As always there's so much to say, but it's hard to figure out what might interest someone besides myself enough to read. Today is Saturday, and it's been almost a week since I wrote about napping, and I didn't take any naps all week.
But the week - was great. I actually watched 3 movies this week, one being the Searchers with John Wayne. Alex and I counted, and he said "That'll be the day" 5 times, and "ya Blankethead" twice. For me it was a great movie, cuz it had all the things I love in a movie.
1. pretty scenery
2. catch phrases
3. lots of comic relief
4. a happy ending
It seems like every other artsy fartsy movie I watch has only elements from #1 on my list, and sad endings. It was a good change.
One thing we did this week, which I had been trying to avoid for months was take Effie to the doctor. Luckily Becky watched Celia so we were able to give Effie full attention and we needed it. The clinic we take her to is a bit ghetto, but her doctor is cool. She's loud and extra smiley, but she does the job well of looking at her records and telling us to put sunblock on her. The one thing she didn't do too well was look in Effie's mouth. She stuck that tongue depressor in so far that it made my already crying baby gag, cry more, then vomit all over her pretty dress and Alex's hands. When we thought she was done barfing, it just kept coming, and we were both scrambling to get paper towels and continue listening to the doctor and it was difficult.
Being the unprepared mama that I am, I had no change of clothes for her, so we left her in her diaper for the remainder of the time. And during that time we listened to the doc tell us how she may need speech therapy in 6 months if she doesn't start talking more. Ugg.
I personally - think she's fine, and that she doesn't talk much cuz Celia does all the talking. Lots of peeps say that they think one day Effie's just gonna start talking in proper sentences the day she begins to blab, but as for now she's quiet. When I tell her knock knock jokes - I say "Effie! Knock knock... " And she says a very cute ".... hello". (which in her language sounds more like "eh-lo". She's so cute. However, we are concerned and have upped the number of books we read to her and I'm trying a bit more actively to get the little lady to say her syllables. The kid doesn't talk, but you'd be surprised how well she fake sings and knows rhythms from movie scores. Hmm.
1 comment:
wonderful blog and wonderful kid / effie rose is just as special as celia and she always seems to let one know what she wants even without wasting time on words / did she set a record for vomit in a doctors office / thats my effie rose / you and alex watch the searchers / now thats something / its a very indians are not nice movie and some john wayne is not nice too / still is is one of those classics and jeff hunter has such nice eyes [blue blue] that one has to like it / i always expect movies to take me somewhere by the end / i sort of think the searchers did / again nice blog
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