Yeah - the market is down. And as far as the other market is concerned - I dread going.
Have you ever grocery shopped with two kids - neither of which wants to sit where a child is supposed to sit, then you have to pile your groceries on top of them while you try to get them to not fall and crack their heads open while you are trying to pick the right head of lettuce? Man, it stinks. Can anyone save me from this? Does anyone want to steal my children while I go grocery shopping? While you are at it, can you cook the food too and feed the kids?
I hate that kitchen right now. There are really not that many dishes to do either - but I was outside chatting with my neighbor (my new homey), and as tired as I am after 10 hours of "birthday at Disneyland", I have a second wind but for some reason do not want to spend any of my energy cleaning. But I have to! And finishing this dumb blog will give me incentive to just walk out of this room and begin. Can anyone save me from this?
Soooo.. at Disneyland today when Minnie Mouse came out of whatever secret back-lot she hangs out in, we got in line - and Effie just freaked. She wanted Minnie immediately. She was crying her lungs out, smacking me to get her to the front of the line.
"Just wait mija, (pronounced Mee-Ha for all your gringos) we will see Minnie in a second. You just have to wait until all the other kids get their picture."
"Waaaaaaaaaaaa! Noooooooooo! Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! (Minnie)"
She kept motioning with her hands saying - "Come to me Minnie! I NEED YOU NOW!"
When it was her turn she ran to the lady with skinny legs and a big Minnie head and hugged her as if it were her long lost mother who gave her all the ze ze she ever wanted. I took her picture and tried to tell her:
"Come on. Your turn is up. Say goodbye to Minnie".
I had to drag her away.
Alex bought her a little cute Minnie doll which made her happy for awhile.
"Do you like your new Minnie?"
"Maaaa! Maaa!", she said as she pointed to where Minnie was. She wanted more.
Then... in the car on the way home Alex said.
"Take out the camera. Show her the pictures."
"Look Effie! It's the picture of you and Minnie".
She grabbed my camera out of my hands and smiled at the pictures. She hugged the camera to her check. She kissed the screen. She was so happy and touching the camera way too much that she made a menu pop up on the screen. This made her angry. Her fingers kept poking the screen, as if hitting it would erase the menu. Then she tried wiping the menu off.
"Do you want mama to fix it for you so you can see the picture of you and Minnie?"
Her frustration was beyond my control. I couldn't help the child, and she was so afraid of me taking the camera away from me that she just held it and whimpered.
I think I'm gonna get that picture enlarged to a 16x20 at Costco tomorrow and tape it to our wall. It was all just too cute. It's all more cute than I've written it out to be, and I wish you could have seen her, but I just had to get it in writing so one day I can let her read for herself and reminisce on the day she wanted a mouse more than her own mother. But man, am I tired and.... as you know and love to hear- my dishes are awaiting. (*#!(@*#$(&!!
wish i could have been there, yup, glad she had a good disney time, hope celia did too! that lucky bday girl! dland on her bday!
i had such a good time. thank you again. i stole some napkins with the 33 logo as evidence. i'm sad i missed the rest of the adventures! poor effie.
i know someone who can watch you kids while you shop and clean / will try to get thhat person to help / yea / your disney story is great but i remember another little girl who could tantrum with the best of them / she wanted things her way and knew how to scream to get them / did not realize how effie rose was so minnie oriented / its obvious you gave your kids the best time / get someone to take them again and hunt down minnie
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