there's no time for play
there's no time for fun
there's no time for blogging
there's work to be done.
there's so much to do I can't even stand it sometimes. There's outings, birthday parties, jobs, no jobs, cleaning, cooking, cleaning, cooking, walking, shopping, jumping out of the car while alex entertains the children, no tv, too much tv, cleaning, planning, organizing, uncluttering, cluttering, messing up, library-ing, thinking, not thinking, winking, eating, sleeping, (yes- I do sleep), getting bags under my eyes, brushing my hair sometimes, playing music, playing tea, playing put stickers everywhere, playing water the lawn, water the garden, water effie, then trying to make a mess, stay awake, sleep, aggravate people, keep my patience, be kind, think straight, think crooked. I don't know. I think right now I'm not thinking straight.
Probably not, cuz I don't have time to blog. In fact, I have to go. I know. I know. It's been way too long, but I'm here to say, hang tight. I'll be back in a couple days. Then I can catch up or start over. It's late and I have to check on the babies that I can't hear at the moment, and I have a husband who I haven't spoken to for more than 3 minutes for about a week and a half. Yes. We spend every day together but we have these 2 tiny munchkins constantly screaming and laughing and crying and yelling and talking and blabbing and whining and loving for us to give them every waking second of our attention. And you know what. We usually give it to them. So I have to go. But I miss you!
1 comment:
and i miss you / there is never enough time but the wait for a report from sara the sub is worth it / the q's are just so fun funny and special / keep on trying and keep on funning with the kids and alex
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