Finally, a chance to write a public update about my life and adventures. My Monie is now 9 months old, crawling around everywhere, putting everything that could possibly kill him in his mouth, and smiling every few seconds. That kid is amazing. What a blessing. Being a mom the third time around seems to be the hardest, but I'm older, have 2 other ones, and so much more to do. Although it's more difficult - mainly because the little pincher and bruiser wakes up around 5:30 am, it's also so amazing. Whenever I walk away and he's on the floor and let's out a little cry, Effie runs over to the rescue to sing him a song, or tries to make him laugh. Celia can't walk past him without saying how much she loves him, or saying out loud that her little brother is in love with her. The love just abounds in the house. In fact, today I found a drawing that Celia did in the garage (the girls' new work studio) and it said the words "Happy Home" all over it. Can't help but feel happy about that.
I also can't help but feel blessed every day in a way I've never felt before. I'm feeling so good. This is the first year in my life that I've only had one cold, which only lasted a day or two. I've avoided countless stomach bugs, and thanks to organic apple cider vinegar and my chiropractor, I'm feeling extraordinarily healthy. But more thankful than healthy. There have been numerous people in and around my life with illnesses or ailments, and just different health issues that to me, living each day pain free and healthy is just something I'm so thankful for at this moment. If I had to, I'd deal with whatever came my way, but right now I'm able to face the daily challenges of washing dishes, raising 3 kids, and working without the difficulties that health issues pose. So - yeah, a bit of a tangent - but it's been on my mind.
It's honestly hard for me to hear complaints of others who are totally healthy. It's a waste of time and energy to complain when you have two legs, and a functioning brain. Just go do something because you're wasting precious time.
What I'm doing now is actually spending precious sleep time awake considering my son and I will be wandering around the neighborhood in about 5 hours. Oh well.
It's a short hello, and a quicker goodbye, but I really should crash now. But to my friends and family reading. Los quiero mucho. Happy Summer. :)
amazon kids sofa
11 months ago