special seating.
Pomp and circumstance.
a PA system.
This was the real deal. I felt bad that I hadn't invited everyone I knew. But I had no idea.
Anyhow, all the kids walked out to "Pomp and Circumstance", which I thought was cute, and even cuter when every kid was walking in a straight line, except fancy Celia who was strutting and gliding across the floor waving and bowing, and blowing kisses as if she were in a Disneyland parade. It was too funny.
And when all the kids were in their seats, that didn't stop my fancy child from waving, turning her head like a coy Snow White who's shying away from the prince, and holding her dress so properly. It was very hard not to laugh the entire time.
And they did a show, and sang some songs, and everyone's favorite was the "hi. my name is bill song."
Then all the kids went up to say what they wanna be when they grow up, and Celia said she wanted to be "An artist cuz I like to draw", which was rather boring in comparison to "I wanna be an Ice Cream maker cuz I like to give people Ice Cream", or "I wanna be a wrestler because I like to hit", Or "i wanna be a prince so I can slay dragons".
Ha. I guess the boys were a bit more inventive on that one. But Celia did great. Effie was so proud as well and excited for her sister, and I'm sure she'll do the same one day.
Well, that was the jist of it. Things have been quite busy and insane lately, and I'll try to keep keeping up. But hope everyone is good in the hood.. cuz I am. Good night.
amazon kids sofa
11 months ago
1 comment:
thats my q kids / fun all the time and filled with smiles too / the grad was great great and celia was wonderful as she received her personalized diploma / wow / both the kids are so great to be around / keep on sharing things with us
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