Some people are baby people. Some people are not. You just are or aren't.
I am.
Being a baby person doesn't mean you wanna have a million babies, it just means you like them.
Baby people notice babies when they are in the room, like at a restaurant, or store.
Non-baby people could really care less if a tiny, cute, sweety wittle baby is there.
I don't think non-baby people are bad at all, don't get me wrong, I just don't understand them cuz I'm very much into babies.
In fact - when I was a kid, I'd sit in my bed and make wishes that I would wake up in the morning as a baby.
I knew even back then how good they have it.
I'd also pray to God that the calling to become a nun would never shine down on me, cuz I more than anything wanted to have a baby of my own one day. When nuns would talk to us at CCD about getting "the call" from God, I'd get so nervous. I thought that at any time or moment that "call" might come. Well, God obviously answered my prayers.
I even thought the rapture or end of the world would come before I could ever kiss a boy, but God heard my prayers on that one too I guess, obviously. Ha.
Anyway. As a baby person, I knew all the babies on my block. I'd babysit for free. I just couldn't resist playing with a funny, smiley baby.
I thought for some time that after having kids I wasn't a baby person anymore. When I'd see other babies, I was so busy with my own I didn't pay them much attention. In fact, I even thought I liked other people's babies as a kid more than my own. (Now I say this in fun, but there's a little truth to it). Babysitting other people's kids was in no way, shape, or form anything like having your own kid, and not to mention pushing the suckers out. And since I've had kids, on a daily basis, it's a struggle to even get time in to play with them. I mean, as a babysitter, or a baby-person, you just get to smile at them, make goo goo faces, play, have fun, read books, whatever. But as a mommy-baby-person, you can do all that fun stuff, but- you ALSO have to wash the dishes, wash the clothes, wash the towels, clean the floors, wipe the counters, clean the toilets, pick up toys, make the bed, make the breakfast, make the lunch, make the snacks, make the dinner, plan the outings, pack for the outings, go on the outings, come home from the outings, clean up after the outings, put things away, do EVERYTHING. So, in the end, it doesn't matter when you have kids if you were a baby person or not, cuz the responsibilities that come hand in hand with mommy life can really take a lot outta you.
BUT TONIGHT, that baby person in me came back. I was so damn happy about it that I had to write about it. Even after having done all those things I listed above and more, and playing school, watching some cartoons, playing polly pockets, playing store, and dealing with whining, non-sharers, and screaming on many different occasions, I remembered why I WAS a baby person. CUZ THEY ARE SO FREAKING CUTE I CAN'T STAND IT!!!!!
Effie is just cute ALL the time. Today, after not having said more than 2 syllables that made sense she said to me "I don't like it". It was so CUTE. It made me so proud. And, she peed on the potty twice today. So cute. And when I put her to bed tonight, she hugged and kissed me about a hundred times, and while I read her the most boring book in the world "Bambi's Scratch and Sniff Adventure", she laughed so much you would've thought she was listening to Sam Kinison. And... her dad was at work while I was putting her to bed, and her and Celia were still awake in the dark but falling asleep and she reached over me and grabbed Celia's hand and said "Le-la... (her word for Celia). Le-la! ....Le-la! ...Da da? Oohh.. Da da work. Effie Sad." Then Celia said, "It's ok Effie, he'll be home in a little bit". I mean, how cute is that?
And earlier, when it was time for bed, Celia had already tucked herself in, and in her arms she had her little baby, "baby Neece". Here was our conversation.
"Mom. Can you please wrap up baby Neece like a baby in the hospital?"
She tucked herself under the covers real good, then pretended to be asleep.
"Here's your baby", I said.
Celia opened her eyes real bright and opened her mouth real big and said,
"Ohh, Miss Hospitaler! Thank you SOOOOO much! My baby is BEAUTIFUL!"
I tried not to laugh too hard and said,
"You're welcome. Congratulations. She's just fine. I checked her heart, her eyes, and her ears, and she's very healthy."
"Oh thank you! Her dad will be so happy!"
"Oh", I said, "Who is her father?"
"My boyfriend..... ahh... I mean my HUSBAND." (I swear, she DID say this)
"And what is your husband's name?"
"Well, there was my boyfriend before, but he died. My husband is ..... (then she whispered in a very coy voice) .... Chris-to-pher- Ro-bin."
Now, if you are a baby person, you may appreciate or even like this story, and if you're not, well, I hope you got something out of it either way. I mean, how can you resist something like this? Too cute. I'm so lucky, and I dread the day puberty strikes. I'm gonna make a wish tonight to God that my kids will be babies forever. Good night friends. Check in next week.
I laughed so hard about celia and christopher robin! I loved it!
I am a baby person. I'm just not a punkass teenager person.
i love those little ladies. i wish i wasn't so messed up with cramps last night.
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