Wow. I have to make the font all big so I can see what I'm writing. But yes Gabino - I'll order the damn glasses as soon as I can!
After a few weeks - I have my lap-y top-y as I call it - back. I'm very glad. It looks good, it's fixed, and now I don't have to wait in line to check email around here.
Summer vacation- sadly - is over. No more waking up late, daily walks, cooking 3 meals every day with some ease. No more watching Celia read comic books for extra extra long periods of time. No more Effie and Celia fighting all the time. No more swimming- (at least for now). No more having my big girl with us all day long. That, definitely is the worst part.
So the institution of school has taken away my baby. A friend of mine told me that she keeps asking her daughter if she likes school - and she always says "yes". She is hoping one day she won't like it anymore so she can keep her home and home school her. I totally understand where she is coming from. I guess it goes back to "there are 'baby people' and 'not baby people', and where many moms find relief in taking their kids to school each day to have their time alone - or to work - or do what they gotta do, I personally do not. Even though my big girl is happy, I'm not too thrilled. Don't get me wrong. She's in a great place, a great school, and has an amazing teacher. But that's just it. She's not with me. With us. With her sister. And it all seems down hill from here. In fact, we are seriously considering keeping Effie another year before starting Kindergarten even if the cut off date is after her birthday. We just can't bear to throw her into the system already. Boo Boo Boo. Ok. Enough complaining. It's all good.
The past few weeks things have crossed my mind and I wanted to remember them. One thing that was perty rad was our anniversary. Alex and I got to go out with friends to the Hollywood Bowl and saw Chromeo and Chemical Brothers. It was like that post I wrote about back in the day about UB40. It was one of those nights, out in the world when you realize you are not alone, trapped in your house, in your bubble of family. There are actually a bunch of crazy drinking and smoking lunatics in the thousands who like to dance in the dark to electronic music in the company of thousands of other loonies. I myself can not claim to be a crazy drinking lunatic. However, I will say that I am a very happy mother who was very happy to be out without her children watching the thousands of people, whether they were crazy drinking and smoking people or just semi-normal peeps like me. Wait.. did I just say I was normal? Hmmmm... that's something to think about.
So - how are you friends and family? Are you ok? Good? Happy? I hope so. This whole "September" thing is like I mentioned also before in another blog. September is always our New Year. School starts. Work begins. Classes get rolling. Activities increase. And I seem to function a tad bit better under the pressure of having to organize my time and juggle a zillion things to do. I may function better in a way, but I still have dishes to wash, laundry to fold, and a ton of crap in my house that I feel like throwing out a window. But the girls would get mad at me if I did that. They have a very difficult time parting with things. Ahhh.. things. To me.. they are just things.
So today I got to hear a lecture 3 times about college essays and I realized why I did NOT get into any of the colleges I applied to. Probably because my essays were compiled of a bunch of phoney baloney that was as boring and as uninteresting as can be. If I could go back... I'd probably re-write the essays and talk about something I actually liked at the time. Like Faith No More, or babysitting babies, or my Maverick. Who knows. But I'm only mentioning that, because I get now - that what I love - is what I have always loved. Kids. I can't believe that I didn't realize that my calling in life was to be a mom. I knew I always wanted a family, and again as I have mentioned before I prayed that God would not call me to be a nun. And I only mention this because every single day since I have had kids - not a day has passed that I don't stare and get lost - even if just for a second as I watch my little girls in amazement. Somehow - I created little humans, and I made the most amazing little creatures I have ever met in my life. They are so talented and funny and nice and sweet. Not a day passes that my kids don't give me "love eyes". Not a day passes that Celia doesn't hug me as if she may never see me again. And not a day passes without me telling Effie how much I love her, then she responds "but I lub you da best". They are my sweet little angels and I love them to pieces more than anything anything ever. And the worst part of all this wonderful wonderful stuff, is that they are growing up. I just passed by Effie sleeping and she's a giant. A big baby giant. Celia is still her teeny self, but nonetheless they are big and it is depressing. I'm sure they will grow up to be just as sweet and nice, but this magical part of having kids and raising babies into little ladies with pierced ears is finite. What a bummer.
But I don't want to end with the word bummer. So I'll end by saying - happy September friends. Make the most of your day, and I'll try to too. :)