Yes... thank you for giving me the energy that woke me from my slumber at 10:15pm and allowed me to stay up another 3 hours in order to do the dishes, put them away, clean the kitchen, take a shower, and blog.
I'm so happy that I'm able to write without the thought of the dishes looming over me. The only thing left to do is fold lots of laundry and clean up Celia and Effie's room. But that's not a big deal. Cuz they aren't dirty stinkin dishes.
And hello to you peeps out there in the working world. I hope you are enjoying life in front of the computer today. So am I.
So, here's a funny conversation I had tonight around 8pm at Baskin Robbins as we sat outside eating our ice cream while Effie painted herself brown with chocolate.
Did you ever watch one of those multi-media presentations at school? They would put up 3 big screens and show all these crazy images and play loud rock music.
Like the Just Say No ones? Or the Holocaust Survivor ones?
No - the Drug ones. Do you remember that Van Halen song that was popular in the 90's? Well, I remember them using that song.
Jump? That one?
No - the serious one.
The one with the singer that was not David Lee Roth and had the real emotional piano playing?
Yeah, that one. I think it was called RIght Here Right Now.
No Alex, that was Jesus Jones. Remember that video on "The Box" all the time? The Van Halen one was "Right Now!".
Yeah! Yeah! That one!
(Sara) I remember that Holocaust guy telling us how one day soon after the war he came upon some American Soldiers who had also crossed paths with some dying children, then one soldier gave a kid a Snickers or something cuz he was starving and it killed the kid.
Hey, our Holocaust survivor told us the same story! There must not have been that many survivors around that year to do presentations.
I think I'm gonna blog about this Alex.
Please don't write that I said there was a "run" on Holocaust survivors that year. It doesn't sound good.
Ok Alex, I'll write something else. (end of conversation)
I think that's all we managed to talk about, cuz Celia was making movie star faces at people driving through the drive-thru. She went dressed with her new Dora sunglasses, a new purse, and a pink boa around her neck. She said she was dressed very "romantical".
Effie's face looked like she had just put on a mud mask of chocolate ice cream, and her hands were just as dirty. I picked her up from behind her back and told her to put her hands up to the sky and not to touch anything.
There were some guys outside washing mini-blinds out in the parking lot, and I told Celia I was gonna ask them to hose down Effie and wash her in one of their buckets.
She then told me - "No Mom, you can't put Effie in a bucket. Only you and Dad like to take baths in buckets with lots of wet butts."
"What? Wet butts?"
"Yeah - you like to take a ducky (a bath) with wet butts".
I can't believe it. My kid barely turns 4 and she's already trying to make jokes like a 6 year old.
I used about 20 wipeys to clean off Effie and we came home.
Too bad I can't write anything funny about what Effie said, cuz she still doesn't talk. Oh well. I'm sure she will soon enough. Good night everyone.
ice cream talk is much better then pillow talk / you have fun doing everything / i have seen effie rose eat ice cream and she makes a real job out of it / did you take a photo / how do you and alex even remember the school films / werent they all so not watchable / nice blog
That was too good. My sister had the same holocaust survivor too.
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