Yeah, that time of the .... week, when I finally have a second to write. Well, it may take more than a second.
Again, besides the layers of skin that got washed off my hands in blistering hot water tonight while I ... yeah, washed the... you know what, I also decided what I'd write about.
But although I decided it doesn't mean I'll write about it. Cuz my dad would say I shouldn't be embarrassing myself so much, and I should spare you. But I'll leave it short and tell you this:
After I got home from the post-office, after having just walked out of the house without telling anyone I was even leaving, I sat on the couch, cuddled next to Alex, who was sitting pretty much underneath both Celia and Effie and he said:
"Who are you right now? Jekyll? Or Hyde?"
Hahahaha. Thank God that the man has a sense of humor when it comes to that ... well, you know, that... syndrome. You know.... that monthly syndrome that starts with a "P"? I will stop there.
Soo.... yeah... besides that comedy. I can add to it with a few things that older offspring said this past week. And by the way, it's been a real nice 2009 (today alone we did the zoo, thrift store, super walk of the century, the library, plus I made rice, enchiladas, chocolate chip blankets for the pigs - or shall I say chocolate chip pancakes with sausage, had lunch packed by 8am, did no laundry, and put both kids to bed other than mine before 9 - success??? YES!)
Oh back to Celia:
This starts with me:
"Celia!!! You need to behave!"
"Maaahhhmmm! I don't LIKE being heyve"
Yesterday while coloring at the table she said.
"Dad - you know what God says?"
"What does God say?"
"He says you NEED to do ALL your homework."
Poor child is confusing her pre-school teacher with God. I think I need to up the amount of in-home catechism. Really, cuz tonight while putting her to sleep, (in her own bed) she said.
"Oh, Mom. I'm so glad we're sleeping in MY bed with all my toys. I'm SO happy that all my dolls and animals are here. And baby Jesus is here with me too. You know Mom, Santa lives with baby Jesus in the North Pole."
Well, I did not know that. Because it's not true. But it was too late to discuss the whereabouts of her two favorite invisible people: Santa, and Baby Jesus.
There's just too much. That kid is really.... ahh... interesting. I have to admit. And the other. She is the cutest thing I've ever seen. Have you seen her lately? I mean, Effie is so cute I'm practically in tears every day. She likes to lay on top of this little princess table she has, then while her tummy is on the table she does leg lifts and yells real loud "Up! Down! Up! Down!" All to herself. And in the car, when you tell her to sing, she'll shut her eyes real tight and move her mouth the way a ventriloquist's dummy does real fast and it's more distracting while driving than the cell phone. I can't stop laughing when she does that. Please, next time you see her, ask her to do it.
Well kids, have a great week. If you are up for Disneyland on Thursday, hit me up.
on for disneyland and i agree that celia and effie rose are the best of the best of the best / its great to hear about a day going great / keep doing your thing and having fun with the kids and alex / yea for the q's
i was reading this to mike, and we were in stitches. i love when they both sing, so cute!
DUde- don't bust her bubble about baby jesus and santa. That could work to your benefit in the future. Trust!
you're right - that's why i didn't say anything.
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