Sometimes when I'm talking to someone in front on my kid (the older one), and she wants my attention, she says "Saarraa!". So much for teaching your kid to be proper. I think it's funny. She only does it to get my attention. Other times, I struggle to get her attention, but if I bring up the fact that she is my "Twiiin Sista", then she will definitely look my way.
I really have no idea how this all started. I don't even know how she understands what twins are. Maybe it was on a Dora episode or somethin.
But a few months ago, this "Twiinn Sista" business came to be.
For the first time in maybe 6 years I ended up buying some very 1991 style bathing suit, blue with white polka dots. (yes, I know, sounds very fashionable... and it is of course). Celia, at this time, had (and still has) a green bathing suit, with white polka dots.
"Oooh... mom, look! Your bathing suit has white dots, and MINE has white dots! THAT MUST MEAN WE'RE........ TWIN SISTERS!"
Oh la la! A twin! How exciting. I never had one. So, since then, every time we go swimming we are TWIINNN SISTERS!
You may not think this is interesting at all, but it is quite amusing to me, more than anything cuz the child is very very cute. This does tend to exclude the younger child. She is not our triplet, but she does have a twin of her own.
Every time this T.S. business comes up, Alex tends to get a little jealous. He'll point out that Celia and him have the same favorite color, then tell her they must be twins too, then she quickly says.
"no no no no no DAD! I'm not your twin sister. MOM is my twin sister. YOU are Effie's twin sister."
It's too funny. Now she plays this game where she'll ask me:
"Mom.. what's your favorite food?"
"hmm... hamburgers."
"Oh yeah! ME TOO! That must be because WE ARE............ TAAAWIIINNNN SISTASSSS!"
This can go on for extended periods of time. Many questions are asked and answered just so she can let every one know how we are twins.
On a daily basis, at some point I have to ask Celia a question.
"Celia - what do you want for breakfast? Chorizo and eggs or waffles?"
-she won't answer.
"CELIA!" (then I repeat the question)
- no answer.
"Hey you! I asked you what you wanted to EAT! You can't watch Pee Wee if you don't eat something FIRST!"
- no answer. ugg.
(She's always in her own world. She'll be much more interested in tracing "S's" on a piece of paper or talking to Nala and Simba [see older posts] than to consider eating)
Thennn... I remember. Why should I asked her as her mother, when I'm her twin! Oh yeah... so I say:
"Hey TWIIIIN SISTER!! I know you looooveee waffles! Weeeelll.. meee too! That must be because we are....... Twiiinnnn Sistersss!!!"
"OH RIGHT MOM! I FORGOT! We ARE Twin Sisters! I sure do looove waffles!"
Normally I am just "mom", and try my best to act like one. Sometimes the regular mom stuff works just fine, but when she starts to zone out, being her twin can really come in handy.
i'm gonna start trying this one with mike. i want a tawinn sista too!
You should never wonder why Celia is so crazy and imaginative. She got it from you. And Lenore got her rapier wit and humor from me. When you visit we will have to share our love of hamburgers at this dope place called Taylors. Not as cool as Tiny Naylors, but definitely delicious.
And no, Chris just photoshopped himself into the picture of the plane and then photoshopped it into a sky.
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