Ok. OK. I just blogged like 2 minutes ago, but something came to mind, and it's freaggin early by my new life standards and I haven't even had coffee yet. Wait. Maybe I should get a cup so I can keep it together. Naw.. I think I'll handle it ok. The only problem I may have is spelling correctly cuz I'm blind (not as blind as Monica). The reason I know I'm blind is cuz today I told a girl I loved her "ALF" t-shirt. When she said "this is Hannah Montana" I thought to myself "Opps. I do need a new prescription".
Anyway - way way way besides the point there. Sorry.
Subbing. Sara the Sub. Substitute teaching. It's been 2 months since I've subbed. I don't really miss it, cuz my babies are too much fun, and I usually feel too guilty subbing cuz it's a damn easy job where I work, but the reason I do blog is because I am a substitute teacher.
I needed a way to post the pictures of the kids I sub for, and I thought, why not post them, and write something too right? RIGHT!
When I was in high school, we had lots of crappy substitute teachers. We did though have one great one, who was about 96 years old, and wore the same suit and tie, and who was an avid reader of "Dear Abby". He'd stand up, read a "Dear Abby" letter, laugh, and say "Can you believe that?". I really do think he must have been my inspiration to do what I do now. When you have a crappy teacher, there was just nothing like seeing that sub walk in your room. It's like seeing an angel.
Alex told me that when they had subs who would show videos, someone in class would have an extra remote around to keep fast forwarding, or shut off the movie, making the sub all frantic and crazy. See - this is what I mean ! Substitute teachers sometimes = FUN!
Since Alex and I are both subs, we both share the same tricks of the trade. I can not list too many of the tricks, but the first rule is "Take out a pen, or pencil, and a notebook and keep it out at all times, and LOOK BUSY!". If you are a student of ours, you know how often this rule is broken, but at least we try.
Again, most of this is besides the point. What I am trying to get at is why I draw people.
First of all, subbing can be REALLY REALLY boring. After the first 30 seconds of the initial euphoria we bring to the students who forgot their homework that day, everything else is downhill. You should see some of the excitement we bring. Kids yelling up and down the hall that their teacher is gone. Some kids fall to their knees thanking Jesus that their teacher is not there and we are. But after awhile - most kids forget we are there. They use the opportunity of having a sub to gossip, put on makeup, sleep, or "go to the library" - yeah right.
So drawing kids came from boredom. Working at an artsy fartsy school comes in handy for me, so during the dull moments, I ask a kid who can draw to have a "draw off". We draw each other and then I get to say "mine's better". Ok, sometimes mine do suck, but that's where they come from.
Portraits make people happy. Some people may or may not have gone to Knott's Berry Farm to have their caricature done, and for those who haven't I bring happiness. The pictures you see here, are of kids I get to stare at for 5-15 minutes at a time, and while we look at each other, I get to scribble, stare, erase, and chat. It takes away the usual monotony of sitting in front of a bunch of pubescent sleepyheads.
Other subs read the newspaper. Some act like Commando or Hitler. Some subs play air guitar, and others play charades. Some subs rap, and some subs sleep. Some subs just press "play". But I ... like to draw.
i don't remember any of my subs. but i used to think the younger ones were cool. i bet the kids think you guys are so cool, cuz you are!!
Don't you remember that one that we had in English class. What was his name? Something Irish...we heard that he was dating Ashley Hunt when we graduated? He was okay. But yeah-most of our teachers were just not into teaching us. They had more important things to do. I also remember that one sub. I have a picture of him-Birney? Was that his name. Something like that. He was a sweet 'ol guy. Visit!!!! Late-
It was Bernie - I loved him too. OH yeah, Mr. Bailey, your boyfriend. hahahahaha
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