Happy Thanksgiving kids. Hope you ate as much as I did. If you know me you know I can eat. I have some faithful readers on this blog that used to watch me eat 3 In-n-out burgers in a sitting. That's when I was young and tough, although I can't hang like I used to, I did good today. So thanks Dad for the turkey and the pie, thanks mom for the stuffing and the sighs, thanks Cat for the movie and the blouse, and thanks alex for being a strange spouse.
I'll be 30 in a couple more days, so I'm gonna give my real 30 thanks now.
Sara's thankful for:
1. Celia and Effie falling asleep miraculously at 5pm today. (I think they should eat turkey everyday!)
2. The leftovers my dad allowed into my hands.
3. All my bestest friends in the whole wide world. All of YOU of course!
4. The dishes being done.
5. The dishes being put away.
6. The laundry being done.
7. Quintanars
8. Rain - cuz now I don't have to water the lawn for awhile.
9. The yellow sweatshirt I'm wearing with 2 fuzzy skiing bears for keeping me warm.
10. Lucena for making cookies and homemade play-doh for my kids.
11. Lupe for making Alex feel good about not wearing a wedding ring. Ha ha ha.
12. Parents.
13. Lety and Becky - for being great sisters, and helping my kids be great sisters.
14. Cathie letting me drive her German car, and taking us to the movies.
15. Ms. Taylor's conversations and patio.
16. Being alive.
17. Not having any type of flu.
18. Letters, real stamps, and postal workers.
19. Cameras - cuz they stop time for you.
20. Chiropractors
21. Santa for putting fear into my kids to behave.
22. 3 decades.
23. Diary products.
24. Vitamins.
25. Common sense.
26. sarathesub.blogspot.com
27. Papers and pencils.
28. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
29. Windy days in kindergarten and Mrs. Jones.
30. The shamelessness.
And more than anything, thank you to my friends who made it out to celebrate 30 years of Sara and Monica. It's so fun to have my friends together under the same roof. It felt like a Mesa Way party from back in the day, except I didn't have to buy the beer.
Good night. Come again.
sharing thanksgiving with family and sharing birthdays with friends make for the best of times / everyone that knows you must have their own 30 reasons why you are a fun pal a fun wife a fun daughter a fun mom / heck you are just fun filled / all of us are thankful for having you in our circle of life [movie reference] / keep up the good work / thanks for making the spinach / have a great birthday day / yea for you and the family
it did feel like Mesa Way!! I miss the beer in the washing machine and the Wild Bunch jamming by the pool.
happy 30th! happy days! i'm so happy you were at THE LAST DRAGON! I'm so happy you had a great time! It was fun to bar hang with you and it was fun to celebrate the special day! RENEW RENEW RENEW! Let's get ready for more parties and when I'm 32 we will rock the roof at the New Bev! But it's all about you right now! GO 30!!!!! Go SARA! YUP YUP YUP!
Love u!
dude, i'm gonna have to bite your style and make a thanks list when i turn 31 tomorrow. mesa way sounds oddly familiar. fuck, sorry i missed your shindig; i am a real recluse these days. keep inviting me though, i'm sure i'm bound to show up eventually! ;)
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