Monday, January 18, 2010


The funniest part of the day has to be when I put the kids to bed. I mean, all their silliness comes out and when the lights go out it gets especially interesting. Tonight Effie demanded everyone else shut up while she sang us her rendition of "Tinkle Tinkle little Star". And quite the comedian she is - because as soon as we start cracking up she just keeps at it. She does whatever she can do in the silliest way possible to keep us all from sleeping. We don't seem to mind much - cuz she is funny. Today she began speaking in "robot" and even gave her Russian Nesting Dolls some robotic voices. It was good.

And the week/ year so far has been good. It's nice to hear the rain outside. And it's even nicer because I don't have to make anyone's lunch at 8:30 am tomorrow or make sure we don't forget an umbrella for me and Effie when we take Celia to school.

We got to see my friends new place in Highland Park this week. (thanks for the lovely dinner) - Celia and Effie got new pajamas from Monica and wanted to wear them to our dinner on Thursday. Tonight they wore the matching pajamas again, and asked if we could go back to Lucena's just to show them off again, then go back to Monica's to wear them there as well.

Also made it to Celia's friend's house - for an evening outside watching our girls have fun in a new Pink outdoor Clubhouse. (Heart shaped window too!) They had the BEST time. Along with the family party, and the morning with the Horlicks- my girls have had a wonderful week. So have I.

My hubby turned 31 last week - and now we're the same age again.

(I started this post last week and now I'm gonna finish it)

So yeah - I was saying we had some great dinner dates the last couple of weeks, and had wonderful company over tonight - which was fun and made the girls extra silly.

And so, 2010 so far so good. Effie - still funny. She always says "Guess what" before she tells us anything. The other day we had to help Celia with her homework which was to explain her life dream for an MLK assignment she had. She basically had to do the "I Have a dream" thing - and say her dream. To help her out I began by saying "my life long dream is to have a long happy life with my family" - then Celia said in the most sincere voice "My dream for my life is to be Wonder Woman" - the Effie said in the most thoughtful voice "My dweem fo myz life is to take fishy cwakers for da animals at da zoo and feed them" , then Alex said something like " my life dream is to be a monkey at the zoo". It really was funny. Celia was dead serious. We tried to conceal our giggles.

I'm just gonna post - and get to bed soon. I do have a sink full of dishes - and don't tell my mom, but they are really gonna have to wait till morning. I'm too sleepy.

Have a wonderful day, week, month, and I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Hi Friends: I made it though 2009 - happy, and healthy and I hope I'll be able to say the same next year.
Tomorrow is ..... well... I have to say that: The saddest day has come. We are all really bummed out in my house today. I'm just so sad just thinking about it. Effie is bummed. Alex is bummed. I'm bummed. And Celia is bummed too. What a bummer. This day had to come. I know it did. It didn't come too soon. I felt like we had enough time. We enjoyed the time. We relished in the time. We enjoyed each moment. But it's over now. Back to reality. Back to ................... Kindergarten. Hmmmffffff.

We've been asking Celia all week if we could home-school her. She said no. Because her teacher - she says - is the best in the world. She said she wants to stay in an institutionalized school, however, she asked if it was ok that we just mark her absent for awhile. I said no. She can't just be absent. I said - it's all or nothing honey. You either head back to school, or let me be your teacher. Well, we didn't convince her - which is fine in the end, because I haven't done enough research on home-schooling (or un-schooling) as others call it anyway. Oh well.

But it's funny. Because all around everyone is talking about how happy they are to have their kids back in school, and that they can't wait for vacation to be over for them, and all that... and here we are super bummed. But I think the real reason we may be bummed is that we have to wake them up so early. Vacation was so nice. I could get up an hour before them. Sit awake in bed with them. Enjoy pajamas till 10 with them. Make chocolate chip pancakes every morning with them without the rush. Without the "change me under the covers I'm too cold". Without the "I'm not hungry yet". Without the "Can we watch a movie before school?". WIthout the "EFFIE! YOU HAVE TO WEAR SOCKS!" Without the "EFFIE! You need a JACKET! No - I can't wrap you up in a blanket with you naked underneath!" Without the "I'm too tired for school right now". Without all that plus a hundred more things to say without the about. Oh well. Hmmmmfffff. Oh well.

But I'm gonna do what I can. I'm gonna get some clothes ready to put on Celia under those covers. I'm gonna have the pancake mix ready. I'm gonna have everything ready to make a semi-healthy - and semi-not so good for you lunch. I'm gonna leave room to be sure that Brownie can warm up. In fact - maybe I should go gas up that little wagon right now - so I don't have to roll all the way down Western without overdoing the gas pedal.

Anyway. Thank you all you readers for following Sara the Sub another year. Thanks for the fun times, hanging out, letting me cook for you, for watching my kids, taking them out, buying me birthday and Christmas gifts, and loving me and my family. See you soon, and I'm sure I'll let you know how the dreaded first day back of school went. Hmmmmffff.