I'm about 90% there.
For 3 nights in a row I've gotten my kids to bed within 15 minutes of turning out the lights. You may think that's a long time, but it used to be anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour for the girls to settle with the lights out. There was always a "I forgot to make a wish", or a "Mimmy (minnie)" from Effie, or a "baby Mimmy", meaning Effie's minnie needed her baby, or "more water please", or "where's Dad", or a "Dada!", or about 20 other things.
But now... we do the routine, and by 7:45 we're in bed. Of course we do read at least 5 books, sometimes 17, but when the books are done, I turn off the lights, and I say:
"Did we brush our teeth?"
"CHECK!" (the girls say)
"Did we read our books?"
"Did we have our sippy of water?"
"Did we say our prayers?"
"Did we get in our pajamas?"
"Did we make our wish on our wishy stars?"
"Do you have Eeyore?"
"Do you have Minnie, baby minnie, and baby baby Minnie?"
"Did we have a before bedtime snack?"
"Did we give our goodnight hugs?"
"Did we give our goodnight Kiss?"
Then I sing this new lullaby that I made up and they fall asleep quick. But tonight Alex tried singing it with me, and being out of tune, and not knowing the song, and hearing him hum a tune that sounded like a Communion Hymn kind of slowed the process down, cuz I kept trying to shush him. But either way, they all (including Alex) were asleep by 8:30. Fine by me.
I ended up taking off to do my grocery shopping and saw a ton of kids at the store, and I just felt sorry for the parents. Cuz that means, if they aren't in bed by 9:30, they still have to get home, and do whatever THEY do before going to bed, and then it'll be 11pm before the poor moms can rest.
But it's 12:15 am now, and I did the domestic duty of... NO... not the dishes - they are still patiently waiting for me... but I .... picked up about 14 marker caps, put away 17 dvds in their appropriate boxes, picked up pieces of make up, toys, books, trash, crap, junk, clothes, dirty clothes, dirty diapers, receipts, the remains of trash that accumulates after making brownies, and other things that are so tiny it's so annoying to clean up. Man, all this never ends does it? I feel like I must walk miles a day just circulating my house putting things in their place. I'm serious.
But it's time for bed.
Did I do the dishes? no check.
Did I brush? Check.
Did I blog? Check.
Did I read the stupid news? Check.
Did I talk to Cathie? Check.
Did I put on a pot of beans in the slow cooker? Check.
Did I put a chicken in the other slow cooker? Check.
Did I put in another load of laundry? no check.
Did I say goodnight to you? GOODNIGHT!
no matter what you do one hell of a job / check / everyone should be jealous how you still get so much done / to heck with the dishes they aint going anywhere / check /
good work sista
wow! you guys rock. i wish i could fall asleep in 15 minutes. i miss you guys, but i'm still sick :(
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