Sunday, November 14, 2010

Go Go Go!

I am in a bit of a hurry cuz it's already 12:39am. I put the girls to bed around 7:45pm, and then I had set my alarm to get me up at 8:35pm. I woke up VERY hesitantly and dragged myself over to where Alex was and told him there was no way I could stay awake, and that in the morning I'd do all the things that I wanted to do. He said ok, then I went to check my email, and I got a second wind! GREAT. Good thing I did because since I re-woke up at 8:35pm, I have:

1) washed dishes twice
2) eaten tres leches cake once
3) had a cup of coffee
4) went grocery shopping
5) made a veggie platter for a party
6) made salsa for the week
7) made beans for tomorrow
8) folded laundry
9) listened to a podcast of "this american life"
10) cut up a pineapple and a watermelon for tomorrow
11) checked facebook
12) questioned my new haircut
13) almost finished writing a blog

Wow. I bet I even forgot to write something... or not. Anyhow... so all is good in my hood. It's been awhile since I've written and each day my kids get funnier and funnier. Today we went back to Vincent Lugo Park - (super duper tool as Effie would say - yes tool instead of cool) - and we did the usual jump on dinosaurs and sit in the rocket ship. When we were playing - Celia wanted to play "President and Vice President". So she was President and Effie was VP, but Effie kept insisting she was the "Wife's President", cuz that's how she understood her role. What a cookie head.

That kid is so funny, that I'm so bummed that I don't video tape her every move and word. She's amazing. Celia is equally amazing, just not as funny. She, on the other hand has gotten into being a first grader, but is such a little perfectionist that it's getting tricky around here. I won't get into detail, but let's just say homework can take a long time and we use up lots of erasers.

This is the first week in months and months and months that every remote in our house - the Wii remote, the DVD player remote, and the TV remote all have batteries. This may not be a big deal to you, but it's a big change for me. Before that, and for months we had only 2 very weak batteries that barely even allowed the Wii to function, and we had to swap them out of each remote anytime we had to use a different device. It was annoying and lame, and glory be to the heavens, we have batteries again. Not that I ever get a chance to see much anyway, but it is something I felt very important to share to whoever in the world decided to read this.

And since now it is 12:49am, I'm gonna go now. I'll try to keep up with you all, and good luck with all the holiday madness that starts to ensue starting next week. I'm gonna try to keep it on the DL.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Hace Mucho

Hace mucho, means "it's been awhile".

Each and every day that I'm with my little Effie, (or should I say "big" Effie), and Celia, and Alex, I think about how much I could share with you. There have been so many wonderful moments in the past month that have made me feel like the luckiest person alive.

It's been quite an adjustment going back to work. It's also been quite hectic, crazy, emotional and eye opening.
Alex is back in school which has been an adjustment in its own. But between working at the high school almost daily, continuing with music classes, taking kids to school, teaching at daycares, cooking, cleaning, putting gas in the cars, doing never ending loads of laundry, waking kids up, putting kids to bed, reading stories, grading papers, writing curriculum, trying to get a foot in the door, and the most difficult task of them all: packing lunches - it's been ... well, I can't say easy, or hard, but I'd say.... a little bit crazy.

Earlier this school year, we lost a friend and a co-worker. Dallas Russell was the first math teacher I ever had that helped me actually "get" algebra. He used to chant "This is where the fun starts", and when he would, Vicky, Mary, Brian, and I would chant along, wiggle in our seats, and get to work. I remember vividly, drinking Snapples in his class and asking questions, while my buddies didn't fare as well. That was in 1996. Since I continued to work at the high school where I graduated from, Mr. Russell and I became friends. I remember on a few occasions sitting across from him while eating lunch at a little Vietnamese restaurant thinking: "I'm sitting across from Mr. Russell", practically in awe. His presence was always about 300 percent above everyone else. His huge stature, his stutter, his overbearing bear hugs, his high fives, and his encouragement was beyond unique.

Mr. Russell was a real buddy to my buddy, and x-boss, x-History teacher Mr. Blackford. Together, they both made it to Celia's baptism, and it wasn't until I had kids that Mr. Russell really connected with me. He told me more than any other person how SPECIAL these moments were. The moments when the children are young. When they love you more than you can ever imagine. When they depend on your every move. He constantly told me to cherish them. Whenever he'd see Alex he'd practically pick him up. And Alex is a big guy, so to see this huge teacher hug and lift my husband was always funny. But it wasn't just a hug. He connected with us in a different way as parents, and I'm glad he did. I started this blog to write about my girls. I'm glad I can look back and remember those silly, sad, happy, and always beautiful moments of my children as babies. I'm grateful that Mr. Russell told me to cherish those moments, because I still do, and always will.

He had a demeanor that other teachers envied. I heard many times, teachers saying they wished they could have just an ounce of his personality that made the students love him. Many just wanted a little of that to rub off on them to feel what he had. We could never walk down the hall together without one student after another acknowledging him. He really was extraordinary.
One day, probably 10 years ago on a lunch date with Blackford and Mr. Russell, he made us stop at the not-entirely abandoned jail on San Fernando Road near the 5 and 110 freeway. We walked in, went up to the roof to see the helicopter landing, then to an old gym. In the gym were some old time cholo types, practicing boxing, and there went Mr. Russell, hugging and high five-ing every guy in the place. Years before on his way to work, Mr. Russell would stop by that gym to work out. It was a special place to him, and meant more to him than the other 15 gyms he had membership to. He was SO happy to be there. He was SO happy to share that moment of his past. He was SO happy to show how he could bench press a zillion pounds. To me he was indestructible. I always wondered what those old cholos in there thought when they saw me, a scrawny young girl, tagging along with a middle-aged Okie, and an ex-pro football playing teacher. Although we were an odd trio, Mr. Russell never ceased to surprise me, or do something to share his happiness. We really miss him, just as thousands of his old friends and students do. Anyone who knew him had a story, and I wanted to take the time to share one too, because I don't want to forget him. I don't want anyone to forget him. I think teachers should strive to be as passionate to their students as he was. I thank him for inspiring me to be a teacher too, and showing me how to do my job and connect with students at the same time. I always bothered him for never letting me sub in his class. The man was never absent. He never missed a day. Now I wish I would have never asked him that, because now he's gone, and I did have to sub for his class a couple weeks ago. But I bet he was watching down on me - chanting for me to be the champ. I tackled some Trigonometry that day, and actually taught the kids, having never even looked at a Trig problem in my life. Maybe he just knew I'd be able to handle it.

I'll save the next posts to mention my lovely little ladies who are more darling and dazzling than ever. I hope all you readers are well, happy, and healthy. Be good. And be patient cuz I'll write more soon. :)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Super New Day

Wow. I have to make the font all big so I can see what I'm writing. But yes Gabino - I'll order the damn glasses as soon as I can!

After a few weeks - I have my lap-y top-y as I call it - back. I'm very glad. It looks good, it's fixed, and now I don't have to wait in line to check email around here.

Summer vacation- sadly - is over. No more waking up late, daily walks, cooking 3 meals every day with some ease. No more watching Celia read comic books for extra extra long periods of time. No more Effie and Celia fighting all the time. No more swimming- (at least for now). No more having my big girl with us all day long. That, definitely is the worst part.

So the institution of school has taken away my baby. A friend of mine told me that she keeps asking her daughter if she likes school - and she always says "yes". She is hoping one day she won't like it anymore so she can keep her home and home school her. I totally understand where she is coming from. I guess it goes back to "there are 'baby people' and 'not baby people', and where many moms find relief in taking their kids to school each day to have their time alone - or to work - or do what they gotta do, I personally do not. Even though my big girl is happy, I'm not too thrilled. Don't get me wrong. She's in a great place, a great school, and has an amazing teacher. But that's just it. She's not with me. With us. With her sister. And it all seems down hill from here. In fact, we are seriously considering keeping Effie another year before starting Kindergarten even if the cut off date is after her birthday. We just can't bear to throw her into the system already. Boo Boo Boo. Ok. Enough complaining. It's all good.

The past few weeks things have crossed my mind and I wanted to remember them. One thing that was perty rad was our anniversary. Alex and I got to go out with friends to the Hollywood Bowl and saw Chromeo and Chemical Brothers. It was like that post I wrote about back in the day about UB40. It was one of those nights, out in the world when you realize you are not alone, trapped in your house, in your bubble of family. There are actually a bunch of crazy drinking and smoking lunatics in the thousands who like to dance in the dark to electronic music in the company of thousands of other loonies. I myself can not claim to be a crazy drinking lunatic. However, I will say that I am a very happy mother who was very happy to be out without her children watching the thousands of people, whether they were crazy drinking and smoking people or just semi-normal peeps like me. Wait.. did I just say I was normal? Hmmmm... that's something to think about.

So - how are you friends and family? Are you ok? Good? Happy? I hope so. This whole "September" thing is like I mentioned also before in another blog. September is always our New Year. School starts. Work begins. Classes get rolling. Activities increase. And I seem to function a tad bit better under the pressure of having to organize my time and juggle a zillion things to do. I may function better in a way, but I still have dishes to wash, laundry to fold, and a ton of crap in my house that I feel like throwing out a window. But the girls would get mad at me if I did that. They have a very difficult time parting with things. Ahhh.. things. To me.. they are just things.

So today I got to hear a lecture 3 times about college essays and I realized why I did NOT get into any of the colleges I applied to. Probably because my essays were compiled of a bunch of phoney baloney that was as boring and as uninteresting as can be. If I could go back... I'd probably re-write the essays and talk about something I actually liked at the time. Like Faith No More, or babysitting babies, or my Maverick. Who knows. But I'm only mentioning that, because I get now - that what I love - is what I have always loved. Kids. I can't believe that I didn't realize that my calling in life was to be a mom. I knew I always wanted a family, and again as I have mentioned before I prayed that God would not call me to be a nun. And I only mention this because every single day since I have had kids - not a day has passed that I don't stare and get lost - even if just for a second as I watch my little girls in amazement. Somehow - I created little humans, and I made the most amazing little creatures I have ever met in my life. They are so talented and funny and nice and sweet. Not a day passes that my kids don't give me "love eyes". Not a day passes that Celia doesn't hug me as if she may never see me again. And not a day passes without me telling Effie how much I love her, then she responds "but I lub you da best". They are my sweet little angels and I love them to pieces more than anything anything ever. And the worst part of all this wonderful wonderful stuff, is that they are growing up. I just passed by Effie sleeping and she's a giant. A big baby giant. Celia is still her teeny self, but nonetheless they are big and it is depressing. I'm sure they will grow up to be just as sweet and nice, but this magical part of having kids and raising babies into little ladies with pierced ears is finite. What a bummer.

But I don't want to end with the word bummer. So I'll end by saying - happy September friends. Make the most of your day, and I'll try to too. :)

Monday, August 16, 2010


My piano teacher used to write in a little notebook when she’d come for my lessons. She had a different color fine point pen called a “Le Pen”, and in the book she’d write the page number of the songs I had to practice. I can clearly see in my head her handwriting, how she wrote with her almost-old hands with always beautifully manicured fingers. My favorite color was the hot pink “Le Pen”. Her handwriting was a half cursive half printing style and her lettering was teeny tiny.

Celia started piano lessons on top of her violin lessons. In return for those lessons – I give her piano teacher’s son a lesson. I keep thinking of how I’d love to get a set of “Le Pen’s” and a notebook so that the young boy will too grow that affinity for pens. But I haven’t done so yet. However, I do have a new planner, and bought a set of “Precise” Pilot Extra Fine pens to mark all the important things I have to do. And unfortunately they are getting put to much use.

I thought summer would be relaxing. And in a way – it has been. We don’t get up till after 8am each morning. We have pancakes almost every day. We’ve taken a walk – or even two walks a day for over a month now – and the girls and I turn into “The Flash Family” and we even run. Almost every day we take the same route. In the mornings we go through the alley ways around here – and see what new plants are growing along the walls and fences. In the evening we take Kenneth Road – walk about a mile then up and back around to the house. Effie loves walking on small walls and counts her steps, then says how many points she made. Celia loves to race and always gets second place because 2nd is the best – and 1st is the worst. It’s a relief that I don’t have to carry anyone anymore. Because now at least – the walks are quite pleasant. And back to the summer stuff. It’s been one day after another of play dates, outings for the ladies with the people who love them almost as much as I do, cooking every meal, and being unorganized.

Ok. I’m writing more of what I started two days ago. So this is Part 2. I just put away 9 shoes. That means there is 1 laying around somewhere. I always pick up shoes. Everywhere I look there is a pair of shoes. I didn’t even know we had so many shoes. Apparently we do. Most of the shoes I pick up from around the house are very small, glittery, and fancy. Must mean they do not belong to Alex, although that would be cool if he wore shoes like that.

And it’s late. While I waste time on facebook, I know I should be cleaning up. I should be getting ready for the myriad of things I have to do this week. But whatever.

And I’m tired. So I’ll go now.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Some-a Some-a

I’m sitting in a choir loft, behind the organ whose pedals I’m not very good at playing.
A good chuch organ has pedals. Bass pedals that you play with your feet. Considering I tap danced for more than a decade of my life you would think I could coordinate my feet to move in the right direction to hit a right note but it’s not so simple. If only I could – the music would sound better. Maybe I should look up a “how to” video on youtube on how to play church organ pedals correctly.

Oh. Wait a minute. I just forgot. I don’t usually write about those things – and I digress.

Well, I mentioned that because here I am. Sitting alone. Waiting for the right queue so I can sing the “lord have mercy” in about 45 seconds. And as I sit here, I keep kicking myself in the butt for not keeping a small notepad with me at all times to share with you the things that Effie says on an hourly basis that crack me up.

I do remember that this morning Celia and Effie were playing with their new “Polly Pocket Superheros” thanks to my sister and dad who were not afraid to take them outta the box. For some reason, Wonder Woman (Effie) said the wrong thing to mini-Supergirl (Celia), and mini-Supergirl told mini polly pocket Wonder Woman to “take it back” “Take back the words you said Wonder Woman!” Effie had no idea what to do – so I told her to say “I take it back”. So, in Effie language she said “I tate it bat”. Then she told Supergirl “I didn’t know dat wuds tat a bat” – Which translated means “I didn’t know words take a bath”. If you don’t get it – or if it’s not funny to you, no biggy. It’s funny to me.

By the way, I finished playing the “lord have mercy” – and the “Alleluia” already.
The bride- who is celebrating her 25th anniversary right now is named Celia. It’s kind of weird to be typing and hearing the name Celia repeatedly.

I still digress.

Summer is passing quickly. I feel like the time I’ve been spending with my immediate family has been so wonderful. Celia, Effie, Alex and I share 3 meals a day together, bedtime together, and playtime together, and I guess it pays off. Celia does miss school a tad, but says she is not bored. But at least one time a day she reminds me that what she loves most in the world is her “family”. I’m fine with that. Must mean I’m doing my job right. Hopefully.

Strange how cool it’s been this summer. And although it’s fine – to not be sweating my brains off all day, I do miss swimming everyday. Well, I think we are swimming almost everyday – but it’s more fun to me when it’s refreshing and not cold. Whatever.

Speaking of swimming. Celia learned how to swim. Thanks to her cousin Sasha, (who can swim now) and her little friends who are twins – who all know how to swim – she busted out her Virgo perfection-ness and was determined to learn on her own. She’s been like that with bike riding – hula hoping – dribbling a ball – and skipping. Once she wants to learn – she works very hard to do so – and she does.

I’m definitely not like that.

This has also been the summer of facepainting. Every day the girls have been painted. Alex tends to do strange designs. Effie was a pink space spider today, and Celia was Lydia from the Beetlejuice cartoon. Yesterday Effie was a pink space mouse, and Celia was a butterfly. The day before yesterday, Effie was some kind of pink thing with a unicorn, and Celia was a vampire demon. It’s all rather normal to me – but when you are walking around the streets pushing a double jogger with two kids who look like gothic babies or alien children – other people don’t usually look at them as if they are normal. What’s funny too is that those little kids like wearing “one and one”. Meaning – each of them will wear say a blue sock and a red sock. Instead of fighting over pairs of socks, they work it out amongst themselves to just share. So cute.

Well, the bride and groom are renewing their vows now. Which means I better jump back on the organ bench and get ready for the next song. Have a great week. I personally am looking forward to more organizing – more selling on craigslist – more giving on freecylcle, more swimming, more face painting, more cooking, more walking, and more fun with my little chookie kids. I lub dem so much.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

My camera battery died on day 2

We did it. And it was a lot of work. A lot of driving. A lot of fun.
We had our FIRST family vacation. Yes, we’ve gone to Mexico, and camped here and there, and we did Palm Springs, but this was the very first Family vacation. Just me, Alex, Celia, and Effie. I’m happy for us ☺

But camping – is work. A lot of work. Definitely worth the work but work nonetheless. And the entire time we were gone – I thought about everything in two categories. Fun. And Not so Fun. I can’t say Not Fun because nothing is really Not Fun to me, but Not So Fun worked better. So are you ready – here’s a quick run down of the camping trip in the way I thought about it the entire time.


Fun: having everything packed, and knowing you didn’t forget anything.

Not So Fun: Getting on the wrong freeway and not realizing till half an hour into the trip.

Fun: Finding another quick route.

Not So Fun: Effie losing her cowboy hat to the wind on the freeway gods.

Fun: Stopping at Starbucks for a big iced coffee and giving the girls rice krispie treats.

Not So Fun: Having to pee too much from drinking the big iced coffee.

Fun: Driving up the coast.

Not So Fun: Driving up the coast with screaming children.

Fun: Singing in the car, and listening to Effie tell jokes like “knock knock, who’s there, mad- mad who – mad cat eats chok-a-lot”

Not So Fun: Singing in the car but having a little perfectionist cry because she doesn’t exactly get harmonies yet.

GETTING TO CAMP! (Limekiln State Park – Big Sur, California)

Fun: Getting a space in the beautiful redwoods when the day before the campground was full.

Not So Fun: Having to pitch a tent when it’s freezing, almost dark, your kids are hungry, and they are fighting over which chair to sit in.

Fun: Getting the tent up, and getting the air mattresses filled up, and your children fed even though it’s 9:30 pm and very dark and cold.

Not So Fun: When one of your air mattresses is dead.

Fun: Sleeping next to two cozy cute children who are so excited to be sleeping outside next to a sweet sounding creek.

Not So Fun: Sleeping next to two cozy cute children who are so excited to be sleeping outside next to a sweet sounding creek when it’s 45 degrees outside.

Fun: Dreaming crazy camping dreams every single night.

Not So Fun: Waking up every 2 hours because its so cold.

Fun: Going back to sleep next to the most wonderful family.

Not So Fun: Holding your pee so you don’t have to leave a freezing tent to go out into the freezing dark wilderness.

Fun: Waking up at 8:30 to happy campers.

Not So Fun: Having to walk down a big hill to take the happy campers to pee, and always having to carry the littlest happy camper back up the big hill.


Fun: Taking a hike through an amazing green, lush, forest, alongside a beautiful rocky creek, and eating jelly bellies.

Not So Fun: Taking a hike through an amazing green, lush forest, alongside a beautiful rock creeck when you ate your littlest happy camper’s last favorite color of jelly bellies.

Fun: Finishing a hike.

Not So Fun: Having to carry the little happy camper.

Fun: When your big kid walks everywhere by herself and doesn’t need to be carried anymore.

Not So Fun: Realizing your big kid is too big to be carried anymore. ☹

Fun: Putting your feet in the creek.

Not So Fun: Putting your feet in the creek when it’s like ice.

Fun: Eating at camp.

Not So Fun: Dropping a skillet of the food you made at camp on the floor. (no 3 second rules when it comes to plant waste and dirt)

Fun: Having strange camp neighbors ask you for butter.

Not So Fun: Having other strange camp neighbors who smoke cigars.


Fun: Going to the Aquarium.

Not So Fun: Finding parking that is not $20, paying almost $30 to get in to the aquarium, and not being able to see much cuz a zillion other people paid almost $30 to go to the aquarium on the same day.

Fun: Watching the littlest happy camper fall in love with jelly fish.

Fun: Watching the two little happy campers sit in front of a huge piece of glass and scream each time the fattest fish in California swam above them for 45 minutes.

Fun: Going to a grocery store in Monterey and having the littlest happy camper put food on the “elevator”.

Not So Fun: Having to eat Carls Jr.

Fun: Listening to the happy campers talk to eachother:
Celia: Effie are you pooped?
Effie: No
Celia: Pooped means tired – are you tired?
Effie: Yes
Celia: Then you are pooped. Are you pooped?
Effie: No
Celia: when you are pooped out it means you are very very tired. Aren’t you tired?
Effie: Yes.
Celia: Then you are pooped out. Aren’t you pooped out Effie?
Effie: (no response) (she fell asleep)
Celia: Effie was pooped.

Fun: Driving for an hour down the beautiful coast when your loudest kid is asleep, your husband is asleep, and your big kid is entertained with Calvin and Hobbs.

Fun: Getting back to camp safe and hanging out at the beach and the creek for hours with your happy campers.

Not So Fun: Having to sleep in the cold. Again.


Fun: Running up and down the hill to the bathroom with a little happy camper that got used to it.

Not So Fun: Having to pack up a campsite.

Fun: Driving somewhere new.

Not So Fun: Not knowing where to go.

Fun: Finding a hike to a waterfall and watching your kids become expert rock climbers in 20 minutes.

Not So Fun: Having to watch your expert rock climbers think they are expert rock climbers. Scary.

Fun: Getting to the big waterfall and wishing we could swim under it.

Not So Fun: Having to leave.

Fun: Eating pizza in San Luis Obispo and letting the girls play too many video games.

Not So Fun: Running out of quarters.

Fun: Finding an open campsite at a beautiful lake.

Not So Fun: Finding an open campsite at a beautiful lake full of a million not so great people.

Fun: watching your big kid slide down a hill of dry brush on a piece of raggedy cardboard with a bunch of kids you would never want your kid to associate with.

Not So Fun: Watching the mom of those kids you would never want your kids to associate with call her child Satan and scream at him as if she were Satan’s Mother.

Fun: Seeing deer, wild turkeys, strange rodents, quail, and blue jays.

Not So Fun: Seeing all of the above in a camp full of people who ruin all of the above.

Fun: Watching your happy campers learn how to go down a fire pole.

Not So Fun: Watching the above around a bunch of people you do not want your kids around. (I don't even want to give details)

Fun: Getting your kids to sleep in a noisy camp by 8pm.

Not So Fun: Having your camp neighbors scream at their kids and walk by your tent, and rummage through recycling bins while banging on them, and talking to their friend “Ro Ro” on the phone too loud to discuss the behavior of little “Satan”, and driving their cars too close to your tent with head lights shining on your tent as if they were gonna ram into your tent.

Fun: Seeing a zillion zillion stars in the sky.

Not So Fun: Having to be at that janky campsite for the night, even though your kids think that those crazy children are the most amazing humans to ever walk the earth.

Fun: Being woken up at 6am by little Satan’s mother talking on the phone to little Satan’s Dad so he could pick up little Satan. (fun because it got us up early enough to get the heck out of there before 7am)

Fun: Packing up camp in one hour with children asleep.

Fun: Eating Chocolate cake for breakfast.

Fun: Getting out of the beautiful lake campsite with crazy people.

Fun: Singing harmonies. Effie telling more jokes like: knock knock, who’s there? Chi chi man. Chi chi man who? Chi chi man forgot his underwear.


Fun: Getting to Jalama Beach.

Fun: Watching your happy campers at their favorite place. The Beach.

Fun: Collecting rocks and watching the big kid find sea creatures.

Fun: Making Sand houses with doors and bridges with Effie.

Fun: Sleeping on the sand while Alex plays in the water with the girls.

Fun: Reading the newspaper and LA Weekly while Alex plays with the girls.

Fun: Not getting sun burnt.

Fun: Watching your happy campers at the beach. (it really is the best)

Not fun: Sand in little happy camper butts.

So we got home safe today – cuz there were no campsites left at the beautiful Jalama Beach Campsite. But we’ll just have to go back.

Have a great week everyone. More pics on facebook.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Mas y mas y mas

Click on that picture of the sandwich to see it even bigger!! Dang - it was good... really really really good.
I think I've said this before and time again, but as a day passes, I listen to all the millions of hilarious little things my little ladies say and I usually can't wait to blog about them. I mean - what do I tell you about? Maybe I should tell you about:

Effie wearing a large rubber band around her face that made her eyes look all squished while she danced like an Arabian Princess to some crazy soul-disco with Korean noodles hanging out of her mouth?

Celia asking Effie if they could pretend they were be driven around in a Porshe and could become Mexican Princesses?

Effie and Celia wearing winter coats this morning?

Playing the game "I am?" (curious ain't cha?)

Celia playing many new songs on the piano, but being obsessed with tender love songs?

Effie and her new fife? Do you know what a fife is?

Our visit to the laundry mat today and my kids devouring Popeye's chicken as if it were sprinkles on a sprinkled donut?

Selling all my belongings on craigslist? Or something about the people who buy things on craigslist? Or about the guy who offered to let me use his trailer for camping?

What about that guy who asked me to come see his fish is his backyard when I was with Effie? Hmmm. He said they were really big fish. (I did not go see his fish- what a weirdo)

I wish I could write the funniest story of the week, but if you are really interested, Cathie can forward you the email, otherwise it's not going to be posted.

How about Effie saying she was only a "naked human" when he called her a "beautiful angel" after getting outta the tub.

Well - I guess I can not go into details. But I'll post a picture or two and go to bed. It's 1:06am, and tomorrow's a big day. Until next time.

Friday, July 2, 2010


I kinda thought that with a new little lapy-topy I'd have more time to write blogs. Not the case.
It's too late - 1:51 - finished the craigslist listing and I am giving myself 10 minutes exactly to write something. So my fingers must type. My mom always had incredible typing speed. I'd love to see her rock a laptop keyboard... but I think she may have done best on a big fat typewriter with heavy keys.

We are almost 2 weeks in to summer vacation. I have to admit I feel a bit defeated by the whole situation. I have not put my kids in swim classes, ballet classes, or any classes. I have not been able to take them swimming regularly (too cold)
I have not been able to cook them decent meals. I have not been able to take them anywhere new and exciting ... yet. And I have not been able to teach Celia to read better, or how to ride a bike, or Effie how to hula hoop.

On the other hand - I have been able to:

Sleep in till 8:30am everyday. IT'S AWESOME!!!!!!
Cook half way decent meals.
Teach Celia quite a few piano pieces that I couldn't play until 2nd grade.
Clean my house more than usual.
Let my children watch more TV than they usually do.
Watch movies with Alex on Netflix via the Wii. I'm very very happy with this - and this alone makes it feel like vacation is here.
Keep my houseplants alive.
Have guests over for bbq's.
Visit my homegirls.
Get Celia her 2nd filling at the dentist.
Get a new pet caterpillar.
Get rid of the cardboard house. May he R.I.P
Stephanie's baby shower
Get Extra babysitting from Mr. and Mrs. H
Go to 4 different libraries - so far.

yes. My list of things I have been able to do is very not interesting at all. I can not wait to go on a camping trip so I can write about something better and more interesting and out of the ordinary.

Seriously - my child Celia barely even wants to leave the house. It's like pulling teeth to get her to go anywhere. She was happy to leave the house today for donuts and a trip to Monterey Park but it seems like since school has been out - all she wants to do it either sit in a chair, on her bed, or on the couch, and stare at comic books or picture books, or watch a movie. She is extremely lazy, and I wonder if it's a whole "school's out" thing for her. I don't know. But as long as she's happy, I'm cool with it.

Little rosey cheeks however - is in movie mode. All she wants to do is watch a movie and she'll say "pretty please with love on top". They are watching more than usual - but not more than an hour and a half or so a day. It gets broken up into a Popeye episode, then a bit a Scooby Doo, Fraggles, or some wierd show on Netflix - and this blog is boring me to pieces and 10 minutes have already passed. Let me just say that I am thankful for the non-eventfullness for the most part. The boring tv stuff, the daily ice cream in the afternoon, the sleeping in, the fact that we can take walks again, is all good to me.

I remember reading in Catch-22 - one of the characters talked about boredom - and how great it was because time passed by so slowly when you are bored - and when you have this great time doing something adventurous, time passes too fast. Well, for that reason (even though I am far far far from bored) I am grateful for not having a million things to do. At the current time it only feels like i have 100 things to do.

8 more weeks of summer vacation. I hope that the next time I get a chance to write something - it will be better than this. I'm going to post a bunch of pics from the past couple weeks to make this a better post.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Wrote this yesterday

So. I got a laptop and have not had enough time to use it. But since the husband is on the other computer, and I can’t seem to borrow internet right now from my neighbor across the street, even with the window open and no cars parked in front of our houses, I’ll just write this as a document and cut and paste. Presto.

My little snookums of a Celia is done with kindergarten this Friday. I guess no big deal but big deal. I’m glad they are not doing a Graduation thing because I think Kindergarten graduations are lame even though I had one. They are having a pot luck. Pot lucks are better than graduations anyhow. Wait a minute. Celia graduated from preschool. That was cool. Oh whateva.

And Effie is big. But not too big, and not mature yet that’s for sure. She’s funny. Becky knows exactly what I’m talking about. A few others do too I’m sure. She has this thing to her. She rolls her eyes back and puckers her lips while smiling when she talks. There is something so strange and hilarious about her demeanor that makes me want to just sit in front of her all day long and watch her.

Today she flipped because she wanted a German Simpson’s comic book in her hands while eating spaghetti and meatballs. Alex didn’t want her to have comics at the table. We’ve never been good at enforcing those types or rules – like no toys while eating, no jumping on chairs while eating, no showing off your butt while eating, no playing with play-doh while eating, no reading German Simpson’s while eating, etc. So in the end the only way she’d eat the food is if she could read, so she won, yes bad bad me. But afterwards I had a little chat with her and her dad told her it was important to understand that we had to say “no” sometimes and that it would be best if when we said “no” she’d respond with “ok Mom” or “ok Dad”. We told her she was a big girl and had to understand that it was for her own good when we said no. Her response was “I pwomise I’ll undustan when I’m a gawon up”. At least she’ll get it sooner or later. Or much later.

We’ve been super busy. Not too many outings. But some manageable walks around the neighborhood. We are trying to teach the girls to sing do-wop songs while they sit in the stroller and have them sing backgrounds for us. They are not too good at it yet. They do like holding an ipod in the stroller and its cute to see both of them listening as they each hold a speaker to their ear and sing. They did that song Voulez-vou by Abba and they say “Voulez-vou….. A HA! Baby Celia!!” The real song doesn’t say that. Maybe you have to hear them sing it for it to be funny.

I got that trader joe’s vanilla cake mix today and mixed in banana and walnuts and topped it with a homemade frosting made of milk, melted butter and chocolate chips, and powdered sugar all whipped and it was so good. There’s the recipe. Go try it. It’s da bomb.

Since I’m on a random writing thing. Guess what? I know over 20 people who are pregnant. I’m not one of them.

My parents came back after abandoning us to visit friends in Texas. I’m super excited to hear about it. Once while looking at our globe I told Celia about the entire world and all the people I knew around the world, and how we could visit any one of them someday. You name it – Australia, Ireland, Italy, Argentina, Mexico, Hawaii, El Salvador. After we finished talking about all the places I asked her where she wanted to go most. She answered a very quick “Texas”.

Speaking of Texas. Aren’t people in Texas more patriotic than people in California? Well, maybe Effie should move there too. Effie had an American flag that an old teacher of mine gave me, because she said how much kids love waving flags. True that. Little Effie held it out the car window from Glendale to Eagle Rock and back, and for some reason it was the funniest thing to me. Here we are in Glendale, and to see an Armenian Flag, or a Laker’s flag riding high out a car window or on an antenna would be normal, but to see a little teeny arm holding out a big American Flag out the back seat is not. I’m surprised she held on so tight that it didn’t even fly out of her hands on the freeway. I told you she was strange.

Ok. Have a wonderful day. If I find an internet connection I’ll post this right now. Even if I have to go out on the sidewalk.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Aye Caramba!

Aye indeed. I just finished using a fancy chop-stick to stir my lovely ice coffee with a little extra sugar tonight. Alex and I both get a sweet tooth in the night-time - and it stinks when you have no sweets in your house whatsoever to calm those cravings. I think he opened up a bag of chocolate chips to toss a few in his mouth - and I opted for.... extra sugar in the ice coffee that usually just has milk. So there.

And it's Monday. Monday. Almost time to think about Tuesday Tuesday. Monday for me... well.... hmmm... wasn't the greatest Monday of all time, nor was it the worst. I thought Celia had a dentist appointment today. But she didn't. I got to spend 3 hours in a music studio this morning - which was FUN. And I had no kids with me! MORE FUN! Not that my kids aren't fun, but when you are with them all the time, and the youngest always tugs on your shirt at all times or your leg, or butt, or whatever, it's nice to be free of anyone either on my back, being held in my arms, or doing that tugging stuff.

We stayed home all afternoon. The weather made me feel not so guilty about doing so. We .... ate grapes. Watched 2 episodes of Pee-Wee's Playhouse .... ate more grapes. Played "cook fake food and pretend you don't know how to eat so Effie can use a miniature spoon to put grapes in your mouth so you can pretend she's giving you purple medicine". We played - "let's fight for covers on the bed and kick eachother" (Oh, maybe that's what they played that I had to stop) Then they did homework. Effie gets homework too now. I have no idea why. Then Celia made a map. It said something like "Estamos en el cuarto. Estamos en una foto en una foto" I have no idea why. There were three boxes on the map. One with an "osito" then a "manzana" then a big "osito". Just thought I'd let you know. Fascinating or what? Then the girls took their one hour ducky (bath) so I could fold laundry. Oh yeah - and as I posted on Facebook today, I thought I was all bad-ass and this amazing cook, and remembered eating homemade pizza from my mom's old Italian buddies. Yeah - they are in their 90's and cook these super good meals all the time supposedly, and so I wanted to be just like them, so I rolled out some dough from a recipe I got (which totally totally sucked - excuse my french) - and topped it with a layer of hot bacon grease from the bacon I had been cooking, sauce, cheese, feta cheese, garlic, jalapenos, fresh tomato and mushrooms, and baked it at 425 degrees until it looked like the most amazing pizza creation ever to set foot in my kitchen. And I ate it and it was.... not very good. I'm not going to go into detail about my disappointment - or disenchantment of making my own amazing pizza. I will just say the crust tasted like I should have cut it off and mixed it with apples for a nice "pie" type dessert with vanilla ice cream. ???

And... or course the weekend was very fun. Much thanks to Rebeca Patricia for getting a Masters degree and providing some lovely festivities. Did I mention I broke the pinata?? Well, there I was sitting around chatting Skot's ear off when Becky yelled "Sara's turn!" and I grabbed that stick, and wacked the patooty out of the Chilindrina until her body broke off from her neck, and BAM! I did it! Apparently, not many people had the chance to hit that thing, and our new family member Joel said that he didn't get a chance to hit it, and now he knows not to ever make me mad. Apparently I kicked the crap outta that thing? Maybe I'm exaggerating. I'm just trying to entertain you.

Yeah - and Saturday. I can't even remember what we did! OH! Drum circle again! (FUN!) Join us if you want - email me for detailssss.... and we have a new Saturday morning tradition. Pack lunches. Go to drum circle. Drive through the boonies. Get to Sun Thrift shop in the boonies. Buy toys. Eat packed lunches. Effie nap. Go home. Play wedding. Play quinceaneara. Go home. Cook. Visit someone. Go to target. Go to store. Go to bed. Sound fun? Yeah... it is. No rest for the... non-resters.

Yeah - and Sunday! Are you ready for this! Another party? Alex and I had fun DJ'ing and I have no idea if anyone even listened to all the hits we were turning out for the Q's. Either way - it was fun. Somehow we ended up in San Pedro. For some reason, in Burbank it was sunny. Then we got on the 110 freeway and at about the 105 it got cloudy. And it was gloomy. Then we made it to San Pedro. The Korean Friendship bell had closed so we hit up that perty park that overlooks the ocean. Have you ever been there? It's nice. They have this stage where the girls played an hour long game of presenting which meant that all four of us had to do a choreographed danced to a song called "Got the world by the tail" about 8 times because Effie told us to. Wouldn't you have liked to been there watching us? Well... there were a few people in the park, none of which seemed interested in watching these people dance on a stage with their kids. Effie would send us out to the audience and then demand us back on stage immediately. She's strange. It had been awhile since we played "presenting". Effie would stand up at the edge of this stage, and fold her arms and say "Hi ebewyone. I'm Effie. Tank you audience. Dis is my mom. Dis is my dad. Dis is my sistew. Wes awe goins to sing a song fo yous. Tank you" Then she'd scramble to get us in our places. We did this whole little show after they played at the playground and some little punk ass two year old with a stinky diaper threw an acorn at Celia's face giving her a small welt on the side of her eye while his parents were making out on a blanket about 100 feet away. Yes. I talked to them and was mad. Whatever.

So, there you go. My life story as of last Friday. I hope the rest of the week is as wonderful as the last. I hope you guys are all happy and doing something interesting, so that when we talk, I can hear what you have been up to since you already know everything I do practically. Have a superb week. Don't forget to go to Celia's school for World Fest on May 22nd. Be there at 1:45 - her class sings at 2pm. Peace out.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Hello world. The small world of people that find a way to read this. How are you? I hope you're happy - cuz if you are not - that must stink. Just think right now of something really crappy..... go ahead - just think for a minute about something that happened in your day that didn't go perfectly. I'll give you a second. Now....... think of something amazing!!!!!!!! Think of something that one day made you SOOOOOOOOOOO happy!!!!!!!!!! Feel better? Good.

A lot of things made me happy this week - month - day actually. You know the sound of uncontrollable laughter from a 3 and 5 year old is the best. I have tricks to make my kids laugh. In fact - what's funny is that I had some minor aspirations as a kid to be an actress or comedian. Well, I definitely am glad I felt I had a bit of talent - because it pays off daily. My kids will point to me and say "you are NOW .... a..... girl... GORG!" and BooM!!! I become one. Or they say "Mom..... do your.... Myxlplick voice! Now Rhinokey! Now Italian man! Now.... Miss Lily!" (Myxliplick is the cosmic villain from the Super Friends and Miss Lily is a Russian mouse who teaches ballet) It's pretty fun. And it's always fun to watch Alex talk like a girl with a skirt on his head trying to convince my kids that he is me. Then I hide behind him and he lips the words that I say to make them laugh - and it's really funny. Maybe you just have to be here to get it. But either way - making my kids happy... is wonderful. (Especially when the children find a way to test every bone in your body that reserves a spot for patience and it seems virtually impossible to see the bright side in a tragic tantrum encompassing moment)

So last night - while I was putting my dear little darlings to bed Effie kicked me on accident and I said in Spanish "Eyy... me lastimo' " Then she said ...."Mom..... whats uh-steem-o?" And today she so cutely said "Mom... I wants to gos to Costa Weeka - because it sounds like da wurd make-up". What a weirdo. SHE'S SOOOOOOO cute. If that doesn't make sense or is not funny to you... well- I don't even care - cuz it's funny to me. She's so serious too. Man - I wish posting video were easier and didn't take so long.

I'm really too tired to write anything else... so I'm gonna go to bed. There's always a lot to say and write - but my brain is on "I'm about to shut down mode" so I'll just say hi to you people who happened to stumble upon this today and wish you a wonderful rest of the week. There's gonna be some partying (RPQ) this week I'm looking forward to so maybe I'll have some interesting things to write about soon. Until then. Peace out.

Friday, April 23, 2010

April Showers

Hey everyone... uhh.. how are you?
I've been pretty bad at finding time to write. I think once I get on the computer I just start staring at Facebook, and then an hour passes and all I have done is read things that don't even interest me that much, or comment on things I shouldn't even talk about, or whatever. No biggy, but I'd like to be a bit more productive - so maybe this is productive. Or maybe it's not. Who cares!

So, this month - has been wonderful so far. We made it to the beach last week, and it was cold. We haven't gone to Disneyland. I finished teaching es-spanish - and now I'm in an in-between state of sorts. It feels weird to me when I don't have a hundred things to do. I don't have lessons to plan this weekend - except to try to figure out how to teach music in Italian for half an hour on Tuesday even though I don't speak Italian.

And as usual - my kids get funnier by the day. I'll have to start uploading videos - because in all honesty, I really - haven't met anyone as funny as Effie. I used to babysit - I've taught quite a few children in my days - and no one has matched the comedy that is Effie Rose. She is sooooooo funny. I really will just have to carry a notepad tomorrow and report back, because I should just write down everything she says. Do you think it's because she's my kid that I think so highly of her? Well, that is likely - but I have a feeling that even if she weren't mine - I'd still think she's funny.

To summarize some of the events that I can actually remember from this month - let me list:
- Alex and I had a double date last week - just so you all know and it's on the record.
- I rollerskated - thanks to Lucena last week for 2 hours straight. It was rad-i-cal. More than anything because I rollerskated solo to some fancy Soul Jams as my kids and husband were asleep. I should do that more often.
- We saw Betty White at the zoo which caused a big commotion among a school group that made 3 big black girls get down as they danced and sang to the theme song of the Golden Girls as they screamed how much they loved "Rose". It was really pretty awesome, because at first I thought these girls were just randomly singing "Thank you for Being a Friend", and I was like "Wow, how awesome, these girls are so amazing - just randomly shaking their butts to the theme song of one of my favorite TV shows", then Alex pointed to Betty White....(did that make any sense?)
- Stephanie and Dan and Eillen came over, and Dan told some funny ass stories about a drunk named Kenny who talks in the third person and hangs outside a liquor store in Pac-Town (Pacoima) and calls 911 a few times a week so he can just go to Olive View hospital for fun.
- We had two dogs in our house.
- We saw a rabbit this morning - and Effie freaked out - and said "it must be Spring!"
- Then we saw an orange and white cat - and Effie freaked out and said "it must be Spring!"
- Plants are taking over the house.
- We ate at King Torta twice.
- Went on my first field trip with Celia. She came home singing "Who Let The Dogs Out" ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL DAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY and ALLLLLLLLLLLLL NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGHT - and she was able to sound just like the guy who sings it, and ignored every person in her path so she could focus on those "hoo - hoo -hoo - hoo- hoos".
- Celia learned how to use the ipod - I know kinda late - I'm sure a million 2 year olds can use them already, but she is able to navigate through it, which means we have listened to the Los Lobos cover of Grim Grinning Ghosts from the haunted mansion about 148 times today alone. You people may think I'm joking - but I do not exaggerate when I speak of these things. Come on - this is the same girl who chewed on my arm out of terror during "UP". She takes things seriously.
- Ok - I'm feeling boring - and Yeaahhh... I have to do the DISHES - and my dishes partner fell asleep - so I have to do them on the solo tip.... oh well. So good night peeps.

Until next time.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


So it's 12:16 am, and I have been chatting on Facebook with my cousin about all these strange apocalyptic things he gets neurotic over for way too long, and I don't want to go to bed without at least writing a blog. Not that chatting on facebook is a complete waste of time - it's just... well, chatting about how to survive two different types of nuclear explosions is not really that interesting to me. I told the guy I'd rather chat about what he ate for dinner - but he wasn't impressed. Well, seriously, on a daily basis - I think A LOT about, well, what I'm gonna make for dinner - or what my kids will eat, or how I'll get the - yes - yes - dishes done - or if there's toilet paper in the house, or if the lint dispenser was cleaned out, or if the lights in the backyard are turned off, or if I can make sure that the dead markers in the marker bin are appropriately disposed of. I do not have time to think about nuclear explosions. Plus, I don't really care. If I die in a nuclear explosion - that just could make my life that much easier right? Well, really, I am not a worry wart at all, and I'm glad my cousin is, because if he weren't then I would have never even written the word Nuclear in my blog, ever, never, never.

And this past MONTH - the longest month ever - which was the month of MARCH was so so so long. Which is good. Things dragging out to me are a blessing especially when I do not have recollections anymore of changing diapers or walking around the house at 2am with two kids in my arms trying to calm them down. Nope, I just don't remember. Boring to me - is a blessing - but a blessing I am rarely blessed with because ... well, I'm never bored. But if I WERE bored, even for a moment, I'd happily, sit and fold clothes, or read something other than ingredients on a food label, or a flyer that asks me what movie I'd like to see at the PTA family night. Not that I don't like reading those things, but reading a book - a real real book - not a baby book, not a nutrition book, not a giving birth the natural way book, not a breastfeeding book, not a children's health book, not a baby/mommy/parent/or even teaching related book - I mean a REAL book with fake characters who are not animals and who are over the age of 5 in it - would be so nice. Any recommendations? Anyone? I mean - there IS a chance that in the next few years I might HAVE the time to read one of those kinds of books. (I hope)

But I meant to say - March was crazy. My sister was gone - and for some reason her life adventures play a large roll in my life. Well, she was gone as my mom prepped her soul and body for surgery. And she's doing VERY well, I must say. (Hi mom - I'm so glad you're better.) And that was a little crazy ... but not as crazy as I thought it could be. Plus, my sister had birthday adventures. Plus I watched the movie Urban Cowboy - which was so so fun - because I was SO into John Travolta - and hated him for beating up his wife - but couldn't believe how I kind of - kind of felt forgiveness in my heart for him by the end of the movie... but that's lame - anyway - what else... March... March.... March.... well, whatever happened in March is OVER.... and that's good - because we are another month closer to summer vacation when I can spend every day with my little little ones, and I can hope that Effie never learns to pronounce the letter "G" because everything is that much cuter when your kid says "dass" instead of "grass", and "dapes" instead of "grapes" and "deen" instead of "green", and when she can't say "C's" because "dat's toot" is better than "that's cute".

There really, really, seems to be so so much going on - and the year is flying by again... but I'll try to keep you posted on what April brings our way. And let me just say, that I have the most amazing, beautiful, cute, funny, and wonderful little kids on this planet (I think), and I'm so so so so lucky. I just hope they stay toot forever.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Quehaceres- be da things we gots to do.

I always have things to do. Too many things to do. And tonight - the angels in heaven are singing out loud. Sara got lots of things DONE! I wish my accomplishments would include getting all my Spanish students to pass my tests - or doing a real special activity with my kids, like some cool Hello Kitty craft with felt and glitter glue, but at this moment - my big accomplishments include:

Getting my kids to eat dinner before knocking out in the car after going to Disneyland.
Getting the kids to knock out in the car and avoiding the whole bedtime routine at home.
Cleaning up the kitchen.
Washing every dish.
Washing most of the clothes.
Sweeping all the floors.
Wiping the dirt of the doorway and some walls.
Getting to Disneyland and watching Captain Eo.... (yeahhooooooooo)

And that's it. Not much more than that. Nothing heroic - and that's ok. Cuz I feel very good right now.
(Even though I'm coughing too much) - but if you know me - that's normal. UGG.

But all day, I thought I had all these really great things to blog about. I guess I was wrong. I wish I could write another blog where I'd pretend to be Alex. That guy has such funny stories sometimes, that I wish I could share with you - but I just may not. So, short story short, - I have nothing else to say right now. I'll just post a couple of pics to at least make this interesting ok? Peace out. (guess which ones Effie took!?)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Why Not

I don't have anything specific to say or write about today. I just know it's been awhile since I've written.

We've been a little on the social side lately. We've had guests for dinner at least twice a week for a month it seems. And play dates, outings with friends, school, work, work, music, school, la de da de da da da.

So lots to do.

And when there's a lot to do, and when it rains, and when your kids don't like the stroller anymore, and when it is so hard to get two kids outta the house because they are building statues on top of chairs, or throwing frozen peas on the floor, or when they take about 2 hours to get dressed, or when they cry because they don't like the way the tip of their sock feels, then it's hard to:

take a walk.
talk to a spouse.
go anywhere.
clean anything.
do anything.
think straight.
get things done.
remember things.
write blogs.
stay up late.

But when there's a lot do do, and when it rains, and when your kids pretend they are Mrs. Brisby, and the old auntie from the Secret of Nihm, and when they think their grandpa is the duke from Cinderella, and they think that their Dad is Darksied from the Legion of Doom, and they think their mom is the old Rat Nicodemus, and when they dress me up in ugly hats, and when they pour gallons of water out of a bathtub, and when Effie washes a yellow shoe diligently in the sink for 30 minutes as she scrubs the sole with a toothbrush after she rubs the toothbrush on a bar of soap, and when Celia and Effie play computer chess and write down neighbors phone numbers into the "search" fields of an old computer, then it's definitely easy to:

have fun.
be silly.
not clean.
make music.
watch them dance.
not write blogs.
feed them ice cream for being so cute.
take lots of unnecessary pictures and video.
watch and watch and watch.
let the day go by - and be happy that my kids are alive, safe, happy, strange, and being the cutest of kids.

The other night, Effie giggled uncontrollably, like a little teeny baby that hears a fart noise for the first time and can't stop laughing, and her little laugh in the dark cracked me up so bad, and her laugh got harder cuz I was laughing, and I felt like I was with Monica at church in 5th grade when we'd just be laughing at the dumbest things and can't stop. Effie is a clown. And I think she just may be the one to live out my dream of being a comedian. Hahaha. I made her say a different prayer the other night cuz her and Celia had been fighting a bit too much so I told her to repeat after me. It went like this:

me: "Dear God"
Effie: "Deeoorr Gaawts"

me: "Help me to be kind"
Effie: Heolp mes to be tines"

me: "and be very loving"
Effie; (long long pause)........ "and helps me to be veweeys... verweeys... FUNNIIIEEEE!"

What a wierdo.

I love them so much, and I wish I could just play more. I wish that I wasn't as sleepy sometimes to miss out on their cuteness that's gonna be gone one day. I wish I never had to leave to work to see Effie cry cuz she needs me to put on her socks the right way, but even though I'll get beat, tired, busy, or have to leave - I'm so lucky I get all that amazing time I do get to enjoy my FUNNNIEEEE babies.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Wow. Post number 100! That's almost as cool as Celia gettin all excited about the 100th day of school!

How are you my friends? I can't help but have to say how amazing and wonderful and funny my kids are. Yesterday Effie was in the bathroom after Celia forgot to flush - and she slightly closed one eye, looked at it, and pointed and said - "Is dat Celia's pee?" She looked at me, pointed, looked at the toilet, then looked at me, then said "Ok. I'll go on top if it's Celia's pee".

Tonight I said "I love you Effie". Then she said "Are you in lub wit me?" Of course I said yes. Effie replied - "no - you're in lub with Dada and I'm in lub with Celia". She's so cute I want to shrink her. Everyday I tell her I'm gonna put her in a shrinking machine to keep her tiny forever. She gets even more amazing by the day.

Our big one is still digging the school thing. She got a bigger part in her Yellow Submarine play, and has been glued to the ipod player in the kitchen. She listens to the same songs over and over and has interesting taste. It's the cutest thing to watch her crowd over the smallest little ipod player, and hold it in her arms, and constantly bungle around trying to replay a song, or maneuver the thing. She's even worse at trying to figure that thing out than I am.

So, yes - I saw Pee Wee and it was so so so so so so so so so so so so so so and so much fun. I just wish my girls could have gone because it was so amazing. Cathie can tell you about it here
I won't go on into too much detail, but it was a great night and so much fun to hang with Monica and finally get a night out with her!! (We even hit up the Pantry for chicken fried steak) hehehehe.

And I'm back to subbin' for awhile - in fact I have to get up super early and it's almost 1am, but wanted to post these pics and check in. We've had such a wonderful year so far... and I hope you have too. I lub u guys.

Monday, January 18, 2010


The funniest part of the day has to be when I put the kids to bed. I mean, all their silliness comes out and when the lights go out it gets especially interesting. Tonight Effie demanded everyone else shut up while she sang us her rendition of "Tinkle Tinkle little Star". And quite the comedian she is - because as soon as we start cracking up she just keeps at it. She does whatever she can do in the silliest way possible to keep us all from sleeping. We don't seem to mind much - cuz she is funny. Today she began speaking in "robot" and even gave her Russian Nesting Dolls some robotic voices. It was good.

And the week/ year so far has been good. It's nice to hear the rain outside. And it's even nicer because I don't have to make anyone's lunch at 8:30 am tomorrow or make sure we don't forget an umbrella for me and Effie when we take Celia to school.

We got to see my friends new place in Highland Park this week. (thanks for the lovely dinner) - Celia and Effie got new pajamas from Monica and wanted to wear them to our dinner on Thursday. Tonight they wore the matching pajamas again, and asked if we could go back to Lucena's just to show them off again, then go back to Monica's to wear them there as well.

Also made it to Celia's friend's house - for an evening outside watching our girls have fun in a new Pink outdoor Clubhouse. (Heart shaped window too!) They had the BEST time. Along with the family party, and the morning with the Horlicks- my girls have had a wonderful week. So have I.

My hubby turned 31 last week - and now we're the same age again.

(I started this post last week and now I'm gonna finish it)

So yeah - I was saying we had some great dinner dates the last couple of weeks, and had wonderful company over tonight - which was fun and made the girls extra silly.

And so, 2010 so far so good. Effie - still funny. She always says "Guess what" before she tells us anything. The other day we had to help Celia with her homework which was to explain her life dream for an MLK assignment she had. She basically had to do the "I Have a dream" thing - and say her dream. To help her out I began by saying "my life long dream is to have a long happy life with my family" - then Celia said in the most sincere voice "My dream for my life is to be Wonder Woman" - the Effie said in the most thoughtful voice "My dweem fo myz life is to take fishy cwakers for da animals at da zoo and feed them" , then Alex said something like " my life dream is to be a monkey at the zoo". It really was funny. Celia was dead serious. We tried to conceal our giggles.

I'm just gonna post - and get to bed soon. I do have a sink full of dishes - and don't tell my mom, but they are really gonna have to wait till morning. I'm too sleepy.

Have a wonderful day, week, month, and I'll keep you posted.