Sunday, October 16, 2011

New Mom

Hey friends. Yes it's been too long since my last post, but since I did give birth to the crazy kicker that lived in my womb for over 9 months I thought I'd write. I should probably be sleeping since I didn't sleep much at all last night. Maybe some 30 minute stretches here and there, but not much. Alex and I always laughed when people would say "You have a baby? oh well, good luck sleeping". Well, they said that a ton with Celia and Effie and we laughed because we always slept well. The girls didn't have extremely large burps to belch out after each feeding. Ramone does. The girls never spit up a bunch of milk after their feedings. Ramone does. The girls lovingly pooped during the day and left that business alone during the night most of the time. Ramone doesn't. The girls slept for many consecutive hours at night. Ramone does not. The girls smelled like pretty little girls. Ramone does not. Ramone is different. He has many traits that are good though that the girls didn't. Ramone likes the car, water in his face, and does not cry when you change his onesie and the onesie gets stuck over his big head. I mean, the girls would scream at those things, and Ramone could care less. But the whole sleep thing is throwing me off. The husband told a friend the other day that since Ramone has been born it's seemed like one very long day. I agree. The day he was born, almost a month ago has yet to finish.

There's really too much to tell. The birth itself was crazy. Mostly cuz the girls got to witness the exit of womb. The best part was the last push of that little sucker, cuz I pushed on my stomach the best I could with that last push and felt his little feet glide away. I knew it was the last time I'd feel those feet in the womb, and I was so ready for them to be out. In fact, of all the things I feel like saying or writing, is that I'm so honestly grateful and happy to not be pregnant anymore. Pregnancy is not easy. It was easier in my twenties, and this time around I continued to work, walk, clean, cook, take care of the girls, drive, etc... but not very well. In fact, today we were at griffith park. They've got a newly paved bike path that used to be a bike path of dirt, so we took the ladies to go ride bikes. And it was warm, and Ramone was snuggled up in his sling, and I walked and walked - , and despite the little man being heavy, despite the fact that I'm still dealing with the not fun at all fatigue and whatever not fun postpartum things you have to deal with, and despite the fact that I didn't sleep much nor have I slept much at all since I had this kid, I felt so good! I mean, I can now move without the extra 30 pounds of excess water, baby, uterus, and more. All the discomfort of having had a child to me now seems like nothing in comparison to the pregnancy. And although I didn't do too much complaining while pregnant (or did I?), now that I can lay on my stomach on the kid's bed to tuck the covers in on the wall side of the bunk bed means a lot to me. It really really does.

So thanks to Jesus, Ramone is here. Outside the womb. Happy. Healthy. So nothing else matters at all.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Over already

Tomorrow is the last Friday of the summer. I guess I could go on about how fast it goes but I'll just say it quickly. It went by fast. Again. As always. I haven't necessarily tried to make the most of each day with my kids, but it's not so bad cuz we swam almost every single day. The girls rode bikes out at least 3-4 times a week. They had music lessons almost daily. I almost finished my album. I sold everything I wanted to sell on criagslist. I got a new car. Went to the beach 3 times. My kids got to Disneyland. We entertained summer visitors. Had dinner with lots of friends. Found a new chiropractor that kept me able to walk. Managed to make my kid's bedtime later and later every night. Got the girls to sleep on their own, stay asleep on their own, and fall asleep on their own. I cooked about a zillion meals. Got a new accordion. And I got to enjoy my kids and be a little lazier than my usual busy self. There were TONS of things I did not do that I wanted to do, but I have a feeling when my 35 pound uterus shrinks back to size it may be easier for me to do. Camping ended up outta the question due to the mobility factor. Working did not happen due to the large belly factor. Lots of things were a bit hampered due to the pregnancy, but whatever. It's almost over then I'll figure out how I'll be able to get things done with a newborn around. Really... it was a wonderful summer. Maybe the best I've ever had despite the large uterus, forceful baby kicks, and almost dislocated pelvis. Thank God though, we are all ok. Our family is safe and healthy right now, and to me that's all that matters. The next big thing will be to post what my big big kicker is gonna look like outside of the womb, and I can't wait to meet him/her because we've had a nice long summer together and it's about time we get to know each other even better.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Summer Belly

Summer is just so fun. But I guess it's more fun when you don't have a job you have to go to everyday and can enjoy the 2 cutest girls on the planet. The sad part is two weeks of this precious time of the year are already gone :( But each day has been wonderful. We've been able to keep up with daily music lessons. The daily walks subsided due to pregnancy related pelvis shifting - but we stay busy. Today was the first day (for me) of swimming which was SO fun, and I can tell it will be a daily event for the girls now that it's warm enough and the cast was removed from Effie's arm. We also have been cooking every meal at home. We've gone out once so far - for lunch - and out once for donuts but other than that we've been able to manage around here. This is just a "checking in" post to say how happy I am with summer vacation - and that I hope you are all enjoying yourselves as well. I'll post some pics soon, but for tonight I just wanted to remind myself and the outside world of readers how fun it is to be on vacation, even if you can't go to the south of france. (but wouldn't that be nice?)

Monday, June 20, 2011


I do think I have to brag a little. For one thing, I'm relatively healthy, alive, happy, and I have the summer off (kind of). Technically we've had 4 days of summer since the grand finale of 1st grade ended, and every day has been quite.... well, nice is too nice of a word, but I guess I can say quite "awesome".

However, being pregnant has been trying to take away a bit of that "awesome". Carrying around a 25 pound belly that you didn't have 6 months ago can at times be a pain ... not really in the butt, but a pain on the back and the legs for sure. I'm getting used to it, but I keep thinking how with Celia and Effie I was pretty much able to do whatever, walk at least 3 miles a day, and go to work up until the day I went into labor. But... with this kid it's a little different. Summer (as I brag) has given us the chance to get back to walking every day, which is radical, but I'm really a slow poke. Good thing my kids don't run much, nor does their dad, so I don't have to scoot quickly. And back to the pregnant thingy, well, most people I've talked to seem to remind me that during my other pregnancies, I did not have: 2 kids, multiple teaching jobs, a thousand things on my plate, musical endeavors, or to have to take kids to school. And that's why I'm so so so so so so so glad it's summer. Cuz now, I pretty much just have the 25 pound belly, and have 2 kids. Oh, but I forgot, I still have laundry, a CD to finish recording, cooking, dishes, and places to go... but if I can get back to bragging, at least I get to take naps! Yeah... thanks to Jesus, Alex is outta school, and on summer vacation from work, which means, each afternoon, when that afternoon lull settles in, which I know hits a lot of people, not just the pregnant ones, I get that look on my face, and that fatigue seems to overpower my demeanor, and Alex says "go lay down", and I all of a sudden get this mighty wind of energy to run up as fast as I can and throw off my shoes and dive into a pillow. And to brag some more, well, my naps used to be about the length of an "Animaniacs" episode, 18 minutes or so, but now, since the husband shuts the doors and takes the kids outside, are at least an hour of super duper rest absolutely necessary for a pregnant woman to function like a non-PMSing woman or for any human being to be mentally stable enough to be kind. So, I appreciate it, and it allows the household to carry on in a plesant, well fed, and happy way.

Summer, as I continue to brag, has also brought about some new routines that have proven to be more reason for people to wish I was their mother. First, we have begun daily music lessons around here. It used to be that Celia would practice once a week or so apart from her regular lessons, but now she - and Effie get a good amount of music time each day in which they are learning the repertoire for the 9am English mass at Cristo Rey. At the rate we're going, they may be able to play all the mass sets in about a year (well), but so far they've learned about 3 songs. Celia on violin, and Effie is playing a small casio keyboard with her little left hand along with us. They are so so so amazing.

The second new routine is getting back to walking, which I will not elaborate on in detail because despite rather interesting conversations that takes place between Alex and the girls, and the extremely strange imaginary games they play with each other, like Effie pretending she left her physical body 3 blocks away and that the person actually following us is an alien twin sister of the real Effie, walking is never that exciting. I'm just happy when we're done, cuz I'm telling you. This little kicking 25 pound uterus/baby/womb/excess belly is not the most fun walking companion.

Routine number 3 is hanging out with the girls and Alex in the backyard after dark. We've been setting up lawn chairs, and for a few nights in a row, the girls make videos only lit with flashlights or flashing minnie mouse ears that light up. They just scream and chase each other around in the dark, then we sit down and take turns making up more strange stories. One of Effie's yesterday was about how this girl had a spoon that was large enough to reach the planet Mars, and that the girls who climbed it actually (and yes she says the word "actually" about twice per sentence) had to make a big helmet out of a cooking pot, which needed to be fixed in order to have a space for her eyeballs to be able to see, then decided a rocket ship, and a teeny tiny one (mind you) needed to be attached to a roller coaster that went up the giant spoon to Mars. And so those types of stories continue till I get too cold and tired and make everyone go inside. Tonight was even better though, cuz Alex set up our camping air mattress and brought out pillows and blankets so the girls could watch the few stars you can actually see in Glendale cozily. It was definitely a hit, but by the time the girls did go to bed, Effie was in tears cuz she said "that thing we were on in the backyard when we were laying down" was a lot more fun to sleep on than her bed. Wow. It really is fun to brag, and you're all lucky I don't own a personal journal, nor do I have patience to handwrite entries anymore, cuz now my personal life is just available for everyone to read.

And... I'll stop there but just say, that I am so lucky. Super lucky. Super happy. And if I'd be grateful for however many more days my life allows me to live, cuz life for me sure is good. Happy summer everyone! Make the most of it :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I'm waiting patiently and quietly unless someone calls me. If you know me, and you know me well, you know that over 6 years ago when Celia was born, she never slept in a crib. Maybe once or for some naps, but that thing took up too much space, plus, I was much more comfortable with the kid in the bed and happy I never had to wake up in the middle of the night to warm up or fix a bottle, which she never took anyway. When the sibling came, they both had a spot in between Alex and I always cuddled warm and cozy, and that carried on until recently. About a month or more has passed since the big girls decided to use their own bunk bed. The sleep together on the bottom bunk and every once in awhile someone pays a visit to our bed in the middle of the night. But until today I was still laying down with them to read books and wait for them to doze off before crawling out myself in a state of half sleep and fatigue that was ever so consuming. But we have been trying to have chats here and there about independence, and more than anything I'm getting too big and uncomfortable to be squeezed between them on a full sized mattress and climbing over them to escape for the night. So... tonight has been that first night that I tucked em in, gave them the official countdown after their prayers (count down from 10 to zero the hero hero hero as Cathie and Dad will understand) and left. Celia walked out with an owey complaint then went back, and after about 40 minutes they were still awake, tossing around, and talking to each other. I'm actually curios so I'll go check on them. Hold on..... well, whatdaya know. Success! I even took a picture to prove it. Certain things, that to other parents came a lot earlier, to us have taken some time. In one way it doesn't seem like a big deal, but for me, it means a new sense of freedom, and really a milestone. I remember weaning the two, and thinking it'd be a huge difficult deal, and it wasn't. Having them sleep in their bed came quite naturally, even though it took awhile. They still haven't mastered the art a riding a 2 wheeler, and Celia still gets a little extra help getting ready for school, but hopefully with some hard work, they will soon be cooking breakfast and doing the laundry.

Some people say that as soon as a kid is able to do something independently, they should do it. Well, so much for that one. I'm quite aware that my kids are capable of much more than they do. In fact, I myself was probably capable of doing A HECK OF A LOT independently that I DID NOT do when I should have, but I think my parents have always been too nice. I definitely wanna be too nice too, but I think I'll try to step it up a bit when they're older. Surely I don't want to be a militant mom, but I just don't think I'll be able to do it all on my own. A new Q will be here soon. I'm gonna be on overload, so I better start getting them to do everything they can on their own right? Well, I guess I'll at least try. As for now, tonight's victory seems like a great start :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hi. It's now March, and considering today was such a warm - well, actually hot day, all I could think about was summer. I love summer. I love not having to make lunch at 6:30am, or having to wake up a child that likes to sleep until 8:30am, and not having to drive around so much unless I want to. It's so fun. But then, I'm a lucky lady - cuz I get to be with my kids, work a little here and there, and I get to be with them so much. Other people get to too, but I am there ... most of the time... and it's all that matters to me.

I've been on vacation mode - with no Music Classes - really but in 2 weeks I'll be teaching over 10 music classes a week so I'll have to adjust. Now that I have a bigger belly that's getting in the way, and that the heat may be here to stay I can tell I'm in for it, so wish me luck.

The little ladies have done a lot of fun stuff lately. I left them with their father while I worked a few hours last week, and I asked him to do the dishes. I came home- and no dishes were washed, but the girls had made paper mache masks, and other objects, and a 10 foot collage with very odd pictures. That is something I don't do on a regular basis, so I forgave the lack of housework, because the ladies are so lucky to have a dad that won't let them be idle, who wants to create with them and let them be creative, and even though my mom may not believe it, when they are with me - they are usually playing while I clean... ok - so sometimes I don't get to clean everything - but I do get to make a mess and cook a lot.

And today the little girls got their hair chopped. Being pregnant, I'm a bit more on the lazy side. I just wanted to sit around, eat, and gossip with my friend who was over, but Effie asked for a hair cut, and Celia insisted the hair hanging on her neck was giving her a heat rash - so my friend encouraged me and got my scissors and helped me out. We just chopped away, and bam - the girls went from long haired ladies to bobbed beauties. They look adorable, and being someone who shaved her head - you would understand that I do not have much attachment to hair. It comes, it goes, and sometimes it even goes for good, so whatever, who cares.

My first born is now much closer to being a 2nd grader. My baby is almost gonna be a kindergardener. The other little kicker in the womb will be out before I know it. Time is passing a bit too quick don't cha think? I always tend to visualize the calendar in my mind - with September being the New Year - and we are just that much closer to the new year. All I can foresee is a couple of months of incredible quick movement, with teaching, mommying, the husband schooling, cooking, selling a car, having a yard sale, having numerous play dates, parties, gigs at libraries, face painting at parties, playing at church, making lunch, doing dishes, taking kids to school, picking kids up from school, going to work, working at work, working at schools, schooling at schools, dropping kids off, trying to nap, trying to plan, planning to try, and so on and so on and so on. And it exhausts me to think about it, so I'll stop. Cuz really - right now, even though tomorrow I have to do many of those things - make a lunch, make sure 2 kids are brushed, fed, pottied, and clothed, make it to music class on time, get another to school, pick another up early, go on a lunch date, take them to the dentist, get them to their Thursday Mama Lety day, clean up, get to Yoga class, then do all the night time routines and trying to cook at least 2 meals between, before, or throughout all of the above, at least right now I'm ok and rested and mentally ready.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Ciento Viente

Hi party animals.

Glad to be back in the world of the writing. It's 12:46 and about 29 minutes ago, I was talking to my almost sleeping husband about my disdain for the dishes that were hanging out in the kitchen. I felt a little awkward about letting them sit there over night, since some of them still contained much food. The pile was big and frightening, and I wanted to ignore it. The husband said he'd get to them tomorrow and to relax and go to bed, but since I had a small burst of energy, I felt that if I were to tackle those bad boys tonight, then he can focus on putting them all away tomorrow, and I would not likely have nightmares about them. So I walked to the kitchen, and tried to turn on the little silver radio my sister let me borrow, but I think it's seeing its last days. It would not turn on. I'll check the batteries tomorrow and if that doesn't work, I'll have the husband perform radio surgery. Anyhow, I was not able to be accompanied by the midnight rants of the Coast to Coast programming, which definitely lends itself to being a decent "doing the dishes comrade", so I went solo. I thought of my beat up hands that shower in scalding water for 20-40 minutes at a time each day and wondered if there my come a day that I become that lady who wears yellow plastic gloves while washing. Hmmm.. I doubt that will happen. After a few minutes of my domestic duty, I felt the satisfaction of taking on the task because I knew that tomorrow, or shall I say later, when I wake up, I still have to get ready, shower, make multiple lunches, pack, get kids dressed, make sure they eat, brush, and comb some braids, not to mention other things. So, at least now in the morning, I can do those zillions of things and not have to scoff at the stupid freakin' lame poopy dishes.

And here I am. Happy to be alive amidst all the worldly chaos. Happy that my most frequent complaint about my life actually happens to be the dishes. Happy that even though my kids keep coughing they are here with me and alive. Happy that I can make others happy. Happy you are reading. And happy that I'm about to make the decision to stop writing so I can get to bed before 1:04am.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Can't find my glasses, but I'll write anyway. It's a new year - haven't written much - not even when I've wanted too. I'm kickin myself in the butt for not writing down the many "effie-isms" that have been said lately. I mean, she's way too funny for her own good.

I'll just briefly explain - in list form some new things:

1. My bed is covered in many new pillows. They are very cozy.
2. The bed is also covered with 8 stuffed animals, a ton of change from someone emptying out a piggy bank, and clothes.
3. I'm writing in bed - on my laptop. Probably the first sara the sub blog to ever be written under covers.
4. I've been extremely lazy about doing anything. (probably cuz I'm pregnant)
5. My dishes are done - although the rest of the house looks like a tornado went through it. And to tell you the truth, at this moment, a blog entry and sleep are more important than a mess that I"ll just have to clean and re-clean for the rest of my life.
6. I'm getting bigger by the second. I can feel it.
7. I'm hungry for a full meal about every 2 hours.
8. Still doin the sub thing.
9. Still doin the music thing.
10. I'm so extra dumb busy that it's annoying but my life is so good, I'm gonna say I'd rather it not be any different.

So finally - I got a camera. That to me - besides being pregnant - has been the most exciting thing to happen to me in the last couple of weeks. I forgot the life I used to live behind a viewfinder - and it was always a life with a bit more curiosity, wit, and braver. I have gotten that feeling back. The one you get when you see a picture you want to take, but maybe you're too embarrassed to take it, cuz you don't want anyone to think you're crazy, then you think to yourself "hey, the worst thing that can happen is that they will tell you don't", and so you go on, and just point the camera and do not make eye contact and play dumb. But this doesn't happen often because my subjects are not commonly strangers - but my kids. And the girls never hesitate to pose or smile. And that's awesome.

We've been doing the same old things. Cooking. Driving. Eating. Sleeping. Cleaning. Cooking. Taking to school. Practicing. Homeworking. Not walking. Music classing. And all those things over and over again.

My girls are huge. So big. And so beautiful. They are the most beautiful beautiful little creatures on earth - and they are so excited that a little baby inside my tummy will soon meet them. They can't wait to teach the kid to talk, dance, and have fun. And the baby has been a good incentive for them to be good. As soon as they start to bicker I say. "is that what you wanna show the baby? The baby can hear you - so you better make a good example so the baby won't learn to argue". And they kind of listen, walk up to my belly, rub it, and say "hi baby", and go back to playing.

Celia's waiting for her 2nd tooth to come out. And Effie likes a lot of hair gel to keep her bangs outta her face. They are both so amazing that each time I take a good look at them, I know exactly why I was put on this earth, and I know exactly why I always felt I was destined to do something amazing in this world - and it's because of them. Making those two little girls was EXACTLY what I was born to do. And I'm sure I'll feel the same about "baby #3". He or she is going to be just as wonderful and amazing, and let's all send up the good vibes, prayers, and love that "baby #3" stays safe and gets out of that womb ok, and hopefully not bigger than Effie's whopping 9.8 lbs. Geeeeezzz.

I'll be seeing you readers around as I continue to grow and grow. Bug me and I'll write another blog before another month passes ok.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Yes. New Year. Blog.

Hi people. I was fast asleep in the land of "put my kids to bed and fall asleep with them and scrap your plans of getting anything done while they're asleep", then the phone rang (thankfully) and here I am. So instead of being asleep I can dutifully write the blog I've been meaning to blog for a blong time. Hmm.

And yes - 2010 passed rather quickly I must say without much going on in the world of Sara the Sub, but with some inspiration from my pops and his new blog - I feel like I should go back to the same fervor I once had about writing about my kids and my life. I really should continue- more than anything because this particular blog has been the blog detailing what I've done the past few years considering I no longer keep a journal or diary. So I guess that means I just have to continue to publicly publish the events that occur in the world of... hmmm.. I mean... the life of... as someone else says "me".

I'm good at making lists - but to write a list of the best things of 2010 would require some brain cells containing memory of 2010 and right now it all seems like a big blur. I believe Effie was in school, Celia finished one grade and went to the other, some offspring learned Spanish, I taught, started music jobs, ended music jobs, tried to get a job, didn't get a job, got some other jobs, played at new places, entertained new faces, tied my shoe laces, etc, etc, etc.

No - for reals. I guess a lot did happen. The CD turned out to be a great success. In fact I just got word that a group of elementary school children in Argentina are listening to my CD almost daily - and according to my CDBABY sales, 3 random people from across the United States are listening as well. Ha. I never meant for the CD to go much of anywhere, but I'm proud to say that multiple parents of children who enjoy the CD have told me they are very very tired of listening to it. That must mean - the kids are not.

Nothing particularly changed this year. Besides a zillion friends popping out children - most things stayed the same. Thankfully it was not a year or crisis for the most part. My mom made it through surgery like the tough lady she is. My dad still likes donuts. My sister found a boyfriend and strange enough I kind of do not remember life "before" him much. One day soon after they started dating I saw him chillaxing on my mom's sofa, feet up and all, and I thought to myself, "has this guy always been here and I just didn't notice or what?" The dog he brought into the family has been a nice Horlick addition as well. My kids are now little "masterminders" now that Dave is around which is cool. I became a great-aunt - and my nephew is getting hitched soon. Luckily - all the events that 2010 brought were accompanied with a bit of success and very little failure. In fact - maybe no failure at all.

I'm super happy that 2010 brought a camping trip and at the tail end a small road trip to the desert. Getting away does a lot of good. My kids turned out to be very good at being entertained my books on CD, a Nintendo DS, Strawberry Shortcake coloring books, drawing pictures of "jraguns" (that's how Celia spells dragons), and looking out the window for hours at a time. Which means that since road trip number 1 went well, we will be much more likely to plan road trip number 2 sooner than later.

The holidays turned out to be crazy, and hectic, and all that jazz, and maybe the best part of the new year is being rid of that madness- but we survived and Santa was pretty good to my kids for the most part. Effie was happy she didn't get any of the mud that had been threatened to show up throughout the year.

And along with the music stuff, work stuff, school stuff, cooking, dishes, dishes, dishes, cooking, visiting, walking, sleeping, driving, cleaning, and other regular activities, we made time to change things up a bit, with new friends, play dates with wine (not for the kids), going back to school (Alex), piano lessons, piggy banks, organizing, a yard sale, and no more disneyland passes (to name a few).

But I'll stop here - just so I can post pictures - and hopefully find some inspiration that will bring the blog back a bit more regularly. Thank you for reading last year. Hope you keep with me this year. Thank you for being so awesome. If this year can be even "almost" as good as last year - I'll be ok with that.