If you are reading this blog, you can just look over to the right to see pictures of my beautiful family. Damn, my kids are cute aren't they. Children are a wonderful blessing from God. I live for those beauties. Those smiles are precious. The laughs, dances, and good times are... priceless. (I could definitely write the word "But" now, but I'll use "And" so as not to negate any of the previous statements.
And at the end of the day, when the dishes (which were not there this morning) are now piled high, when you feel tired, when there's a puddle of water from the night time bath party on the floor, when glitter is all over the kitchen table, when the couch slip covers are in the wash soaking after Effie drew on them with blue marker, when this morning's rice crispies are stuck to the floor and need to be scraped off with a knife, when there are clothes everywhere, when there are markers and princess cards and puzzle pieces scattered all over the floor of many rooms, when 3 freakin dvds are overdue, when you got called for jury duty, when there is sand in your bed from Effie's shoes that made it under the covers after the morning trip to the park, and when it's 9pm, and the whining just never seems to stop..... I can look at those beautiful pictures AND all I can do is thank God that THEY ARE FINALLY ASLEEP.
You know, I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I love my kids. AND - I love them most when they are sleeping. When my kids are asleep, they are still there, as cute as can be, but they are quiet. They are kind. They are loving. They are cuddly. It's wonderful.
I just don't get how parents do it. I mean - for me... paper towels are a luxury. I can understand now why people use paper plates - all the time. I get why mom's want a full time job even if their husband is a baller. I know why my neighbors get gym memberships to ship the babies off to the daycare. Every second alone is like magic.
Today, I talked to a good friend of mine who just had a kid.
"So, did anyone ever tell you that the life you had was over once you had children?", I asked her.
"Yeah, people told me that, but I didn't get it. Now I know."
See - I'm not the only one. It's not like I want my single, non-mommy life back (hmmm... wait a minute, let me think... do I ??), oh - yeah, no no no... but man.... as Marty McFly would say...its - "Heavy".
And... now - as I look at this screen and put this to a close - I'll stop the whining. I'm gonna just click the "publish post" link and begin. Begin the clean-up - so tomorrow I can start over and see what the heck may come my way.
1 comment:
hey sara
our parents could never afford paper towels or paper napkins so instead we used "limpiador". which is basically a communal wash cloth or perhaps old t-shirt. its a valle tradition and it's sorta gross but effective.
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