Friday, May 29, 2009

Coffee in the System

It's 12:24 am.
Lots to do.
Places to go.
People to see.

Did I ever mention we went camping?
Well, that was fun.
Remind me to always take water guns whenever we go camping. The girls liked that.

Did I mention we went to Disneyland?
Well, we do that here and there now, and taking Brownie there is much more fun than taking a car with Leather Interior for some reason. And Effie almost knocked over Minnie Mouse again cuz she was SO excited to see her. Well, considering that EVERY single thing that Effie wears, eats, or touches is called "Pink Minnie _____" it's not a surprise.

Did I mention we are going to San Luis Obispo?
Well, Lucena - I'm so excited! Wedding on Saturday which means I don't have to go to my Saturday Job for the first time in almost 2 months! Yeeehaww!! (Isn't it funny that I only really work once a week and I think it's too much??) Hmmm. I'm a questionable person.

Did I mention that I am so very much loving my children?
I mean.... there is no doubt in my mind that my 2 kids are probably in the top 2% of all time amazing people created on the face of this earth, so I feel rather proud.

And this is just a catch up blog, cuz if I ever figure out how to pack for a weekend trip, we'll be leaving till Sunday. You are welcome to come over and water my lawn, any of you if you'd like. And my vegetables, but DON'T steal any. I'm eating them. Well, then again, if you do come to water the lawn I will allow you to take no more than ONE zucchini and ONE small handful of Basil. Ok? But the cilantro is MINE!

And My dad left me and spent time in Alabama...... Why Alabama?? Well, if you marry a trucker you just may end up in alabama. No. My Dad didn't marry a trucker, but someone he knows once did, and blah blah blah. I'm just waiting for my chance to explore the strange south.

And... uhh... Celia graduates from Preschool next week. If you wanna go let me know. And the girls have a 15 minute Dance recital in a very tiny room this week. Let me know if you wanna go. And... It's almost summer... which means, lots of time at the carousel, the zoo, the library, the house, the neighbors' swimming pools, in the sprinklers, and trying to organize my life and find a way to survive and find things to sell to afford a trip to Mexico. I wish. Hmm.. I think I can handle it. (maybe not the trip but everything else)

And... well, hope all you peeps are ok, cuz I'm ok, and all is good. Let's hope it stays that way. One day I promise to get back on the blog train and post portraits and write every week. Oh yeah, that'll happen when I get a laptop... so probably not anytime soon.

Oh - one funny story tonight. But it's a little Rated R, but it was funny. I was trying on a dress for the wedding and I told Celia that the one I was wearing didn't look good, cuz I needed boobs like Miss Yvonne to look better in it, and she said to me :

"But Mom! Humans don't have boobs like Ms. Yvonne! She's only on TV!"... hahahahah.. little does she know...

And... our new thing after we do all those goodnight checks is: Celia and Effie beg me to tell them a Ghost Story. Then they take turns telling stories. They tell the stories into a microphone that lights up. So tonight, Effie''s story went something like this:

"Pink... Minnie.. Hello.. hello... Dere was a gost. Da gost was a big doo doo. Dee end"