If the girls can sleep in for at least a few more minutes, I'll be able to complete this post and post it. Let's pray.
How's it going? Hope you are all well, and that you avoided the winter colds and yucky stuff, and if you did - lucky you. We didn't exactly and Celia is getting over what Effie had for it seems weeks, and hopefully it doesn't recycle itself back into the household. That would stink.
Other than the sickies we are all good.
Lately when I've been thinking about blogging, the only thing I want to write is "Effie is so cute. Effie is so cute. Effie is so cute."
I mean, even when she was sicky, she'd say with her eyebrows at a frown, "no mom, I sicky". Too cute. In fact she says almost everything with that little confused frown as she squints her eyes, and it's so dang cute I just can't dang stand it!
You wanna know how cute she is? Well, if you didn't know already her words and speech has been a little limited till now, but the other night I was putting the little monkeys to bed, did all the night checks, and Celia was down for the count. Then, out of no where, Effie, who hasn't said more than 2 words at a time, said "I lub lu Mom". Then... a few seconds later said: "I lub lu Lela". "I lub lu too Dada". It was one of the happiest moments of my mom life.
And speaking of night checks. Celia has added one to the nighttime routine:
Did we play with our glo-sticks? Check!
The other day Alex got some glow sticks for them, and he likes to play with them at night of course, and they turn off all the lights in the house and hide them around and collect them up, then repeat this way too many times. It's really fun for them, tiring for me when I actually want them to wind down for bed. But whatever, you can't put limits on fun for a kid can you? Anyhow, last night for the second time this year, they took a glo-stick bath. You gotta see this - we turn out the lights while they are in the ducky - the bath - and drop all the light sticks in the water and they light up the bath tub. It looks like they are swimming in a park fountain. And it's hilarious. You should try it!
And I hear them, so I'll make this quick, but yesterday we were playing with Celia's imaginary friends and I heard her say "oh, how do you do? I'm from Austrollia!"
That was funny. I gotta go.