Friday, August 29, 2008


Do you remember the part in Pee Wee's Big Adventure when the pet store is on fire, and he is rescuing the animals? Remember how every time he goes back in the store to rescue something else, he looks at the snakes with disgust? Well, it's that feeling I have every time I walk past the kitchen and look at the dishes. I'll do anything else imaginable before I tackle them. That's why I'm writing this right now, because the dishes are in the sink waiting for me, and I'm doing whatever possible to avoid them. Too bad I can't just rescue the dishes, then run outside and have a hot fireman help me out of my misery.

hahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahah.... Ok. Here I go. Wish me luck.

P.S. (I have a feeling only Monica and Cathie will understand me right now)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Crappy Story (reader's discretion advised)

If you don't like stories about poop, then don't read today ok. I once read a really funny short story about a guy who went into a bathroom at a party just to find a big log in the toilet that wouldn't flush, and had to devise a plan to get rid of it before the people behind him in line thought it was his. (it was funny... I promise)

The other night when we were walking, Alex watched some lady very neatly pick up her dog's crap, and said how he wanted a dog, but would rather not, cuz it would just mean having to clean up another piece of poop each day. Se la vie.

And all this leads to offspring #2. (I'll take your word if you decide to leave an anonymous comment for me to delete this post if it offends anyone K?)

So... yeah... it all started when one day a few months ago, #2 (aka Effie, Rosey, Goo Goos, the Destructor) had that smirk on her face. I knew it was her "time", so I left her in peace, in her room, to do her business - in her diaper. While I was in the other room with Celia, I decided to go check on the kid to see if she was ready for a diaper change. To my surprise, I saw an empty, opened diaper on the floor. As I kept looking, and calling for my Effie, I saw a piece of shit on the floor.

"What the?"

The piece of crap led to another small pebble, which then led to the bathroom, where to my surprise I saw Effie literally shoving shit into the toilet. She was SO proud of herself, emptying her own diaper into the toilet and trying to flush it down with her soggy dirty hands.

Yeah, gross, I know. You might think this was a sign of her being ready to be potty trained, and I'm sure it was, but she's 1, (almost 2 now) and it was a bit of a shock. Since then, I no longer give her privacy to do her business, and immediately take charge when she's done so she doesn't get the silly idea of "independence" again.

Luckily, after that we had no more poopy adventures in our house. Thank God. But this past week, we decided to take a trip to Palm Desert. Upon packing for the trip, I went out to get a fresh bag of swimmy diapers so as not to let the little crapper have any accidents in someone else's pool. (This past summer she has been notorious for getting the "urge" to go while swimming, and since she's smart and tells me, I've been able to pick her up and send her home to do her "thing").

Anyhow... soo... while at the swimmy pool I realized she had the look of nature calling in her eyes. I picked her up, and yup, she did her thing in the pool, but luckily she had that "swimmy" diaper on, so I was in the clear. (so I thought)

I ran over and yelled at Alex who was busy playing Pole Position or something like that in the game room, and said "Code Red!" "We've got a big one here!" - wait a minute... I didn't say that.. I think I really said "Hey, come here and watch Celia while I change Effie".

He came and I decided to take off Effie's bathing suit to change her poolside as I was prepared with wipes, dipes, etc etc...

I took off her bathing suit and ... plop. A big soggy crap the size of a baseball falls onto the floor. Woops! I did my best to pick it up as neatly as that lady did picking up after her dog on that walk the other day, and put it in the trash. I left behind a tiny piece of something stinky on the floor and yelled at Alex to figure something out and pick it up while I ran off with a stinky kid who needed her bathing suit to be doused in bleach or something.

She stunk, was wet, and gross, and I ran into the hotel lobby/game room/nice hallway area and got us to the showers. (yeah, this place was fancy. I thought I'd have to bathe the kid in a sink, but there was a locker room thingy) ok ok ok. I know this is getting long, but I've come this far so just hang in there... or not.

So I wash the child. Wash the bathing suit. Wash myself. All clear.... then I go outside.

"Where the hell is Alex and Celia???? Crap! They bailed!" Well, they didn't bail, but Celia wanted to swim in the big pool, so there they were. Meanwhile, a new family made it to the baby pool where the disaster occurred.

"Alex! Did you pick up the little leftovers?"


"With what?"

"With a napkin I found on the floor."

"Is it gone?"

"I think so"

Safe... (again, so I thought)

While we were swimming in the big pool Effie starts to freak out. With her semi-sign language / grunting, she tells me she wants to go back to the baby pool. So we head back. But as we are about to head over, I see the hotel officials. (Maybe they were just some cleaning ladies, but all of a sudden they looked like the FBI to me) They were investigating "something".

I forced Effie to stay in the big pool with me while I watched them like some criminal hiding in a bush. The next thing I see is one of the ladies leaving, then bringing back a man with...... plastic gloves!

"Oh SHIT!" "Alex must not have picked up the leftovers!" Well, he did, and it was strange, cuz the plastic gloves man was looking in the pool while little kids were swimming, then they left.

What the heck were they looking for? Did someone see something? Were we on camera? Did someone report a smell? Could there have been a big bug in the pool that needed to be removed? Why were they there? I had no idea, but Effie's crappy moment was making too much excitement for us. Either way, she still insisted on going back, so we did, and as she swam I inspected the area, and did not find any remains of evidence, but it was a little ranky smelling.

To end this shitty story, Celia and Alex came back to the little pool with us, we swam, and while no one was around, we decided to make a run for it back to LA before anyone else came outside. We took the back route as to not enter the building and made it home in the clear. Damn those swimmy diapers. Next time I buy them I'm buying size "teeny tiny" so that nothing can slip out the sides, or I'll take Lety's advice to put some masking or duct tape around her thighs to attach that swimmy diaper to her body!

Friday, August 22, 2008

X.T. Update

Our X.T. (christmas tree) is still outside and it has officially changed colors again, from green (to begin with), to light brown, then to yellow (six months later) and to red (the color it is now). It's still in our driveway and my neighbors just sent their congratulations for finally getting rid of it. They were very proud. I then told them to read my blog, because I have no shame.

Effie has become quite the little Kamikaze jumper this week. She did a nose dive from the baby slide in the backyard (that I purposely moved onto the grass to avoid her falling, but it was still near the cement) onto the concrete which scratched her nose up. Everyone we see keeps asking her who beat her up or who bit her. The next day at the park she decided to walk right into a pole which then aggravated her nose yet again. (a curly haired little Jewish girl with her Mexican nanny walked up to me and asked in one of those real cute baby voices "wha happen to your niƱa?", after having asked Effie 10 times. Since Effie did not respond [because she's slightly mute], she tried me.) Yesterday she tried doing the same acrobatic leap from a slide about 6 feet higher. Today she decided to run down the driveway 142 times to me, and on the 141th run, she ate it and tasted the concrete again, splitting open her nasty scab that already made her look a little like a baby bear. I have been tempted all week to draw whiskers on her face so people won't think I have been beating her up and so she'd just look like a cute animal. Now it's worse, and as she sleeps I am lathering her snout in Neosporin.

As for our 1st born, she has not done anything funny enough worth posting that I can think of at this time. Have a great weekend. I'm looking forward to mine. Are you? Peace out fools.


Some people reading this blog may have had the same CCD (catechism, religious education) teacher as I did. His name was Bill. I'm not sure what his last name was, Mr.... something, but anyway, Bill was a greasy haired nut.

I always remember him teaching us with an exceptionally loud tone of voice. He scared the crap out of me. On some occasions I even argued with him, like the time he told me I was going to hell cuz I loved my Mom more than God. Woops! Even though he was nuts, he was definitely my favorite CCD teacher, and the only one I can remember. I even remember (even though I was 12) some of the things he taught us. Between cigarettes, I remember him telling us:

"You wanna know who's gonna get into heaven?"

"People who get their hands dirty".

hmmm.. I thought. Mechanics got a straight shot!.

He said:

"When you die, and walk up before God, he's gonna say - 'let me see your hands'. (I always imagine Snow White asking to see the Dwarf's hands at this point) If your hands are clean, perty, nice, and soft, tough luck! It's gonna be the hard workers, the ones who got DIRTY that are gonna walk through heaven's gates!"

I tend to think about this every night while I do the dishes. If Mr... Moore!! (I just remembered - Mr. Moore) Yeah, so if Mr. Moore was right, I won't even have to knock at the door, cuz my hands are JACKED up from washing so many dishes. They are all tough, I have calluses, and they are lookin' more like a 60 something-year-old's hands than a 29 year olds. These hands are sure torn up. I just better show up before I wash the suds off.

Monday, August 18, 2008


If you are reading this blog, you can just look over to the right to see pictures of my beautiful family. Damn, my kids are cute aren't they. Children are a wonderful blessing from God. I live for those beauties. Those smiles are precious. The laughs, dances, and good times are... priceless. (I could definitely write the word "But" now, but I'll use "And" so as not to negate any of the previous statements.

And at the end of the day, when the dishes (which were not there this morning) are now piled high, when you feel tired, when there's a puddle of water from the night time bath party on the floor, when glitter is all over the kitchen table, when the couch slip covers are in the wash soaking after Effie drew on them with blue marker, when this morning's rice crispies are stuck to the floor and need to be scraped off with a knife, when there are clothes everywhere, when there are markers and princess cards and puzzle pieces scattered all over the floor of many rooms, when 3 freakin dvds are overdue, when you got called for jury duty, when there is sand in your bed from Effie's shoes that made it under the covers after the morning trip to the park, and when it's 9pm, and the whining just never seems to stop..... I can look at those beautiful pictures AND all I can do is thank God that THEY ARE FINALLY ASLEEP.

You know, I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I love my kids. AND - I love them most when they are sleeping. When my kids are asleep, they are still there, as cute as can be, but they are quiet. They are kind. They are loving. They are cuddly. It's wonderful.

I just don't get how parents do it. I mean - for me... paper towels are a luxury. I can understand now why people use paper plates - all the time. I get why mom's want a full time job even if their husband is a baller. I know why my neighbors get gym memberships to ship the babies off to the daycare. Every second alone is like magic.

Today, I talked to a good friend of mine who just had a kid.

"So, did anyone ever tell you that the life you had was over once you had children?", I asked her.

"Yeah, people told me that, but I didn't get it. Now I know."

See - I'm not the only one. It's not like I want my single, non-mommy life back (hmmm... wait a minute, let me think... do I ??), oh - yeah, no no no... but man.... as Marty McFly would say...its - "Heavy".

And... now - as I look at this screen and put this to a close - I'll stop the whining. I'm gonna just click the "publish post" link and begin. Begin the clean-up - so tomorrow I can start over and see what the heck may come my way.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


During Christmas time we started asking Celia what she was gonna ask Santa for.

"What do you want Santa to bring you for Christmas??"
- " A BIIIIIIGGG Christmas Treeeee!"

During that time, she got to visit Santa at the mall a few times with both sets of grandparents, and each time the Santas asked her what she wanted she'd say:


She said they asked her what else she wanted, and she would reply "nothing". "Just a tree".

Ok. We thought that'd be easy. For the most part, it was. It was probably 2 days before Christmas and we were starting to feel real guilty that we hadn't gotten our kid the only thing she really wanted yet. We ended up getting a much too expensive tree in the rain - but was worth it. On the way home she was sooo happy. Effie was sooo excited too, and when we put it up in the living room they stayed there all night, hugging and smelling the tree.

I looked at that tree today, and funny thing is - it actually still smelled. (no.. it didn't smell foochy - it smelled like a Christmas Tree).


Well, Celia's love for her tree made quite an impression on Alex.
These were the reasons (I think) that he put the ornaments back on after I had already removed them, and demanded the tree should stay.

1. Celia loved it so much and we couldn't take it away from her.
2. He wanted to watch the tree transform (not die) but "change".
3. He thought it looked cool.
4. He wanted to pester me.

Whatever the reason - he put the ornaments on the top so the kids would stop trashing them and breaking them all over the house, and then, Celia and Effie helped him redecorate it with 200 feet of cassette "tape" from a destroyed cassette. (which made it difficult for me to remove the lights. Anyhoo... it was there... for a long time.

If you came to Effie's baptismal bash, you might have seen the yellow tree in the living room, tilted, yet still fresh with a pine smell... and if you asked me what it was doing there, I probably ignored you.

When it was time that day for Effie to open her gifts, we were around the tree and Alex's Uncle Serge said :

"Hey Sara! Call Alex so he can see all these presents under the tree - then... maybe he will finally believe that Santa CAME!"

hahahaha. I thought it was funny. A few weeks ago, my neighbor was looking for me and peeping through the window. When I saw her later in the day she said "What the HELL is a Christmas tree still doing in your house". I didn't answer much. Just that - my husband liked it.

But tonight... I was cleaning up, (as usual when the little children fall into the land of slumber) and I looked at the little, wilted, yellow tree, then walked into Alex's dungeon and asked him, "Can I put the tree out now?? There are spiders under it.". He said "Sure". (I think he has Arachnophobia)

Within 9 minutes the tree was de-ornamented and put outside, and during those 9 minutes, I got a little sad.

It did still smell good.
Some people didn't even notice it was there.
Celia still liked telling people how lucky she was that she got to "keep" her tree.

To end this long story - it's gone. (Dad - if you are reading - which I'm sure you are - please tell mom. Maybe I can score some brownie points)

It's sitting next to our driveway (if anyone wants to come take a picture) and it'll be gone when the trashman comes on Tuesday. (I bet he'll be a bit baffled)

Honestly, I will miss it a little, but I'm actually really glad I ended up getting rid of it, cuz a 3 month overdue VHS tape from the Glendale library that I had been looking for was hidden underneath it.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Ok. OK. I just blogged like 2 minutes ago, but something came to mind, and it's freaggin early by my new life standards and I haven't even had coffee yet. Wait. Maybe I should get a cup so I can keep it together. Naw.. I think I'll handle it ok. The only problem I may have is spelling correctly cuz I'm blind (not as blind as Monica). The reason I know I'm blind is cuz today I told a girl I loved her "ALF" t-shirt. When she said "this is Hannah Montana" I thought to myself "Opps. I do need a new prescription".

Anyway - way way way besides the point there. Sorry.

Subbing. Sara the Sub. Substitute teaching. It's been 2 months since I've subbed. I don't really miss it, cuz my babies are too much fun, and I usually feel too guilty subbing cuz it's a damn easy job where I work, but the reason I do blog is because I am a substitute teacher.

I needed a way to post the pictures of the kids I sub for, and I thought, why not post them, and write something too right? RIGHT!

When I was in high school, we had lots of crappy substitute teachers. We did though have one great one, who was about 96 years old, and wore the same suit and tie, and who was an avid reader of "Dear Abby". He'd stand up, read a "Dear Abby" letter, laugh, and say "Can you believe that?". I really do think he must have been my inspiration to do what I do now. When you have a crappy teacher, there was just nothing like seeing that sub walk in your room. It's like seeing an angel.

Alex told me that when they had subs who would show videos, someone in class would have an extra remote around to keep fast forwarding, or shut off the movie, making the sub all frantic and crazy. See - this is what I mean ! Substitute teachers sometimes = FUN!

Since Alex and I are both subs, we both share the same tricks of the trade. I can not list too many of the tricks, but the first rule is "Take out a pen, or pencil, and a notebook and keep it out at all times, and LOOK BUSY!". If you are a student of ours, you know how often this rule is broken, but at least we try.

Again, most of this is besides the point. What I am trying to get at is why I draw people.

First of all, subbing can be REALLY REALLY boring. After the first 30 seconds of the initial euphoria we bring to the students who forgot their homework that day, everything else is downhill. You should see some of the excitement we bring. Kids yelling up and down the hall that their teacher is gone. Some kids fall to their knees thanking Jesus that their teacher is not there and we are. But after awhile - most kids forget we are there. They use the opportunity of having a sub to gossip, put on makeup, sleep, or "go to the library" - yeah right.

So drawing kids came from boredom. Working at an artsy fartsy school comes in handy for me, so during the dull moments, I ask a kid who can draw to have a "draw off". We draw each other and then I get to say "mine's better". Ok, sometimes mine do suck, but that's where they come from.

Portraits make people happy. Some people may or may not have gone to Knott's Berry Farm to have their caricature done, and for those who haven't I bring happiness. The pictures you see here, are of kids I get to stare at for 5-15 minutes at a time, and while we look at each other, I get to scribble, stare, erase, and chat. It takes away the usual monotony of sitting in front of a bunch of pubescent sleepyheads.

Other subs read the newspaper. Some act like Commando or Hitler. Some subs play air guitar, and others play charades. Some subs rap, and some subs sleep. Some subs just press "play". But I ... like to draw.


You don't know how bad I wish I could blog about things I shouldn't and will not blog about. I'm considering making a new blog under a fake name so I can use other fake names to write stories about people I wish I could gossip about, cuz their stories are much more interesting than my own. And don't worry. If you are reading this I'm not talking about you. The people I wish I could chismiar (gossip) about are usually my neighbors who don't read my blog yet - I hope. But whatever.

And for you who are reading - thanks for the encouragement. I'm glad you like reading about the chaos in my life, and I feel like now the pressure is on. I must please you and continue, and since I didn't do the dishes tonight (cuz they were done in the afternoon) I haven't had my usual "stand in front of the window - stare into space - and ponder blog ideas" moment. So I'll try without my dishwashing enlightenment.

It's been another week since I wrote. The day after I told you peeps to "think three time" about having kids, I was able to get out of the house in 30 minutes from waking up the girls. They got up and I immediately put them in front of a bowl of rice crispies topped with chocolate syrup, changed a diaper, wiped another kids butt, and ran out of the house. I don't even remember where we went, but it was fast, and I felt accomplished for 5 minutes. That doesn't last long, when you have a day like today, when it does take over an hour to go somewhere, and I end up walking back into the house 6 different times when the car is on because:

1. forgot deodorant (oh God forbid)
2. left the wipeys on the counter (God forbid you leave the house without these when the kids are drinking yogurt drinks with no straws or sippy cups)
3. forgot Celia's Jaguar Socks (God forbid you try to put on her shoes without them)
4. forgot the peaches (God forbid you don't at least TRY to offer your kids something besides macaroni and cheese in a day).
5. forgot to lock the windows (God forbid someone robs all of Alex's music gear on my account)
6. had to pee again (yes - God forbid I have to try to maneuver 2 kids into a bathroom with me)

You know what. I can't even remember where we went this morning to make life so difficult. I think we went to Home Depot or the park, or something. Either way, it was rough. Effie freaked cuz she spilled water all over herself and her favorite track of "this is halloween" from Nightmare Before Christmas was skipping and Celia freaked cuz when we got to the park she decided she wanted Effie's shoes.

But when you are all on the park bench, and no one is crying, and you are all eating your burritos with beans, eggs, and cheese wrapped in foil, and everyone has shoes on, and you are in the shade, and no one has fallen on their face off the bench (yet), all the madness starts to subside, and you know everything is OK.

We all made it home in one piece today, and besides Effie almost taking a big crap in someone else's pool, there were no major catastrophies. Thank God.

I'm gonna let the weekend take it's course, and write again soon. But as for now, I'm just checking in to let you know, I'm alive, I'm tired, the dishes are done, and now I can do the laundry and say TTFN. Peace out.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Think Twice

Someone once told me a story about someone else telling him not to "think twice" about a decision, but to "think 3 times". I tend to think about it when I talk to people about having kids.

And here's my second disclaimer since starting a blog:

I in no way or form regret having kids.

With that said: I am saying Think Three Times about having children if you like to go places in a timely manner.

Today was a normal summer Tuesday, in which plans were made to visit people, take my viejo to work, eat, go somewhere, etc, and 10am rolled around with very little progress being made to leave the household.

This may give you an idea of how freaggin crazy, stupid, or difficult things may be at times.

Woke up at 7:30
Played with Effie
Took her to the grocery store
Came back
Put away groceries while Effie sat in the car.
(well, not the entire time) (and don't worry, I left the windows down)
Brought Effie in.
Woke up her sister.
Let them watch a movie.
Made bacon, potatoes, eggs.
Called the clan to eat.
Everyone was busy.
I ate alone.
Celia freaked out about a shoe not being tight enough.
Effie wanted me to carry her throughout Celia's entire fiasco.
Alex ate his breakfast.
Begged the children to eat.
Brought Effie to the table.
She ate potatoes.
Meanwhile Celia was screaming on the toilet about something.
I fixed the shoe.
Everyone was happy.
We drew fairies.
While they drew I shoved food in Effie and Celia's mouth.
They realized it was a delicious, fattening breakfast.
They devoured bacon by the mouthfulls.
Effie decided to eat yogurt.
Effie decided to put her fists in the yogurt.
Effie then mixed yogurt with her water.
Effie dumped the mixture onto the table and floor.
Alex said "lets go already on a walk".
I said " I have to bathe. I have'nt in days and Effie has yogurt in her ears"
Celia needed to draw fancy jewlery on her fairy with green marker.
They left the table.
We all managed to get in the shower.
Effie kept falling out because the door opens to easily.
Celia put soap in her eyes - as usual.
Effie put soap in her mouth and eyes - as usual.
I managed to wash my hair with baby soap.
We made it out of the shower.
Appropriate Diego and Dora towels were distributed.
Wet babies jumped on the bed and ran around the house.
Alex gave up on the idea of going anywhere before having to report to the dungeon.
Tooth brushing.
We made it to the bathroom to brush teeth.
Celia wanted to floss first.
Effie needed Celia's toothbrush.
Celia took it back.
Effie wanted to eat toothpaste as usual.
Celia brushed by herself.
Effie fell off the little bench by the sink. As usual.
Time to put on shoes again, cuz pre-shower everyone was wearing different outfits.
Oh yeah, and Effie did manage to pee on the potty in the morning.
Then pee on the bathroom floor before her shower.
So came the counting threats.
-"OK ok - I"ll take the RED POLKA DOT ONE!"
Not too bad. Got the dress on.
Effie put on a dress.
She decided to then eat cherries.
She put cherrie spit all over her dress while ejecting the pits.
I put her in the car. With no shoes.
Celia came to the car wearing tap shoes 4 sizes too big.
Alex packed the snacks, drinks, got keys, wallets, purses, took out trash.
We made it to the car by 12:15pm.

See what a freaggin morning is like with children? And mind you - I probably left out 114 other big details. Think 3 times.
That's all I can say.

Monday, August 4, 2008

thousands of drunkards

(can you say P.S. before writing something? Well - P.S. - read this now, cuz I'm not sure if I'll keep this blog up here.)

There is just nothing like leaving your children in the hands of professionals to be able to go out and see what the hell actually goes on in the real world. Being amongst thousands of drunk and stoned people in the dark dancing to reggae music is definitely fun, and thanks to those pros I left my kids with, I was able to have some time off.
When I'm at home doing the mommy thing, I rarely think about what I could be missing out on, or what's going on, cuz I don't really care, but I have to admit, I was glad to get out.

Since Alex is a bit clostrophobic, we left our fancy seats at the Hollywood Bowl to wander around while UB40 played. We walked up and down the escalators, and kept going up to the top where all the fun was. There is definitely a different kind of energy when you can see thousands of people in front of you dancing, screaming, and watching a concert. We walked in and out of huge cholo Dodger fans who also loved the song "Red Red Wine" apparently. It was hard getting past the frenzy of people who were dancing the lambada in the isles while we just tried to get a better view from the other side of the hill. Man, it was so fun.

The music was even better than all the crowd excitement. And while I was there, watching, listening, or shoving myself through all the madness, I began to wonder if you can watch concerts from heaven.

When BJ died, they asked me to play the music for his funeral, and I did, and I was also asked to play "Red Red Wine" at the end of the mass. I ran it by the priest, and he kind of oked it as long as it wasn't too loud, and left it for the end, and we did play it. I don't think that many people heard me and Kim sing it, but it was good, and it is a good song, and I'm glad BJ liked it, cuz I do too. It was impossible to be there, listen to that song sound better than I've ever heard, and better than it ever sounded in a cassette tape player, on the radio, or wherever and not think of BJ. How could I not?

So, do you think you can watch concerts from heaven? Well, if you can watch concerts, than you can probably smoke too, and if you can smoke you can probably have a drink as well. If that ends up being true (probably not) then I'm sure he BJ was there, with a Kool in one hand, a beer in the other, and dancing with the cholos.

Well, whatever - Anyhow....I'm just glad I was there, with my man, a Pepsi, my homies, and the thousands of drunkards.

Friday, August 1, 2008


Even though I barely see anyone besides my immediate family, most of all my children - I think I have a rare disease. It is called - "talk to everyone you've ever met and meet new people way too much" disease.
With myspace, and facebook, it's way too easy to keep in contact with peeps. I think I take after my pops, in the sense that I K.I.T. with way too many people. I don't mind at all, in fact I'm always curious about peeps. I like peeps. What can I say? If I had more time, I'd probably fill up each day of the month hanging out with a different person, to just blab, gossip, and chillz.
I know almost every single person that lives on my block. I do have some favorites, that's for sure, but for being as social as I am, it seems like I barely ever even see anyone anymore.
There is though, one person I do see every once in awhile, who is my favorite - and that's M.M. (Monica M.)
I was thinking about her today after I woke up from this strange nightmare. She had nothing to do with the nightmare, but I thought about her.
She's been my Best Homey since Kindergarden - and that was 25 freakin years ago - or 26 now? I have no clue - but she has always been my best friend.
Anyhow... I was remembering that once she spent the night, and said to me - "let's try writing with our other hand". So, I took a pen, and started trying to write with my left hand.

It didn't go so well. I was writing like an idiot. Then... I said " monica - it's your turn".
So, she took the pen, grabbed it with her left hand and started writing.
"wow!!!!! You are SOOO good at that!" I couldn't believe that my best friend was ambidextrous. The only person I knew who could do that was my first grade teacher, and I was shocked.

A few minutes later, she was sitting on my bed, busting a gut, then told me she was left handed. And I was like " oh yeah, duh, I forgot". And all that time, I was sitting there trying to be as cool as she was, and attempting to learn the tricks of left hand writing. What a dork I am.