I was listening to some program on the radio one day while washing the dishes (which is my new thing, cuz listening makes me feel like I have company while I do the dirty work) and they (who's they you ask? I don't know) were talking about how some guy who works for microsoft has been wearing a teeny tiny camera attached to his eyebrow for many years now, and at the end of each day, he watches his entire day in some fast forward version that takes 3 minutes and I guess the point is that you forget exactly HOW much you actually do in a day. And I think My point is that I wish I had one of those things, cuz various times throughout the day something happens that I want to recall for the blog, but by this time I can't remember a thing. And forget the end of each day... I haven't written in weeks and I know a zillion funny wonderful things have happened but I don't even know where to begin.
Hmmm... let's see how I can update you the best. Hmm. Ok, fine I'll make a list. I like lists. I just wish I could make lists of things to do that I'd actually do. But that's besides the point.
!. I decided to stop taking Celia to the Nazi ballet teacher. Effie refused to dance, and I got too sleepy watching Celia yawn 37 times in 30 minutes.
2. We went to the Observatory to see... Hershel, and found out that if they say you can't park up at the top, just tell em that you have to drop off two crying babies with one parent, then they'll let you go up, and there will inevitably be parking up there.
3. Offspring number 2 is talking. A LOT! She likes to say "No way Jose". But it sounds like "Naway Ze".
4. I think Alex and I have been out 2 times without babies at night in 2 weeks thanks to Mo and Tree.
5. I started working again, not much, but just enough, and it'z cool.
6. I really miss writing this blog, and hope to get back into a weekly routine, so please, be patient with me.
7. Went bowling, and found out Effie has no problem lifting 12 pound bowling balls but likes dropping them.
So as you can see things have been ... normal... I guess. A lot has happened and things haven't been too crazy. I've been able to deal positively with the girls and now am just worried about Kindergarten and the fact that they are getting too big, too fast, and it scares me.
I've gots to go, but I think that I'm gonna keep a little pen with me to write notes on my hand or a scrap piece of paper so as not to offend my father (cuz he doesn't dig the writing on the hand thing) so I can be sure to blog next time about all the freakin funny stuff my kids say everyday. And if you miss them, come visit, or call, or write, cuz the girls are absolutely incredible.
talk to me about it. i have the worst memory. i will be in class talking to them about something, and i will forget a really simple word. and i'm just blank in front of 30 student.
call me next time you go bowling, i love to bowl!
memories, and yes do not write on your hand, dad gave me a dirty look when we picked up the invites at CVS and I had writing on my hand. i ike taking notes i take good notes, i should find someone to pay me for taking notes during Q&A's I am very detailed and almost get everything word for word...is there such a job out there? besides me using it for my blogy blog?
there is so much scrap paper around no one has to hand write / of course some kids i know have been taught to marker write on themselves so its a neverending story i guess / it is always nice to hear about the fun times the q's have / effie rose and celia are much more fun then 2 other girls i spent a lot of time watching grow up so i guess a little hand writing can be excused - by them and only them
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